[][src]Crate normal_map

A helper that maps a range of values to and from the normalized range [0.0, 1.0] using various gradients, useful for DSP applications.

(currently in beta)


// Import normal mappers that uses internal f32 values.
// (f64 is available as well)
use normal_map::f32::*;

// Linear mapper
let lin_map = LinearMap::new(-50.0, 50.0, Unit::Generic);

assert!((lin_map.normalize(25.0) - 0.75).abs() <= 0.0001);
assert!((lin_map.denormalize(0.25) - (-25.0)).abs() <= 0.0001);

// Efficiently map an array/slice of values.
let in_normals = [0.0f32, 1.0, 0.25, -0.25];
let mut out_values = [0.0f32; 4];

lin_map.denormalize_array(&in_normals, &mut out_values);

// Generic type for any mapper
let normal_map = NormalMap::discrete::<isize>(-5, 5);

assert!((normal_map.normalize(3 as f32) - 0.8).abs() <= 0.0001);



Normal mapping using f32 as the internal unit.


Normal mapping using f64 as the internal unit.