normal-heights 0.1.1

Creates normal maps from height maps.
use image::{DynamicImage, GrayImage, RgbImage};

// Why 6.0? Because that was the whole number that gave the closest results to
// the topographic map and normal map I was using as reference material.
// Considering my primary intent for creating this library is to create
// alternatives to those two files to use in the program they came with, it
// seemed like a good idea to match them, at least approximately.
pub const DEFAULT_STRENGTH: f32 = 6.0;

struct AdjPixels {
    nw: f32, n : f32, ne: f32,
     w: f32,           e: f32,
    sw: f32, s : f32, se: f32,

impl AdjPixels {
    /// edge pixels are duplicated when necessary
    #[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names, clippy::absurd_extreme_comparisons)]
    fn new(x: u32, y: u32, img: &GrayImage) -> Self {
        let n = if y <= 0 { 0 } else { y-1 };
        let s = if y >= (img.height()-1) { img.height()-1 } else { y+1 };
        let w = if x <= 0 { 0 } else { x-1 };
        let e = if x >= (img.width()-1) { img.width()-1 } else { x+1 };

        AdjPixels {
            nw: fetch_pixel(n,w,img),
            n : fetch_pixel(n,x,img),
            ne: fetch_pixel(n,e,img),
             w: fetch_pixel(y,w,img),

             e: fetch_pixel(y,e,img),
            sw: fetch_pixel(s,w,img),
            s : fetch_pixel(s,x,img),
            se: fetch_pixel(s,e,img),

    /// Calculates the normals along the x-axis. Usually used for the red
    /// channel after normalization..
    fn x_normals(&self) -> f32 {
          + 2.0*(self.e -self.w )

    /// Calculates the normals along the y-axis. Usually used for the green
    /// channel after normalization.
    fn y_normals(&self) -> f32 {
        -(       self.nw-self.sw
          + 2.0*(self.n -self.s )

/// Fetches the pixel at (x,y) and returns its value as an f32 scaled to between
/// 0.0 and 1.0. Coordinate parameters are reversed from usual to better match
///   compass directions.
fn fetch_pixel(y: u32, x: u32, img: &GrayImage) -> f32 {
    (img.get_pixel(x,y)[0] as f32)/255.0

/// Creates the normal mapping from the given image with
pub fn map_normals(img: &DynamicImage) -> RgbImage {
    map_normals_with_strength(img, DEFAULT_STRENGTH)

/// Creates the normal mapping from the given image with the given strength.
pub fn map_normals_with_strength(img: &DynamicImage, strength: f32) -> RgbImage {
    let img = img.clone().into_luma();
    let mut normal_map = RgbImage::new(img.width(), img.height());

    for (x, y, p) in normal_map.enumerate_pixels_mut() {
        let mut new_p = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
        let s = AdjPixels::new(x,y,&img);

        new_p[0] = s.x_normals();
        new_p[1] = s.y_normals();
        new_p[2] = 1.0/strength;

        let new_p = scale_normalized_to_0_to_1(&normalize(new_p));

        p[0] = (new_p[0]*255.0) as u8;
        p[1] = (new_p[1]*255.0) as u8;
        p[2] = (new_p[2]*255.0) as u8;

fn normalize(v: [f32;3]) -> [f32;3] {
    let v_mag = (v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]).sqrt();
    [v[0]/v_mag, v[1]/v_mag, v[2]/v_mag]

fn scale_normalized_to_0_to_1(v: &[f32;3]) -> [f32;3] {
        v[0] * 0.5 + 0.5,
        v[1] * 0.5 + 0.5,
        v[2] * 0.5 + 0.5,

mod tests {
    use super::map_normals_with_strength;

    fn shapes_bmp_regression_test() {
        let height_map = image::open("./samples/shapes.bmp").unwrap();
        let test_normal = map_normals_with_strength(&height_map, 3.14);
        let reference_normal = image::open("./samples/shapes_normal_strength_3.14.png").unwrap().into_rgb();
        assert_eq!(reference_normal.width(), test_normal.width());
        assert_eq!(reference_normal.height(), test_normal.height());
        for (ref_pixel, test_pixel) in reference_normal.pixels().zip(test_normal.pixels()) {
            assert_eq!(ref_pixel, test_pixel);