noodles-tabix 0.6.1

Tabix (TBI) format reader and writer
# Changelog

## 0.6.1 - 2021-09-19

### Fixed

  * async: Fix writer not finalizing.

## 0.6.0 - 2021-08-19

### Changed

  * Update to tokio 1.10.0.

### Fixed

  * Define features to enable for

## 0.5.0 - 2021-08-11

### Added

  * Add convenience write function to write an index to a file: `tabix::write`.

  * async: Add async reader (`tabix::AsyncReader`).

  * async: Add async writer (`tabix::AsyncWriter`).

    Async I/O can be enabled with the `async` feature.

## 0.4.0 - 2021-08-04

### Changed

  * reader: Disallow duplicate reference sequence names.

## 0.3.0 - 2021-07-30

### Deprecated

  * index/builder: Deprecate `set_unmapped_read_count`.

    Use `set_unplaced_unmapped_record_count` instead.

### Fixed

  * reader: Return I/O errors when failing to read `n_no_coor`.

    This previously ignored all I/O errors but now only catches

## 0.2.0 - 2021-07-21

### Added

  * index: Implemented `BinningIndex` for `Index`.

  * index: Added `query` method to find chunks that intersect the given region.

  * index/reference_sequence: Implemented `BinningIndexReferenceSequence` for

### Changed

  * index: Reference sequence names are stored as an
    `index::ReferenceSequenceNames` (`IndexSet<String>`).

### Deprecated

  * index: Deprecated `Index::unmapped_read_count`.

    Use `unplaced_unmapped_record_count` instead.

### Fixed

  * Fixed documentation link in package manifest ([#31]).

  * reader: Avoid casts that may truncate.

    Fields that convert from `i32` to other integer types now check whether
    they are in range.

  * writer: Avoid casts that may truncate.

    Fields that convert to `i32` from other integer types now check whether
    they are in range.


### Removed

  * index/reference_sequence: Removed `Metadata`.

    Use `noodles_csi::index::reference_sequence::Metadata` instead.

## 0.1.0 - 2021-07-14

  * Initial release.