nonzero_lit 0.1.2

Easy, safe, and fully zero-cost NonZero constants and literals.
# `nonzero_lit`
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A small macro crate providing safe, easy, and fully zero-cost way to construct constant or literal instances of the `NonZero*` types from `core::num`.

## Features

- Crate fully supports `no_std`.
- All `NonZero` types are supported:
    - [`core::num::NonZeroUsize`] via the [`nonzero_lit::usize!`] macro.
    - [`core::num::NonZeroIsize`] via the [`nonzero_lit::isize!`] macro.
    - [`core::num::NonZeroU128`] via the [`nonzero_lit::u128!`] macro.
    - [`core::num::NonZeroI128`] via the [`nonzero_lit::i128!`] macro.
    - [`core::num::NonZeroU64`] via the [`nonzero_lit::u64!`] macro.
    - [`core::num::NonZeroI64`] via the [`nonzero_lit::i64!`] macro.
    - [`core::num::NonZeroU32`] via the [`nonzero_lit::u32!`] macro.
    - [`core::num::NonZeroI32`] via the [`nonzero_lit::i32!`] macro.
    - [`core::num::NonZeroU16`] via the [`nonzero_lit::u16!`] macro.
    - [`core::num::NonZeroI16`] via the [`nonzero_lit::i16!`] macro.
    - [`core::num::NonZeroU8`] via the [`nonzero_lit::u8!`] macro.
    - [`core::num::NonZeroI8`] via the [`nonzero_lit::i8!`] macro.

- Fully zero cost, even for debug builds — we always evaluate the constant as a `const`.
- Input to the macros can be arbitrary constant expressions. This includes `const fn` calls, which would be more difficult to verify the result as non-zero by hand.
- Misuse (trying to make a `NonZero$Int` with a zero value) is always detected at compile time, even when the macro is not being used to initialize a constant.
- No unsafe code.

## Usage
Add this to your Cargo.toml:

nonzero_lit = "0.1"

### Examples

let x = nonzero_lit::i32!(4);
assert_eq!(x.get(), 4);

const FERRIS: core::num::NonZeroU32 = nonzero_lit::u32!(0xf34415);
assert_eq!(FERRIS.get(), 0xf34415);

const FERRIS: core::num::NonZeroU32 = nonzero_lit::u32!(0xf34415);
assert_eq!(FERRIS.get(), 0xf34415);

## License

Public domain, as explained [here]( If that's unacceptable, it's also available under either the Apache-2.0 or MIT licenses, at your option.