nomad-client 0.0.1

A Rust client for HashiCorp Nomad's API.
# nomad-client


Nomad OpenApi specification

## Overview

This API client was generated by the [OpenAPI Generator]( project.

- API version: 0.11.0
- Package version: 0.0.1
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen

## Installation

Put the package under your project folder and add the following to `Cargo.toml` under `[dependencies]`:

nomad-client = "0.0.1"

## Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to *http://localhost:4646/v1*

Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*AgentApi* | [**force_leave**]docs/ | **post** /agent/force-leave | Forces a member of the gossip pool from the \"failed\" state into the \"left\" state.
*AgentApi* | [**get_health**]docs/ | **get** /agent/health | Performs a basic healthcheck
*AgentApi* | [**get_members**]docs/ | **get** /agent/members | Queries for the known peers in the gossip pool
*AgentApi* | [**get_self**]docs/ | **get** /agent/self | Queries for information about the agent we are connected to
*AgentApi* | [**get_servers**]docs/ | **get** /agent/servers | Queries an agent in client mode for its list of known servers
*AgentApi* | [**join**]docs/ | **post** /agent/join | Causes the agent to join a cluster by joining the gossip pool at one of the given addresses
*AgentApi* | [**stream_logs**]docs/ | **get** /agent/monitor | Streams logs from a specific Nomad server node
*AgentApi* | [**update_servers**]docs/ | **post** /agent/servers | Updates the list of known servers to the given addresses, replacing all previous addresses
*AllocationsApi* | [**get_allocation**]docs/ | **get** /allocation/{alloc_id} | reads information about a specific allocation
*AllocationsApi* | [**get_allocations**]docs/ | **get** /allocations | query for and interact with allocations
*AllocationsApi* | [**restart_allocation**]docs/ | **post** /allocation/{alloc_id}/restart | restarts an allocation or task in-place
*AllocationsApi* | [**signal_allocation**]docs/ | **post** /allocation/{alloc_id}/signal | sends a signal to an allocation or task
*AllocationsApi* | [**stop_allocation**]docs/ | **post** /allocation/{alloc_id}/stop | stops and reschedules a specific allocation
*ClientApi* | [**garbage_collect_allocation**]docs/ | **get** /client/allocation/{alloc_id}/gc | forces a garbage collection of a particular, stopped allocation on a node
*ClientApi* | [**garbage_collect_allocation_0**]docs/ | **get** /client/gc | forces a garbage collection of all stopped allocations on a node
*ClientApi* | [**get_client_allocation_stats**]docs/ | **get** /client/allocation/{alloc_id}/stats | query the actual resources consumed by an allocation
*ClientApi* | [**get_client_file**]docs/ | **get** /client/fs/cat/{alloc_id} | reads the contents of a file in an allocation directory
*ClientApi* | [**get_client_file_at_offest**]docs/ | **get** /client/fs/readat/{alloc_id} | reads the contents of a file in an allocation directory at a particular offset and limit
*ClientApi* | [**get_client_stats**]docs/ | **get** /client/stats | queries the actual resources consumed on a node. The API endpoint is hosted by the Nomad client and requests have to be made to the nomad client whose resource usage metrics are of interest
*ClientApi* | [**list_client_files**]docs/ | **get** /client/fs/ls/{alloc_id} | lists files in an allocation directory
*ClientApi* | [**stat_client_file**]docs/ | **get** /client/fs/stat/{alloc_id} | stats a file in an allocation
*ClientApi* | [**stream_client_file**]docs/ | **get** /client/fs/stream/{alloc_id} | streams the contents of a file in an allocation directory
*ClientApi* | [**stream_client_logs**]docs/ | **get** /client/fs/logs/{alloc_id} | streams a task's stderr/stdout logs
*DeploymentsApi* | [**fail_deployment**]docs/ | **post** /deployment/fail/{deployment_id} | mark a deployment as failed. This should be done to force the scheduler to stop creating allocations as part of the deployment or to cause a rollback to a previous job version. This endpoint only triggers a rollback if the most recent stable version of the job has a different specification than the job being reverted
*DeploymentsApi* | [**get_allocations_for_deployment**]docs/ | **get** /deployment/allocations/{deployment_id} | lists the allocations created or modified for the given deployment
*DeploymentsApi* | [**get_deployment**]docs/ | **get** /deployment/{deployment_id} | reads information about a specific deployment by ID
*DeploymentsApi* | [**get_deployments**]docs/ | **get** /deployments | lists all deployments
*DeploymentsApi* | [**pause_deployment**]docs/ | **post** /deployment/pause/{deployment_id} | pause or unpause a deployment. This is done to pause a rolling upgrade or resume it
*DeploymentsApi* | [**promote_deployment**]docs/ | **post** /deployment/promote/{deployment_id} | promote task groups that have canaries for a deployment. This should be done when the placed canaries are healthy and the rolling upgrade of the remaining allocations should begin
*DeploymentsApi* | [**set_allocation_health_in_deployment**]docs/ | **post** /deployment/allocation-health/{deployment_id} | set the health of an allocation that is in the deployment manually
*EvaluationsApi* | [**get_allocations_for_evaluation**]docs/ | **get** /evaluation/{eval_id}/allocations | lists the allocations created or modified for the given evaluation
*EvaluationsApi* | [**get_evaluation**]docs/ | **get** /evaluation/{eval_id} | reads information about a specific evaluation by ID
*EvaluationsApi* | [**get_evaluations**]docs/ | **get** /evaluations | lists all evaluations
*JobsApi* | [**dispatch_job**]docs/ | **post** /job/{job_id}/dispatch | dispatches a new instance of a parameterized job
*JobsApi* | [**evaluate_job**]docs/ | **post** /job/{job_id}/evaluate | creates a new evaluation for the given job. This can be used to force run the scheduling logic if necessary
*JobsApi* | [**force_new_periodic_instance**]docs/ | **post** /job/{job_id}/periodic/force | forces a new instance of the periodic job. A new instance will be created even if it violates the job's prohibit_overlap settings. As such, this should be only used to immediately run a periodic job
*JobsApi* | [**get_job**]docs/ | **get** /job/{job_id} | reads information about a single job for its specification and status
*JobsApi* | [**get_job_allocations**]docs/ | **get** /job/{job_id}/allocations | reads information about a single job's allocations
*JobsApi* | [**get_job_deployments**]docs/ | **get** /job/{job_id}/deployments | lists a single job's deployments
*JobsApi* | [**get_job_evaluations**]docs/ | **get** /job/{job_id}/evaluations | reads information about a single job's evaluations
*JobsApi* | [**get_job_latest_deployment**]docs/ | **get** /job/{job_id}/deployment | get a single job's most recent deployment
*JobsApi* | [**get_job_scale_status**]docs/ | **get** /job/{job_id}/scale | reads scale information about a job
*JobsApi* | [**get_job_summary**]docs/ | **get** /job/{job_id}/summary | reads summary information about a job
*JobsApi* | [**get_job_versions**]docs/ | **get** /job/{job_id}/versions | reads information about all versions of a job
*JobsApi* | [**get_jobs**]docs/ | **get** /jobs | lists all known jobs in the system registered with Nomad
*JobsApi* | [**parse_job_hcl**]docs/ | **post** /jobs/parse | parse a HCL jobspec and produce the equivalent JSON encoded job
*JobsApi* | [**plan_job**]docs/ | **post** /job/{job_id}/plan | invokes a dry-run of the scheduler for the job
*JobsApi* | [**register_job**]docs/ | **post** /jobs | creates (aka \"registers\") a new job in the system
*JobsApi* | [**revert_job**]docs/ | **post** /job/{job_id}/revert | reverts the job to an older version
*JobsApi* | [**scale_task_group**]docs/ | **post** /job/{job_id}/scale | performs a scaling action against a job. Currently, this endpoint supports scaling the count for a task group
*JobsApi* | [**set_job_stability**]docs/ | **post** /job/{job_id}/stable | sets the job's stability
*JobsApi* | [**stop_job**]docs/ | **delete** /job/{job_id} | deregisters a job, and stops all allocations part of it
*JobsApi* | [**update_job**]docs/ | **post** /job/{job_id} | registers a new job or updates an existing job
*JobsApi* | [**validate_job**]docs/ | **post** /validate/job | validate object structs, fields, and types
*NodesApi* | [**evaluate_node**]docs/ | **post** /node/{node_id}/evaluate | creates a new evaluation for the given node. This can be used to force a run of the scheduling logic
*NodesApi* | [**get_allocations_for_node**]docs/ | **get** /node/{node_id}/allocations | lists all of the allocations for the given node
*NodesApi* | [**get_node**]docs/ | **get** /node/{node_id} | queries the status of a client node
*NodesApi* | [**get_nodes**]docs/ | **get** /nodes | lists all nodes registered with Nomad
*NodesApi* | [**search**]docs/ | **post** /search | returns matches for a given prefix and context, where a context can be jobs, allocations, evaluations, nodes, or deployments
*NodesApi* | [**update_drain_mode_for_node**]docs/ | **post** /node/{node_id}/drain | toggles the drain mode of the node
*NodesApi* | [**update_node_eligibility**]docs/ | **post** /node/{node_id}/eligibility | toggles the scheduling eligibility of the node
*RegionsApi* | [**get_regions**]docs/ | **get** /regions | list all known regions
*StatusApi* | [**get_leader**]docs/ | **get** /status/leader | returns the address of the current leader in the region
*StatusApi* | [**get_peers**]docs/ | **get** /status/peers | returns the set of raft peers in the region
*SystemApi* | [**force_gc**]docs/ | **put** /system/gc | initializes a garbage collection of jobs, evaluations, allocations, and nodes. This is an asynchronous operation
*SystemApi* | [**reconcile_summary**]docs/ | **put** /system/reconcile/summaries | reconciles the summaries of all registered jobs
*VolumesApi* | [**deregister_volume**]docs/ | **delete** /volume/csi/{volume_id} | deregisters an external volume with Nomad. It is an error to deregister a volume that is in use
*VolumesApi* | [**get_volume**]docs/ | **get** /volume/csi/{volume_id} | reads information about a specific volume
*VolumesApi* | [**get_volumes**]docs/ | **get** /volumes | lists all volumes
*VolumesApi* | [**register_volume**]docs/ | **put** /volume/csi/{volume_id} | registers an external volume with Nomad. It is an error to register an existing volume

## Documentation For Models

 - [AclPolicy]docs/
 - [AclPolicyListStub]docs/
 - [AclToken]docs/
 - [AclTokenListStub]docs/
 - [Affinity]docs/
 - [AgentHealth]docs/
 - [AgentHealthResponse]docs/
 - [AgentMember]docs/
 - [AgentSelf]docs/
 - [AllocDeploymentStatus]docs/
 - [AllocFileInfo]docs/
 - [AllocResourceUsage]docs/
 - [AllocSignalRequest]docs/
 - [AllocStopResponse]docs/
 - [AllocatedCpuResources]docs/
 - [AllocatedMemoryResources]docs/
 - [AllocatedResources]docs/
 - [AllocatedSharedResources]docs/
 - [AllocatedTaskResources]docs/
 - [Allocation]docs/
 - [AllocationListStub]docs/
 - [AllocationMetric]docs/
 - [AllocationRestartRequest]docs/
 - [Attribute]docs/
 - [AutopilotConfiguration]docs/
 - [CheckRestart]docs/
 - [Constraint]docs/
 - [ConsulConnect]docs/
 - [ConsulProxy]docs/
 - [ConsulSidecarService]docs/
 - [ConsulUpstream]docs/
 - [CpuStats]docs/
 - [CsiControllerInfo]docs/
 - [CsiInfo]docs/
 - [CsiMountOptions]docs/
 - [CsiNodeInfo]docs/
 - [CsiPlugin]docs/
 - [CsiPluginListStub]docs/
 - [CsiTopology]docs/
 - [CsiVolume]docs/
 - [CsiVolumeListStub]docs/
 - [CsiVolumeRegisterRequest]docs/
 - [Deployment]docs/
 - [DeploymentAllocHealthRequest]docs/
 - [DeploymentFailRequest]docs/
 - [DeploymentPauseRequest]docs/
 - [DeploymentPromoteRequest]docs/
 - [DeploymentState]docs/
 - [DeploymentUpdateResponse]docs/
 - [DesiredTransition]docs/
 - [DesiredUpdates]docs/
 - [DeviceGroupStats]docs/
 - [DeviceStats]docs/
 - [DispatchPayloadConfig]docs/
 - [DrainSpec]docs/
 - [DrainStrategy]docs/
 - [DriverInfo]docs/
 - [EphemeralDisk]docs/
 - [EvalOptions]docs/
 - [Evaluation]docs/
 - [FieldDiff]docs/
 - [HostCpuStats]docs/
 - [HostDiskStats]docs/
 - [HostMemoryStats]docs/
 - [HostStats]docs/
 - [HostVolumeInfo]docs/
 - [Job]docs/
 - [JobChildrenSummary]docs/
 - [JobDeregisterResponse]docs/
 - [JobDiff]docs/
 - [JobDispatchRequest]docs/
 - [JobDispatchResponse]docs/
 - [JobEvaluateRequest]docs/
 - [JobListStub]docs/
 - [JobPlanRequest]docs/
 - [JobPlanResponse]docs/
 - [JobRegisterResponse]docs/
 - [JobRevertRequest]docs/
 - [JobScaleStatusResponse]docs/
 - [JobStabilityRequest]docs/
 - [JobStabilityResponse]docs/
 - [JobSummary]docs/
 - [JobValidateRequest]docs/
 - [JobValidateResponse]docs/
 - [JobVersionsResponse]docs/
 - [JobsParseRequest]docs/
 - [JoinResponse]docs/
 - [KeyringRequest]docs/
 - [KeyringResponse]docs/
 - [LogConfig]docs/
 - [MemoryStats]docs/
 - [MigrateStrategy]docs/
 - [MonitorMessage]docs/
 - [Namespace]docs/
 - [NetworkResource]docs/
 - [Node]docs/
 - [NodeCpuResources]docs/
 - [NodeDevice]docs/
 - [NodeDeviceLocality]docs/
 - [NodeDeviceResource]docs/
 - [NodeDiskResources]docs/
 - [NodeDrainUpdateResponse]docs/
 - [NodeEligibilityUpdateResponse]docs/
 - [NodeEvalResponse]docs/
 - [NodeEvent]docs/
 - [NodeListStub]docs/
 - [NodeMemoryResources]docs/
 - [NodeReservedCpuResources]docs/
 - [NodeReservedDiskResources]docs/
 - [NodeReservedMemoryResources]docs/
 - [NodeReservedNetworkResources]docs/
 - [NodeReservedResources]docs/
 - [NodeResources]docs/
 - [NodeScoreMeta]docs/
 - [NodeUpdateDrainRequest]docs/
 - [NodeUpdateEligibilityRequest]docs/
 - [ObjectDiff]docs/
 - [OperatorHealthReply]docs/
 - [ParameterizedJobConfig]docs/
 - [PeriodicConfig]docs/
 - [PeriodicForceResponse]docs/
 - [PlanAnnotations]docs/
 - [Port]docs/
 - [PreemptionConfig]docs/
 - [QueryOptions]docs/
 - [QuotaLimit]docs/
 - [QuotaSpec]docs/
 - [QuotaUsage]docs/
 - [RaftConfiguration]docs/
 - [RaftServer]docs/
 - [RegisterJobRequest]docs/
 - [RequestedDevice]docs/
 - [RescheduleEvent]docs/
 - [ReschedulePolicy]docs/
 - [RescheduleTracker]docs/
 - [ResourceUsage]docs/
 - [Resources]docs/
 - [RestartPolicy]docs/
 - [ScalingEvent]docs/
 - [ScalingPolicy]docs/
 - [ScalingPolicyListStub]docs/
 - [ScalingRequest]docs/
 - [SchedulerConfiguration]docs/
 - [SchedulerConfigurationResponse]docs/
 - [SchedulerSetConfigurationResponse]docs/
 - [SearchRequest]docs/
 - [SearchResponse]docs/
 - [SentinelPolicy]docs/
 - [SentinelPolicyListStub]docs/
 - [ServerHealth]docs/
 - [ServerMembers]docs/
 - [Service]docs/
 - [ServiceCheck]docs/
 - [SidecarTask]docs/
 - [Spread]docs/
 - [SpreadTarget]docs/
 - [StatObject]docs/
 - [StatValue]docs/
 - [StreamFrame]docs/
 - [Task]docs/
 - [TaskArtifact]docs/
 - [TaskCsiPluginConfig]docs/
 - [TaskDiff]docs/
 - [TaskEvent]docs/
 - [TaskGroup]docs/
 - [TaskGroupDiff]docs/
 - [TaskGroupScaleStatus]docs/
 - [TaskGroupSummary]docs/
 - [TaskLifecycle]docs/
 - [TaskResourceUsage]docs/
 - [TaskState]docs/
 - [Template]docs/
 - [UpdateStrategy]docs/
 - [Vault]docs/
 - [VolumeMount]docs/
 - [VolumeRequest]docs/