nom-exif 1.2.0

Exif/metadata parsing library written in pure Rust, both JPEG/HEIF/HEIC images and MOV/MP4 videos are supported.
# Nom-Exif


Exif/metadata parsing library written in pure Rust with [nom](

## Supported File Types

-   Images
    -   JPEG
    -   HEIF/HEIC
-   Videos
    -   MOV
    -   MP4

## Features

-   **Zero-copy when appropriate:** Use borrowing and slicing instead of copying
    whenever possible.
-   **Minimize I/O operations:** When metadata is stored at the end/middle of a
    large file (such as a MOV/HEIC file does), `Seek` rather than `Read` to
    quickly locate the location of the metadata.
-   **Pay as you go:** When extracting Exif data, only the information
    corresponding to the specified Exif tags are parsed to reduce the overhead
    when processing a large number of files.

## Usage

- Images
    - [`parse_heif_exif`]
    - [`parse_jpeg_exif`]
- Videos
    - [`parse_metadata`]
- [examples]examples/

## CLI Tool `rexiftool`

### Normal output

`cargo run --example rexiftool testdata/`:

``` text                => Apple               => iPhone X            => 12.1.2    => +27.1281+100.2508+000.000/        => 2019-02-12T15:27:12+08:00
duration                                => 500
width                                   => 720
height                                  => 1280

### Json dump

`cargo run --features json_dump --example rexiftool -- -j testdata/`:

``` text
  "height": "1280",
  "duration": "500",
  "width": "720",
  "": "2019-02-12T15:27:12+08:00",
  "": "Apple",
  "": "iPhone X",
  "": "12.1.2",
  "": "+27.1281+100.2508+000.000/"