nom-derive 0.1.0

Custom derive nom parsers from struct


License: MIT Apache License 2.0 Build Status


nom-derive is a custom derive attribute, to derive nom parsers automatically from the structure definition.

This is only test code for now. Feedback welcome !


This crate exposes a single custom-derive macro Nom which implements parse for the struct it is applied to.

The goal of this project is that:

  • derive(Nom) should be enough for you to derive nom parsers for simple structures easily, without having to write it manually
  • it allows overriding any parsing method by your own
  • it allows using generated parsing functions along with handwritten parsers and combining them without efforts


Add to your Cargo.toml file::

 nom-derive = "0.1"
 nom = "4.2"

Add #[derive(Nom)] to the structure(s) you want.

See the tests directory for examples.


This implementation:

extern crate nom_derive;

extern crate nom;

use nom::*;

struct SimpleStruct {
    pub a: u32,
    b: u64,

Allows you to generate the nom parser for SimpleStruct automatically. The function is called SimpleStruct::parse.

The generated code is equivalent to::

impl SimpleStruct {
    fn parse(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],SimpleStruct> {
            a: be_u32 >>
            b: be_u64 >>
            ( SimpleStruct{ a,b } )


  • Debugging macros is hard. Debugging macros generated by a custom derive is a nightmare. The expand cargo subcommand can help !


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.