nokhwa-core 0.1.0

Core type definitions for nokhwa
 * Copyright 2022 l1npengtul <> / The Nokhwa Contributors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

use crate::{
        ApiBackend, CameraControl, CameraFormat, CameraInfo, ControlValueSetter, FrameFormat,
        KnownCameraControl, Resolution,
use std::{borrow::Cow, collections::HashMap};
#[cfg(feature = "wgpu-types")]
use wgpu::{
    Device as WgpuDevice, Extent3d, ImageCopyTexture, ImageDataLayout, Queue as WgpuQueue,
    Texture as WgpuTexture, TextureAspect, TextureDescriptor, TextureDimension, TextureFormat,

/// This trait is for any backend that allows you to grab and take frames from a camera.
/// Many of the backends are **blocking**, if the camera is occupied the library will block while it waits for it to become available.
/// **Note**:
/// - Backends, if not provided with a camera format, will be spawned with 640x480@15 FPS, MJPEG [`CameraFormat`].
/// - Behaviour can differ from backend to backend. While the Camera struct abstracts most of this away, if you plan to use the raw backend structs please read the `Quirks` section of each backend.
/// - If you call [`stop_stream()`](CaptureBackendTrait::stop_stream()), you will usually need to call [`open_stream()`](CaptureBackendTrait::open_stream()) to get more frames from the camera.
pub trait CaptureBackendTrait {
    /// Returns the current backend used.
    fn backend(&self) -> ApiBackend;

    /// Gets the camera information such as Name and Index as a [`CameraInfo`].
    fn camera_info(&self) -> &CameraInfo;

    /// Forcefully refreshes the stored camera format, bringing it into sync with "reality" (current camera state)
    /// # Errors
    /// If the camera can not get its most recent [`CameraFormat`]. this will error.
    fn refresh_camera_format(&mut self) -> Result<(), NokhwaError>;

    /// Gets the current [`CameraFormat`]. This will force refresh to the current latest if it has changed.
    fn camera_format(&self) -> CameraFormat;

    /// Will set the current [`CameraFormat`]
    /// This will reset the current stream if used while stream is opened.
    /// This will also update the cache.
    /// # Errors
    /// If you started the stream and the camera rejects the new camera format, this will return an error.
    fn set_camera_format(&mut self, new_fmt: CameraFormat) -> Result<(), NokhwaError>;

    /// A hashmap of [`Resolution`]s mapped to framerates. Not sorted!
    /// # Errors
    /// This will error if the camera is not queryable or a query operation has failed. Some backends will error this out as a Unsupported Operation ([`UnsupportedOperationError`](crate::error::NokhwaError::UnsupportedOperationError)).
    fn compatible_list_by_resolution(
        &mut self,
        fourcc: FrameFormat,
    ) -> Result<HashMap<Resolution, Vec<u32>>, NokhwaError>;

    /// Gets the compatible [`CameraFormat`] of the camera
    /// # Errors
    /// If it fails to get, this will error.
    fn compatible_camera_formats(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<CameraFormat>, NokhwaError> {
        let mut compatible_formats = vec![];
        for fourcc in self.compatible_fourcc()? {
            for (resolution, fps_list) in self.compatible_list_by_resolution(fourcc)? {
                for fps in fps_list {
                    compatible_formats.push(CameraFormat::new(resolution, fourcc, fps));


    /// A Vector of compatible [`FrameFormat`]s. Will only return 2 elements at most.
    /// # Errors
    /// This will error if the camera is not queryable or a query operation has failed. Some backends will error this out as a Unsupported Operation ([`UnsupportedOperationError`](crate::error::NokhwaError::UnsupportedOperationError)).
    fn compatible_fourcc(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<FrameFormat>, NokhwaError>;

    /// Gets the current camera resolution (See: [`Resolution`], [`CameraFormat`]). This will force refresh to the current latest if it has changed.
    fn resolution(&self) -> Resolution;

    /// Will set the current [`Resolution`]
    /// This will reset the current stream if used while stream is opened.
    /// This will also update the cache.
    /// # Errors
    /// If you started the stream and the camera rejects the new resolution, this will return an error.
    fn set_resolution(&mut self, new_res: Resolution) -> Result<(), NokhwaError>;

    /// Gets the current camera framerate (See: [`CameraFormat`]). This will force refresh to the current latest if it has changed.
    fn frame_rate(&self) -> u32;

    /// Will set the current framerate
    /// This will reset the current stream if used while stream is opened.
    /// This will also update the cache.
    /// # Errors
    /// If you started the stream and the camera rejects the new framerate, this will return an error.
    fn set_frame_rate(&mut self, new_fps: u32) -> Result<(), NokhwaError>;

    /// Gets the current camera's frame format (See: [`FrameFormat`], [`CameraFormat`]). This will force refresh to the current latest if it has changed.
    fn frame_format(&self) -> FrameFormat;

    /// Will set the current [`FrameFormat`]
    /// This will reset the current stream if used while stream is opened.
    /// This will also update the cache.
    /// # Errors
    /// If you started the stream and the camera rejects the new frame format, this will return an error.
    fn set_frame_format(&mut self, fourcc: FrameFormat) -> Result<(), NokhwaError>;

    /// Gets the value of [`KnownCameraControl`].
    /// # Errors
    /// If the `control` is not supported or there is an error while getting the camera control values (e.g. unexpected value, too high, etc)
    /// this will error.
    fn camera_control(&self, control: KnownCameraControl) -> Result<CameraControl, NokhwaError>;

    /// Gets the current supported list of [`KnownCameraControl`]
    /// # Errors
    /// If the list cannot be collected, this will error. This can be treated as a "nothing supported".
    fn camera_controls(&self) -> Result<Vec<CameraControl>, NokhwaError>;

    /// Sets the control to `control` in the camera.
    /// Usually, the pipeline is calling [`camera_control()`](CaptureBackendTrait::camera_control), getting a camera control that way
    /// then calling [`value()`](CameraControl::value()) to get a [`ControlValueSetter`] and setting the value that way.
    /// # Errors
    /// If the `control` is not supported, the value is invalid (less than min, greater than max, not in step), or there was an error setting the control,
    /// this will error.
    fn set_camera_control(
        &mut self,
        id: KnownCameraControl,
        value: ControlValueSetter,
    ) -> Result<(), NokhwaError>;

    /// Will open the camera stream with set parameters. This will be called internally if you try and call [`frame()`](CaptureBackendTrait::frame()) before you call [`open_stream()`](CaptureBackendTrait::open_stream()).
    /// # Errors
    /// If the specific backend fails to open the camera (e.g. already taken, busy, doesn't exist anymore) this will error.
    fn open_stream(&mut self) -> Result<(), NokhwaError>;

    /// Checks if stream if open. If it is, it will return true.
    fn is_stream_open(&self) -> bool;

    /// Will get a frame from the camera as a [`Buffer`]. Depending on the backend, if you have not called [`open_stream()`](CaptureBackendTrait::open_stream()) before you called this,
    /// it will either return an error.
    /// # Errors
    /// If the backend fails to get the frame (e.g. already taken, busy, doesn't exist anymore), the decoding fails (e.g. MJPEG -> u8), or [`open_stream()`](CaptureBackendTrait::open_stream()) has not been called yet,
    /// this will error.
    fn frame(&mut self) -> Result<Buffer, NokhwaError>;

    /// Will get a frame from the camera **without** any processing applied, meaning you will usually get a frame you need to decode yourself.
    /// # Errors
    /// If the backend fails to get the frame (e.g. already taken, busy, doesn't exist anymore), or [`open_stream()`](CaptureBackendTrait::open_stream()) has not been called yet, this will error.
    fn frame_raw(&mut self) -> Result<Cow<[u8]>, NokhwaError>;

    /// The minimum buffer size needed to write the current frame. If `alpha` is true, it will instead return the minimum size of the buffer with an alpha channel as well.
    /// This assumes that you are decoding to RGB/RGBA for [`FrameFormat::MJPEG`] or [`FrameFormat::YUYV`] and Luma8/LumaA8 for [`FrameFormat::GRAY`]
    fn decoded_buffer_size(&self, alpha: bool) -> usize {
        let cfmt = self.camera_format();
        let resolution = cfmt.resolution();
        let pxwidth = match cfmt.format() {
            FrameFormat::MJPEG | FrameFormat::YUYV | FrameFormat::RAWRGB | FrameFormat::NV12 => 3,
            FrameFormat::GRAY => 1,
        if alpha {
            return (resolution.width() * resolution.height() * (pxwidth + 1)) as usize;
        (resolution.width() * resolution.height() * pxwidth) as usize

    #[cfg(feature = "wgpu-types")]
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "docs-features", doc(cfg(feature = "wgpu-types")))]
    /// Directly copies a frame to a Wgpu texture. This will automatically convert the frame into a RGBA frame.
    /// # Errors
    /// If the frame cannot be captured or the resolution is 0 on any axis, this will error.
    fn frame_texture<'a>(
        &mut self,
        device: &WgpuDevice,
        queue: &WgpuQueue,
        label: Option<&'a str>,
    ) -> Result<WgpuTexture, NokhwaError> {
        use crate::pixel_format::RgbAFormat;
        use std::num::NonZeroU32;
        let frame = self.frame()?.decode_image::<RgbAFormat>()?;

        let texture_size = Extent3d {
            width: frame.width(),
            height: frame.height(),
            depth_or_array_layers: 1,

        let texture = device.create_texture(&TextureDescriptor {
            size: texture_size,
            mip_level_count: 1,
            sample_count: 1,
            dimension: TextureDimension::D2,
            format: TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb,
            usage: TextureUsages::TEXTURE_BINDING | TextureUsages::COPY_DST,

        let width_nonzero = match NonZeroU32::try_from(4 * frame.width()) {
            Ok(w) => Some(w),
            Err(why) => return Err(NokhwaError::ReadFrameError(why.to_string())),

        let height_nonzero = match NonZeroU32::try_from(frame.height()) {
            Ok(h) => Some(h),
            Err(why) => return Err(NokhwaError::ReadFrameError(why.to_string())),

            ImageCopyTexture {
                texture: &texture,
                mip_level: 0,
                origin: wgpu::Origin3d::ZERO,
                aspect: TextureAspect::All,
            ImageDataLayout {
                offset: 0,
                bytes_per_row: width_nonzero,
                rows_per_image: height_nonzero,


    /// Will drop the stream.
    /// # Errors
    /// Please check the `Quirks` section of each backend.
    fn stop_stream(&mut self) -> Result<(), NokhwaError>;

impl<T> From<T> for Box<dyn CaptureBackendTrait>
    T: CaptureBackendTrait + 'static,
    fn from(capbackend: T) -> Self {

pub trait VirtualBackendTrait {}