noise_rs 0.1.16

The perlin and simplex noise implementation in 2d and 3d

use std::collections::HashMap;

use intmap::IntMap;
use java_random::LCG;
use java_random::Random;

use crate::math::wrap;
use crate::noise::Noise;

#[cfg(feature = "const_fn")]
pub const SKIP_262: LCG = LCG::combine_java(262);
#[cfg(not(feature = "const_fn"))]
pub const SKIP_262: LCG = LCG{ multiplier: 253119540505593, addend: 184089911826014 };

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PerlinNoise {
    lacunarity: f64,
    persistence: f64,
    noise_octaves: Vec<Option<Noise>>,
    cache2d: IntMap<f64>,
    cache3d: HashMap<u128, f64>,

mod perlin_test {
    use crate::create_range;

    use super::*;

    fn test_coordinates() {
        let perlin = PerlinNoise::new(&mut Random::with_seed(1), create_range(1, 2));
        let value = perlin.sample_default(0f64, 0f64, 0f64);
        assert_eq!(value, -0.20402661037924066f64)

    fn test_gen_1million() {
        let perlin_noise = PerlinNoise::new(&mut Random::with_seed(1), create_range(1, 2));
        let mut score: f64 = 0.0;
        let bound = 100;
        for x in 0..bound {
            for y in 0..bound {
                for z in 0..bound {
                    score += perlin_noise.sample_default(x as f64, y as f64, z as f64);
        assert_eq!(score, 2.5123135162530326);

impl PerlinNoise {
    pub fn new(random: &mut Random, octaves: Vec<i32>) -> PerlinNoise {
        if octaves.is_empty() {
            panic!("No octaves defined")
        let start = -*octaves.first().expect("Missing an element");
        let end = *octaves.last().expect("Missing an element");
        let length = start + end + 1;
        if length < 1 {
            panic!("You need at least one octave")
        let noise: Noise = Noise::new(random);
        let mut noise_octaves: Vec<Option<Noise>> = vec![None; length as usize];

        if end >= 0 && end < length && octaves.contains(&0) {
            noise_octaves[end as usize] = Option::from(noise.clone());
        for i in end + 1..length {
            if i >= 0 && octaves.contains(&(end - i)) {
                noise_octaves[i as usize] = Option::from(Noise::new(random));
        if end > 0 {
            let noise_seed: i64 = (noise.get_noise_value(0.0f64, 0.0f64, 0.0f64, 0.0f64, 0.0f64) * 9.223372036854776E18) as i64;
            random.set_seed(noise_seed as u64);
            for i in (0..end).rev() {
                if i < length && octaves.contains(&(end - i)) {
                    noise_octaves[i as usize] = Option::from(Noise::new(random));
                } else {
        let persistence: f64 = 2f64.powi(end);
        let lacunarity: f64 = 1.0f64 / (2f64.powi(length) - 1.0);
        PerlinNoise {
            cache2d: IntMap::with_capacity(1024),
            cache3d: Default::default(),

    pub fn sample_default(&self, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64) -> f64 {
        self.sample(x, y, z, 0.0f64, 0.0f64, false)

    pub fn sample(&self, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, y_amplification: f64, y_min: f64, use_default_y: bool) -> f64 {
        let mut noise_value: f64 = 0.0f64;
        // contribution of each octaves to the final noise, diminished by a factor of 2 (or increased by factor of 0.5)
        let mut persistence: f64 = self.persistence;
        // distance between octaves, increased for each by a factor of 2
        let mut lacunarity: f64 = self.lacunarity;
        for sampler in &self.noise_octaves {
            if let Some(noise) = sampler {
                noise_value += noise.get_noise_value(
                    wrap(x * persistence),
                    if use_default_y { -noise.y0 } else { wrap(y * persistence) },
                    wrap(z * persistence),
                    y_amplification * persistence,
                    y_min * persistence) * lacunarity;

            persistence /= 2.0f64;
            lacunarity *= 2.0f64;

        return noise_value;

    pub fn sample_surface(&self, x: f64, z: f64, y_amplification: f64, y_min: f64) -> f64 {
        self.sample(x, 0.0f64, z, y_amplification, y_min, false)