noise-protocol 0.2.0

Noise Protocol Framework implementation.
# Noise-Rust


Implementation of the [Noise Protocol
Framework]( in Rust.

## Status

Revision 34 is implemented.

Test vectors from [cacophony]( and [snow]( are successfully verified.

## Philosophy

* Simple: straightforward implementation, small amount of code, almost no
  dependencies, supports `no_std`. Feature `use_alloc` can optionallly be used
  as an alternative to std.
* Fast: static dispatch, no heap allocation necessary.
* Unopinionated: flexible, primitive API, does not dictate how it should be

## Documentation

* [noise-protocol]
* [noise-rust-crypto]

## Crates

This repository contains several crates. The `noise-protocol` crate contains the
abstract implementation of the protocol framework. `noise-rust-crypto` provides concrete implementations of
the needed crypto primitives. It is a wrapper for `x25519-dalek` and
[RustCrypto](``) crates.

The following table shows what primitives each of these crates

|             | X25519 | AES-256-GCM | Chacha20-Poly1305 | SHA-256 | SHA-512 | BLAKE2s | BLAKE2b |
| rust-ring   |        |||||         |         |
| rust-crypto ||||||||

You can also plug in other primitive implementations by implementing the `DH`,
`Cipher` and `Hash` traits.

## `no_std` usage

The `noise-protocol` crate supports `no_std`, if default features are

## License
