nohash-hasher 0.1.3

An implementation of `std::hash::Hasher` which does not hash at all.


A NoHashHasher<T> where T is one of {u8, u16, u32, u64, usize, i8, i16, i32, i64, isize} is a stateless implementation of std::hash::Hasher which does not actually hash at all.

By itself this hasher is largely useless, but when used in HashMaps whose domain matches T the resulting map operations involving hashing are faster than with any other possible hashing algorithm.

Using this hasher, one must ensure that it is never used in a stateful way, i.e. a single call to write_* must be followed by finish. Multiple write-calls will cause errors (debug builds check this and panic if a violation of this API contract is detected).


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