Module nodit::interval

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A module containing Interval and InclusiveInterval.

The constructors are not associated functions as then you must write InclusiveInterval before it every time you want create an interval which is a bit annoying as you can’t import associated function in rust yet. If you would still like the associated versions I would be happy to add them as well, just open a PR/Issue.


  • An inclusive interval, only valid intervals can be constructed.



  • Create an new Excluded-Excluded interval.
  • Create an new Excluded-Included interval.
  • Create an new Excluded-Unbounded interval.
  • Create an new Included-Excluded interval.
  • Create an new Included-Included interval.
  • Create an new Included-Unbounded interval.
  • Create an new Unbounded-Excluded interval.
  • Create an new Unbounded-Included interval.
  • Create an new Unbounded-Unbounded interval.