node-replication 0.1.1

An operation-log based approach that transform single-threaded data structures into concurrent, replicated structures.
// Copyright © 2019-2020 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT

use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::hint::spin_loop;
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use loom::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};

use alloc::sync::Arc;
use loom::sync::Arc;

use alloc::vec::Vec;

use crossbeam_utils::CachePadded;

use super::context::Context;
use super::log::Log;
use super::rwlock::RwLock;
use super::Dispatch;

/// A token handed out to threads registered with replicas.
/// # Note
/// Ideally this would be an affine type and returned again by
/// `execute` and `execute_ro`. However it feels like this would
/// hurt API ergonomics a lot.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ReplicaToken(usize);

/// To make it harder to use the same ReplicaToken on multiple threads.
#[cfg(features = "unstable")]
impl !Send for ReplicaToken {}

impl ReplicaToken {
    /// Creates a new ReplicaToken
    /// # Safety
    /// This should only ever be used for the benchmark harness to create
    /// additional fake replica implementations.
    /// If we had a means to declare this not-pub we should do that instead.
    pub unsafe fn new(ident: usize) -> Self {

    /// Getter for id
    pub fn id(&self) -> usize {

/// The maximum number of threads that can be registered with a replica. If more than
/// this number of threads try to register, the register() function will return None.
/// # Important
/// If this number is adjusted due to the use of the `arr_macro::arr` macro we
/// have to adjust the `256` literals in the `new` constructor of `Replica`.
pub const MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA: usize = 256;
pub const MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA: usize = 2;

/// An instance of a replicated data structure. Uses a shared log to scale
/// operations on the data structure across cores and processors.
/// Takes in one type argument: `D` represents the underlying sequential data
/// structure `D` must implement the `Dispatch` trait.
/// A thread can be registered against the replica by calling `register()`. A
/// mutable operation can be issued by calling `execute_mut()` (immutable uses
/// `execute`). A mutable operation will be eventually executed against the replica
/// along with any operations that were received on other replicas that share
/// the same underlying log.
pub struct Replica<'a, D>
    D: Sized + Dispatch + Sync,
    /// A replica-identifier received when the replica is registered against
    /// the shared-log. Required when consuming operations from the log.
    idx: usize,

    /// Thread idx of the thread currently responsible for flat combining. Zero
    /// if there isn't any thread actively performing flat combining on the log.
    /// This also doubles up as the combiner lock.
    combiner: CachePadded<AtomicUsize>,

    /// Idx that will be handed out to the next thread that registers with the replica.
    next: CachePadded<AtomicUsize>,

    /// List of per-thread contexts. Threads buffer write operations in here when they
    /// cannot perform flat combining (because another thread might be doing so).
    /// The vector is initialized with `MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA` elements.
    contexts: Vec<Context<<D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation, <D as Dispatch>::Response>>,

    /// A buffer of operations for flat combining. The combiner stages operations in
    /// here and then batch appends them into the shared log. This helps amortize
    /// the cost of the compare_and_swap() on the tail of the log.
    buffer: RefCell<Vec<<D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>>,

    /// Number of operations collected by the combiner from each thread at any
    /// given point of time. Index `i` holds the number of operations collected from
    /// thread with identifier `i + 1`.
    inflight: RefCell<[usize; MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA]>,

    /// A buffer of results collected after flat combining. With the help of `inflight`,
    /// the combiner enqueues these results into the appropriate thread context.
    result: RefCell<Vec<<D as Dispatch>::Response>>,

    /// Reference to the shared log that operations will be appended to and the
    /// data structure will be updated from.
    slog: Arc<Log<'a, <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>>,

    /// The underlying replicated data structure. Shared between threads registered
    /// with this replica. Each replica maintains its own.
    data: CachePadded<RwLock<D>>,

/// The Replica is Sync. Member variables are protected by a CAS on `combiner`.
/// Contexts are thread-safe.
unsafe impl<'a, D> Sync for Replica<'a, D> where D: Sized + Sync + Dispatch {}

impl<'a, D> core::fmt::Debug for Replica<'a, D>
    D: Sized + Sync + Dispatch,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Replica")

impl<'a, D> Replica<'a, D>
    D: Sized + Default + Dispatch + Sync,
    /// Constructs an instance of a replicated data structure.
    /// Takes a reference to the shared log as an argument. The Log is assumed to
    /// outlive the replica. The replica is bound to the log's lifetime.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use node_replication::Dispatch;
    /// use node_replication::Log;
    /// use node_replication::Replica;
    /// use std::sync::Arc;
    /// // The data structure we want replicated.
    /// #[derive(Default)]
    /// struct Data {
    ///     junk: u64,
    /// }
    /// // This trait allows the `Data` to be used with node-replication.
    /// impl Dispatch for Data {
    ///     type ReadOperation = ();
    ///     type WriteOperation = u64;
    ///     type Response = Option<u64>;
    ///     // A read returns the underlying u64.
    ///     fn dispatch(
    ///         &self,
    ///         _op: Self::ReadOperation,
    ///     ) -> Self::Response {
    ///         Some(self.junk)
    ///     }
    ///     // A write updates the underlying u64.
    ///     fn dispatch_mut(
    ///         &mut self,
    ///         op: Self::WriteOperation,
    ///     ) -> Self::Response {
    ///         self.junk = op;
    ///         None
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// // First create a shared log.
    /// let log = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::default());
    /// // Create a replica that uses the above log.
    /// let replica = Replica::<Data>::new(&log);
    /// ```
    pub fn new<'b>(log: &Arc<Log<'b, <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>>) -> Arc<Replica<'b, D>> {
        Replica::with_data(log, Default::default())

impl<'a, D> Replica<'a, D>
    D: Sized + Dispatch + Sync,
    /// Similar to [`Replica<D>::new`], but we pass a pre-initialized
    /// data-structure as an argument (`d`) rather than relying on the
    /// [Default](core::default::Default) trait to create one.
    /// # Note
    /// [`Replica<D>::new`] should be the preferred method to create a Replica.
    /// If `with_data` is used, care must be taken that the same state is passed
    /// to every Replica object. If not the resulting operations executed
    /// against replicas may not give deterministic results.
    #[cfg(not(feature = "unstable"))]
    pub fn with_data<'b>(
        log: &Arc<Log<'b, <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>>,
        d: D,
    ) -> Arc<Replica<'b, D>> {
        let mut contexts = Vec::with_capacity(MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA);
        // Add `MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA` contexts
        for _idx in 0..MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA {

            Replica {
                idx: log.register().unwrap(),
                combiner: CachePadded::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)),
                next: CachePadded::new(AtomicUsize::new(1)),
                                * Context::<
                                    <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation,
                                    <D as Dispatch>::Response,
                inflight: RefCell::new([0; MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA]),
                                * Context::<
                                    <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation,
                                    <D as Dispatch>::Response,
                slog: log.clone(),
                data: CachePadded::new(RwLock::<D>::new(d)),

    /// See `with_data` documentation without unstable feature.
    #[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
    pub fn with_data<'b>(
        log: &Arc<Log<'b, <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>>,
        d: D,
    ) -> Arc<Replica<'b, D>> {
        use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
        let mut uninit_replica: Arc<MaybeUninit<Replica<D>>> = Arc::new_zeroed();

        // This is the preferred (but unsafe) mode of initialization as it avoids
        // putting the big Replica object on the stack first.
        unsafe {
            let uninit_ptr = Arc::get_mut_unchecked(&mut uninit_replica).as_mut_ptr();
            uninit_ptr.write(Replica {
                idx: log.register().unwrap(),
                combiner: CachePadded::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)),
                next: CachePadded::new(AtomicUsize::new(1)),
                contexts: Vec::with_capacity(MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA),
                                * Context::<
                                    <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation,
                                    <D as Dispatch>::Response,
                inflight: RefCell::new([0; MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA]),
                                * Context::<
                                    <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation,
                                    <D as Dispatch>::Response,
                slog: log.clone(),
                data: CachePadded::new(RwLock::<D>::new(d)),

            let mut replica = uninit_replica.assume_init();
            // Add `MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA` contexts
            for _idx in 0..MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA {
                Arc::get_mut(&mut replica)


    /// Registers a thread with this replica. Returns an idx inside an Option if the registration
    /// was successfull. None if the registration failed.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use node_replication::Dispatch;
    /// use node_replication::Log;
    /// use node_replication::Replica;
    /// use std::sync::Arc;
    /// #[derive(Default)]
    /// struct Data {
    ///     junk: u64,
    /// }
    /// impl Dispatch for Data {
    ///     type ReadOperation = ();
    ///     type WriteOperation = u64;
    ///     type Response = Option<u64>;
    ///     fn dispatch(
    ///         &self,
    ///         _op: Self::ReadOperation,
    ///     ) -> Self::Response {
    ///         Some(self.junk)
    ///     }
    ///     fn dispatch_mut(
    ///         &mut self,
    ///         op: Self::WriteOperation,
    ///     ) -> Self::Response {
    ///         self.junk = op;
    ///         None
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// let log = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::default());
    /// let replica = Replica::<Data>::new(&log);
    /// // Calling register() returns an idx that can be used to execute
    /// // operations against the replica.
    /// let idx = replica.register().expect("Failed to register with replica.");
    /// ```
    pub fn register(&self) -> Option<ReplicaToken> {
        // Loop until we either run out of identifiers or we manage to increment `next`.
        loop {
            let idx =;

            if idx > MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA {
                return None;

            if self
                .compare_exchange_weak(idx, idx + 1, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst)
                != Ok(idx)

            return Some(ReplicaToken(idx));

    /// Executes an mutable operation against this replica and returns a response.
    /// `idx` is an identifier for the thread performing the execute operation.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use node_replication::Dispatch;
    /// use node_replication::Log;
    /// use node_replication::Replica;
    /// use std::sync::Arc;
    /// #[derive(Default)]
    /// struct Data {
    ///     junk: u64,
    /// }
    /// impl Dispatch for Data {
    ///     type ReadOperation = ();
    ///     type WriteOperation = u64;
    ///     type Response = Option<u64>;
    ///     fn dispatch(
    ///         &self,
    ///         _op: Self::ReadOperation,
    ///     ) -> Self::Response {
    ///         Some(self.junk)
    ///     }
    ///     fn dispatch_mut(
    ///         &mut self,
    ///         op: Self::WriteOperation,
    ///     ) -> Self::Response {
    ///         self.junk = op;
    ///         None
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// let log = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::default());
    /// let replica = Replica::<Data>::new(&log);
    /// let idx = replica.register().expect("Failed to register with replica.");
    /// // execute_mut() can be used to write to the replicated data structure.
    /// let res = replica.execute_mut(100, idx);
    /// assert_eq!(None, res);
    pub fn execute_mut(
        op: <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation,
        idx: ReplicaToken,
    ) -> <D as Dispatch>::Response {
        // Enqueue the operation onto the thread local batch and then try to flat combine.
        while !self.make_pending(op.clone(), idx.0) {}

        // Return the response to the caller function.

    /// Executes a read-only operation against this replica and returns a response.
    /// `idx` is an identifier for the thread performing the execute operation.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use node_replication::Dispatch;
    /// use node_replication::Log;
    /// use node_replication::Replica;
    /// use std::sync::Arc;
    /// #[derive(Default)]
    /// struct Data {
    ///     junk: u64,
    /// }
    /// impl Dispatch for Data {
    ///     type ReadOperation = ();
    ///     type WriteOperation = u64;
    ///     type Response = Option<u64>;
    ///     fn dispatch(
    ///         &self,
    ///         _op: Self::ReadOperation,
    ///     ) -> Self::Response {
    ///         Some(self.junk)
    ///     }
    ///     fn dispatch_mut(
    ///         &mut self,
    ///         op: Self::WriteOperation,
    ///     ) -> Self::Response {
    ///         self.junk = op;
    ///         None
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// let log = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::default());
    /// let replica = Replica::<Data>::new(&log);
    /// let idx = replica.register().expect("Failed to register with replica.");
    /// let _wr = replica.execute_mut(100, idx);
    /// // execute() can be used to read from the replicated data structure.
    /// let res = replica.execute((), idx);
    /// assert_eq!(Some(100), res);
    pub fn execute(
        op: <D as Dispatch>::ReadOperation,
        idx: ReplicaToken,
    ) -> <D as Dispatch>::Response {
        self.read_only(op, idx.0)

    /// Busy waits until a response is available within the thread's context.
    /// `idx` identifies this thread.
    fn get_response(&self, idx: usize) -> <D as Dispatch>::Response {
        let mut iter = 0;
        let interval = 1 << 29;

        // Keep trying to retrieve a response from the thread context. After trying `interval`
        // times with no luck, try to perform flat combining to make some progress.
        loop {
            let r = self.contexts[idx - 1].res();
            if let Some(resp) = r {
                return resp;

            iter += 1;

            if iter == interval {
                iter = 0;

    /// Executes a passed in closure against the replica's underlying data
    /// structure. Useful for unit testing; can be used to verify certain
    /// properties of the data structure after issuing a bunch of operations
    /// against it.
    /// # Note
    /// There is probably no need for a regular client to ever call this function.
    pub fn verify<F: FnMut(&D)>(&self, mut v: F) {
        // Acquire the combiner lock before attempting anything on the data structure.
        // Use an idx greater than the maximum that can be allocated.
        while self.combiner.compare_exchange_weak(
            MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA + 2,
        ) != Ok(0)

        let mut data =;
        let mut f = |o: <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation, _i: usize| {

        self.slog.exec(self.idx, &mut f);

        v(&data);, Ordering::Release);

    /// This method is useful when a replica stops making progress and some threads
    /// on another replica are still active. The active replica will use all the entries
    /// in the log and won't be able perform garbage collection because of the inactive
    /// replica. So, this method syncs up the replica against the underlying log.
    pub fn sync(&self, idx: ReplicaToken) {
        let ctail = self.slog.get_ctail();
        while !self.slog.is_replica_synced_for_reads(self.idx, ctail) {

    /// Issues a read-only operation against the replica and returns a response.
    /// Makes sure the replica is synced up against the log before doing so.
    fn read_only(
        op: <D as Dispatch>::ReadOperation,
        tid: usize,
    ) -> <D as Dispatch>::Response {
        // We can perform the read only if our replica is synced up against
        // the shared log. If it isn't, then try to combine until it is synced up.
        let ctail = self.slog.get_ctail();
        while !self.slog.is_replica_synced_for_reads(self.idx, ctail) {

        return - 1).dispatch(op);

    /// Enqueues an operation inside a thread local context. Returns a boolean
    /// indicating whether the operation was enqueued (true) or not (false).
    fn make_pending(&self, op: <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation, idx: usize) -> bool {
        self.contexts[idx - 1].enqueue(op)

    /// Appends an operation to the log and attempts to perform flat combining.
    /// Accepts a thread `tid` as an argument. Required to acquire the combiner lock.
    fn try_combine(&self, tid: usize) {
        // First, check if there already is a flat combiner. If there is no active flat combiner
        // then try to acquire the combiner lock. If there is, then just return.
        for _i in 0..4 {
            if unsafe {
                        as *const crossbeam_utils::CachePadded<core::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize>
                        as *const usize,
            } != 0

                if self.combiner.load(Ordering::Relaxed) != 0 {

        // Try to become the combiner here. If this fails, then simply return.
        if self
            .compare_exchange_weak(0, tid, Ordering::Acquire, Ordering::Acquire)
            != Ok(0)

        // Successfully became the combiner; perform one round of flat combining.

        // Allow other threads to perform flat combining once we have finished all our work.
        // At this point, we've dropped all mutable references to thread contexts and to
        // the staging buffer as well., Ordering::Release);

    /// Performs one round of flat combining. Collects, appends and executes operations.
    fn combine(&self) {
        let mut buffer = self.buffer.borrow_mut();
        let mut operations = self.inflight.borrow_mut();
        let mut results = self.result.borrow_mut();


        let next =;

        // Collect operations from each thread registered with this replica.
        for i in {
            operations[i - 1] = self.contexts[i - 1].ops(&mut buffer);

        // Append all collected operations into the shared log. We pass a closure
        // in here because operations on the log might need to be consumed for GC.
            let mut data =;
            let f = |o: <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation, i: usize| {
                let resp = data.dispatch_mut(o);
                let resp = data.dispatch_mut(o);
                if i == self.idx {
            self.slog.append(&buffer, self.idx, f);

        // Execute any operations on the shared log against this replica.
            let mut data =;
            let mut f = |o: <D as Dispatch>::WriteOperation, i: usize| {
                let resp = data.dispatch_mut(o);
                if i == self.idx {
            self.slog.exec(self.idx, &mut f);

        // Return/Enqueue responses back into the appropriate thread context(s).
        let (mut s, mut f) = (0, 0);
        for i in {
            if operations[i - 1] == 0 {

            f += operations[i - 1];
            self.contexts[i - 1].enqueue_resps(&results[s..f]);
            s += operations[i - 1];
            operations[i - 1] = 0;

mod test {
    extern crate std;

    use super::*;
    use std::vec;

    // Really dumb data structure to test against the Replica and shared log.
    struct Data {
        junk: u64,

    impl Dispatch for Data {
        type ReadOperation = u64;
        type WriteOperation = u64;
        type Response = Result<u64, ()>;

        fn dispatch(&self, _op: Self::ReadOperation) -> Self::Response {

        fn dispatch_mut(&mut self, _op: Self::WriteOperation) -> Self::Response {
            self.junk += 1;
            return Ok(107);

    // Tests whether we can construct a Replica given a log.
    fn test_replica_create() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::new(1024));
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);
        assert_eq!(repl.idx, 1);
        assert_eq!(repl.combiner.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 0);
        assert_eq!(, 1);
        assert_eq!(repl.contexts.len(), MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA);
            MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA * Context::<u64, Result<u64, ()>>::batch_size()
        assert_eq!(repl.inflight.borrow().len(), MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA);
            MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA * Context::<u64, Result<u64, ()>>::batch_size()
        assert_eq!(, 0);

    // Tests whether we can register with this replica and receive an idx.
    fn test_replica_register() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::new(1024));
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);
        assert_eq!(repl.register(), Some(ReplicaToken(1)));
        assert_eq!(, 2);, Ordering::SeqCst);
        assert_eq!(repl.register(), Some(ReplicaToken(17)));
        assert_eq!(, 18);

    // Tests whether registering more than the maximum limit of threads per replica is disallowed.
    fn test_replica_register_none() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::new(1024));
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);
            .store(MAX_THREADS_PER_REPLICA + 1, Ordering::SeqCst);

    // Tests that we can successfully allow operations to go pending on this replica.
    fn test_replica_make_pending() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::new(1024));
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);
        let mut o = vec![];

        assert!(repl.make_pending(121, 8));
        assert_eq!(repl.contexts[7].ops(&mut o), 1);
        assert_eq!(o.len(), 1);
        assert_eq!(o[0], 121);

    // Tests that we can't pend operations on a context that is already full of operations.
    fn test_replica_make_pending_false() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::new(1024));
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);
        for _i in 0..Context::<u64, Result<u64, ()>>::batch_size() {
            assert!(repl.make_pending(121, 1))

        assert!(!repl.make_pending(11, 1));

    // Tests that we can append and execute operations using try_combine().
    fn test_replica_try_combine() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::default());
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);
        let _idx = repl.register();

        repl.make_pending(121, 1);

        assert_eq!(repl.combiner.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 0);
        assert_eq!(, 1);
        assert_eq!(repl.contexts[0].res(), Some(Ok(107)));

    // Tests whether try_combine() also applies pending operations on other threads to the log.
    fn test_replica_try_combine_pending() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::default());
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);, Ordering::SeqCst);
        repl.make_pending(121, 8);

        assert_eq!(, 1);
        assert_eq!(repl.contexts[7].res(), Some(Ok(107)));

    // Tests whether try_combine() fails if someone else is currently flat combining.
    fn test_replica_try_combine_fail() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::new(1024));
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);, Ordering::SeqCst);, Ordering::SeqCst);
        repl.make_pending(121, 1);

        assert_eq!(, 0);
        assert_eq!(repl.contexts[0].res(), None);

    // Tests whether we can execute an operation against the log using execute_mut().
    fn test_replica_execute_combine() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::default());
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);
        let idx = repl.register().unwrap();

        assert_eq!(Ok(107), repl.execute_mut(121, idx));

    // Tests whether get_response() retrieves a response to an operation that was executed
    // against a replica.
    fn test_replica_get_response() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::default());
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);
        let _idx = repl.register();

        repl.make_pending(121, 1);

        assert_eq!(repl.get_response(1), Ok(107));

    // Tests whether we can issue a read-only operation against the replica.
    fn test_replica_execute() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::default());
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);
        let idx = repl.register().expect("Failed to register with replica.");

        assert_eq!(Ok(107), repl.execute_mut(121, idx));
        assert_eq!(Ok(1), repl.execute(11, idx));

    // Tests that execute() syncs up the replica with the log before
    // executing the read against the data structure.
    fn test_replica_execute_not_synced() {
        let slog = Arc::new(Log::<<Data as Dispatch>::WriteOperation>::default());
        let repl = Replica::<Data>::new(&slog);

        // Add in operations to the log off the side, not through the replica.
        let o = [121, 212];
        slog.append(&o, 2, |_o: u64, _i: usize| {});
        slog.exec(2, &mut |_o: u64, _i: usize| {});

        let t1 = repl.register().expect("Failed to register with replica.");
        assert_eq!(Ok(2), repl.execute(11, t1));