[][src]Trait nobs_vk::DeviceWrapper

pub trait DeviceWrapper {
    fn get_extensions(&self) -> &DeviceExtensions;

    fn get_handle(&self) -> Device { ... }
fn GetDeviceQueue(
        queueFamilyIndex: u32,
        queueIndex: u32,
        pQueue: *mut Queue
    ) { ... }
fn QueueSubmit(
        queue: Queue,
        submitCount: u32,
        pSubmits: *const SubmitInfo,
        fence: Fence
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn QueueWaitIdle(&self, queue: Queue) -> Result { ... }
fn DeviceWaitIdle(&self) -> Result { ... }
fn AllocateMemory(
        pAllocateInfo: *const MemoryAllocateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pMemory: *mut DeviceMemory
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn FreeMemory(
        memory: DeviceMemory,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn MapMemory(
        memory: DeviceMemory,
        offset: DeviceSize,
        size: DeviceSize,
        flags: MemoryMapFlags,
        ppData: *mut *mut c_void
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn UnmapMemory(&self, memory: DeviceMemory) { ... }
fn FlushMappedMemoryRanges(
        memoryRangeCount: u32,
        pMemoryRanges: *const MappedMemoryRange
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn InvalidateMappedMemoryRanges(
        memoryRangeCount: u32,
        pMemoryRanges: *const MappedMemoryRange
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetDeviceMemoryCommitment(
        memory: DeviceMemory,
        pCommittedMemoryInBytes: *mut DeviceSize
    ) { ... }
fn BindBufferMemory(
        buffer: Buffer,
        memory: DeviceMemory,
        memoryOffset: DeviceSize
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn BindImageMemory(
        image: Image,
        memory: DeviceMemory,
        memoryOffset: DeviceSize
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetBufferMemoryRequirements(
        buffer: Buffer,
        pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements
    ) { ... }
fn GetImageMemoryRequirements(
        image: Image,
        pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements
    ) { ... }
fn GetImageSparseMemoryRequirements(
        image: Image,
        pSparseMemoryRequirementCount: *mut u32,
        pSparseMemoryRequirements: *mut SparseImageMemoryRequirements
    ) { ... }
fn QueueBindSparse(
        queue: Queue,
        bindInfoCount: u32,
        pBindInfo: *const BindSparseInfo,
        fence: Fence
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateFence(
        pCreateInfo: *const FenceCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pFence: *mut Fence
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyFence(&self, fence: Fence, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks) { ... }
fn ResetFences(&self, fenceCount: u32, pFences: *const Fence) -> Result { ... }
fn GetFenceStatus(&self, fence: Fence) -> Result { ... }
fn WaitForFences(
        fenceCount: u32,
        pFences: *const Fence,
        waitAll: Bool32,
        timeout: u64
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateSemaphore(
        pCreateInfo: *const SemaphoreCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSemaphore: *mut Semaphore
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroySemaphore(
        semaphore: Semaphore,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreateEvent(
        pCreateInfo: *const EventCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pEvent: *mut Event
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyEvent(&self, event: Event, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks) { ... }
fn GetEventStatus(&self, event: Event) -> Result { ... }
fn SetEvent(&self, event: Event) -> Result { ... }
fn ResetEvent(&self, event: Event) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateQueryPool(
        pCreateInfo: *const QueryPoolCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pQueryPool: *mut QueryPool
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyQueryPool(
        queryPool: QueryPool,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn GetQueryPoolResults(
        queryPool: QueryPool,
        firstQuery: u32,
        queryCount: u32,
        dataSize: usize,
        pData: *mut c_void,
        stride: DeviceSize,
        flags: QueryResultFlags
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateBuffer(
        pCreateInfo: *const BufferCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pBuffer: *mut Buffer
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyBuffer(
        buffer: Buffer,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreateBufferView(
        pCreateInfo: *const BufferViewCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pView: *mut BufferView
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyBufferView(
        bufferView: BufferView,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreateImage(
        pCreateInfo: *const ImageCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pImage: *mut Image
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyImage(&self, image: Image, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks) { ... }
fn GetImageSubresourceLayout(
        image: Image,
        pSubresource: *const ImageSubresource,
        pLayout: *mut SubresourceLayout
    ) { ... }
fn CreateImageView(
        pCreateInfo: *const ImageViewCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pView: *mut ImageView
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyImageView(
        imageView: ImageView,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreateShaderModule(
        pCreateInfo: *const ShaderModuleCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pShaderModule: *mut ShaderModule
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyShaderModule(
        shaderModule: ShaderModule,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreatePipelineCache(
        pCreateInfo: *const PipelineCacheCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pPipelineCache: *mut PipelineCache
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyPipelineCache(
        pipelineCache: PipelineCache,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn GetPipelineCacheData(
        pipelineCache: PipelineCache,
        pDataSize: *mut usize,
        pData: *mut c_void
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn MergePipelineCaches(
        dstCache: PipelineCache,
        srcCacheCount: u32,
        pSrcCaches: *const PipelineCache
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateGraphicsPipelines(
        pipelineCache: PipelineCache,
        createInfoCount: u32,
        pCreateInfos: *const GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pPipelines: *mut Pipeline
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateComputePipelines(
        pipelineCache: PipelineCache,
        createInfoCount: u32,
        pCreateInfos: *const ComputePipelineCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pPipelines: *mut Pipeline
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyPipeline(
        pipeline: Pipeline,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreatePipelineLayout(
        pCreateInfo: *const PipelineLayoutCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pPipelineLayout: *mut PipelineLayout
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyPipelineLayout(
        pipelineLayout: PipelineLayout,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreateSampler(
        pCreateInfo: *const SamplerCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSampler: *mut Sampler
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroySampler(
        sampler: Sampler,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreateDescriptorSetLayout(
        pCreateInfo: *const DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSetLayout: *mut DescriptorSetLayout
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyDescriptorSetLayout(
        descriptorSetLayout: DescriptorSetLayout,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreateDescriptorPool(
        pCreateInfo: *const DescriptorPoolCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pDescriptorPool: *mut DescriptorPool
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyDescriptorPool(
        descriptorPool: DescriptorPool,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn ResetDescriptorPool(
        descriptorPool: DescriptorPool,
        flags: DescriptorPoolResetFlags
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn AllocateDescriptorSets(
        pAllocateInfo: *const DescriptorSetAllocateInfo,
        pDescriptorSets: *mut DescriptorSet
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn FreeDescriptorSets(
        descriptorPool: DescriptorPool,
        descriptorSetCount: u32,
        pDescriptorSets: *const DescriptorSet
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn UpdateDescriptorSets(
        descriptorWriteCount: u32,
        pDescriptorWrites: *const WriteDescriptorSet,
        descriptorCopyCount: u32,
        pDescriptorCopies: *const CopyDescriptorSet
    ) { ... }
fn CreateFramebuffer(
        pCreateInfo: *const FramebufferCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pFramebuffer: *mut Framebuffer
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyFramebuffer(
        framebuffer: Framebuffer,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreateRenderPass(
        pCreateInfo: *const RenderPassCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pRenderPass: *mut RenderPass
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyRenderPass(
        renderPass: RenderPass,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn GetRenderAreaGranularity(
        renderPass: RenderPass,
        pGranularity: *mut Extent2D
    ) { ... }
fn CreateCommandPool(
        pCreateInfo: *const CommandPoolCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pCommandPool: *mut CommandPool
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyCommandPool(
        commandPool: CommandPool,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn ResetCommandPool(
        commandPool: CommandPool,
        flags: CommandPoolResetFlags
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn AllocateCommandBuffers(
        pAllocateInfo: *const CommandBufferAllocateInfo,
        pCommandBuffers: *mut CommandBuffer
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn FreeCommandBuffers(
        commandPool: CommandPool,
        commandBufferCount: u32,
        pCommandBuffers: *const CommandBuffer
    ) { ... }
fn BeginCommandBuffer(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pBeginInfo: *const CommandBufferBeginInfo
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn EndCommandBuffer(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer) -> Result { ... }
fn ResetCommandBuffer(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        flags: CommandBufferResetFlags
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdBindPipeline(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pipelineBindPoint: PipelineBindPoint,
        pipeline: Pipeline
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetViewport(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        firstViewport: u32,
        viewportCount: u32,
        pViewports: *const Viewport
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetScissor(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        firstScissor: u32,
        scissorCount: u32,
        pScissors: *const Rect2D
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetLineWidth(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, lineWidth: f32) { ... }
fn CmdSetDepthBias(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        depthBiasConstantFactor: f32,
        depthBiasClamp: f32,
        depthBiasSlopeFactor: f32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetBlendConstants(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        blendConstants: [f32; 4]
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetDepthBounds(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        minDepthBounds: f32,
        maxDepthBounds: f32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetStencilCompareMask(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        faceMask: StencilFaceFlags,
        compareMask: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetStencilWriteMask(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        faceMask: StencilFaceFlags,
        writeMask: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetStencilReference(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        faceMask: StencilFaceFlags,
        reference: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdBindDescriptorSets(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pipelineBindPoint: PipelineBindPoint,
        layout: PipelineLayout,
        firstSet: u32,
        descriptorSetCount: u32,
        pDescriptorSets: *const DescriptorSet,
        dynamicOffsetCount: u32,
        pDynamicOffsets: *const u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdBindIndexBuffer(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        buffer: Buffer,
        offset: DeviceSize,
        indexType: IndexType
    ) { ... }
fn CmdBindVertexBuffers(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        firstBinding: u32,
        bindingCount: u32,
        pBuffers: *const Buffer,
        pOffsets: *const DeviceSize
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDraw(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        vertexCount: u32,
        instanceCount: u32,
        firstVertex: u32,
        firstInstance: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDrawIndexed(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        indexCount: u32,
        instanceCount: u32,
        firstIndex: u32,
        vertexOffset: i32,
        firstInstance: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDrawIndirect(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        buffer: Buffer,
        offset: DeviceSize,
        drawCount: u32,
        stride: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDrawIndexedIndirect(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        buffer: Buffer,
        offset: DeviceSize,
        drawCount: u32,
        stride: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDispatch(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        groupCountX: u32,
        groupCountY: u32,
        groupCountZ: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDispatchIndirect(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        buffer: Buffer,
        offset: DeviceSize
    ) { ... }
fn CmdCopyBuffer(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        srcBuffer: Buffer,
        dstBuffer: Buffer,
        regionCount: u32,
        pRegions: *const BufferCopy
    ) { ... }
fn CmdCopyImage(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        srcImage: Image,
        srcImageLayout: ImageLayout,
        dstImage: Image,
        dstImageLayout: ImageLayout,
        regionCount: u32,
        pRegions: *const ImageCopy
    ) { ... }
fn CmdBlitImage(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        srcImage: Image,
        srcImageLayout: ImageLayout,
        dstImage: Image,
        dstImageLayout: ImageLayout,
        regionCount: u32,
        pRegions: *const ImageBlit,
        filter: Filter
    ) { ... }
fn CmdCopyBufferToImage(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        srcBuffer: Buffer,
        dstImage: Image,
        dstImageLayout: ImageLayout,
        regionCount: u32,
        pRegions: *const BufferImageCopy
    ) { ... }
fn CmdCopyImageToBuffer(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        srcImage: Image,
        srcImageLayout: ImageLayout,
        dstBuffer: Buffer,
        regionCount: u32,
        pRegions: *const BufferImageCopy
    ) { ... }
fn CmdUpdateBuffer(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        dstBuffer: Buffer,
        dstOffset: DeviceSize,
        dataSize: DeviceSize,
        pData: *const c_void
    ) { ... }
fn CmdFillBuffer(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        dstBuffer: Buffer,
        dstOffset: DeviceSize,
        size: DeviceSize,
        data: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdClearColorImage(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        image: Image,
        imageLayout: ImageLayout,
        pColor: *const ClearColorValue,
        rangeCount: u32,
        pRanges: *const ImageSubresourceRange
    ) { ... }
fn CmdClearDepthStencilImage(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        image: Image,
        imageLayout: ImageLayout,
        pDepthStencil: *const ClearDepthStencilValue,
        rangeCount: u32,
        pRanges: *const ImageSubresourceRange
    ) { ... }
fn CmdClearAttachments(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        attachmentCount: u32,
        pAttachments: *const ClearAttachment,
        rectCount: u32,
        pRects: *const ClearRect
    ) { ... }
fn CmdResolveImage(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        srcImage: Image,
        srcImageLayout: ImageLayout,
        dstImage: Image,
        dstImageLayout: ImageLayout,
        regionCount: u32,
        pRegions: *const ImageResolve
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetEvent(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        event: Event,
        stageMask: PipelineStageFlags
    ) { ... }
fn CmdResetEvent(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        event: Event,
        stageMask: PipelineStageFlags
    ) { ... }
fn CmdWaitEvents(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        eventCount: u32,
        pEvents: *const Event,
        srcStageMask: PipelineStageFlags,
        dstStageMask: PipelineStageFlags,
        memoryBarrierCount: u32,
        pMemoryBarriers: *const MemoryBarrier,
        bufferMemoryBarrierCount: u32,
        pBufferMemoryBarriers: *const BufferMemoryBarrier,
        imageMemoryBarrierCount: u32,
        pImageMemoryBarriers: *const ImageMemoryBarrier
    ) { ... }
fn CmdPipelineBarrier(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        srcStageMask: PipelineStageFlags,
        dstStageMask: PipelineStageFlags,
        dependencyFlags: DependencyFlags,
        memoryBarrierCount: u32,
        pMemoryBarriers: *const MemoryBarrier,
        bufferMemoryBarrierCount: u32,
        pBufferMemoryBarriers: *const BufferMemoryBarrier,
        imageMemoryBarrierCount: u32,
        pImageMemoryBarriers: *const ImageMemoryBarrier
    ) { ... }
fn CmdBeginQuery(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        queryPool: QueryPool,
        query: u32,
        flags: QueryControlFlags
    ) { ... }
fn CmdEndQuery(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        queryPool: QueryPool,
        query: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdResetQueryPool(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        queryPool: QueryPool,
        firstQuery: u32,
        queryCount: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdWriteTimestamp(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pipelineStage: PipelineStageFlagBits,
        queryPool: QueryPool,
        query: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdCopyQueryPoolResults(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        queryPool: QueryPool,
        firstQuery: u32,
        queryCount: u32,
        dstBuffer: Buffer,
        dstOffset: DeviceSize,
        stride: DeviceSize,
        flags: QueryResultFlags
    ) { ... }
fn CmdPushConstants(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        layout: PipelineLayout,
        stageFlags: ShaderStageFlags,
        offset: u32,
        size: u32,
        pValues: *const c_void
    ) { ... }
fn CmdBeginRenderPass(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pRenderPassBegin: *const RenderPassBeginInfo,
        contents: SubpassContents
    ) { ... }
fn CmdNextSubpass(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        contents: SubpassContents
    ) { ... }
fn CmdEndRenderPass(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer) { ... }
fn CmdExecuteCommands(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        commandBufferCount: u32,
        pCommandBuffers: *const CommandBuffer
    ) { ... }
fn BindBufferMemory2(
        bindInfoCount: u32,
        pBindInfos: *const BindBufferMemoryInfo
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn BindImageMemory2(
        bindInfoCount: u32,
        pBindInfos: *const BindImageMemoryInfo
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures(
        heapIndex: u32,
        localDeviceIndex: u32,
        remoteDeviceIndex: u32,
        pPeerMemoryFeatures: *mut PeerMemoryFeatureFlags
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetDeviceMask(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, deviceMask: u32) { ... }
fn CmdDispatchBase(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        baseGroupX: u32,
        baseGroupY: u32,
        baseGroupZ: u32,
        groupCountX: u32,
        groupCountY: u32,
        groupCountZ: u32
    ) { ... }
fn GetImageMemoryRequirements2(
        pInfo: *const ImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2,
        pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements2
    ) { ... }
fn GetBufferMemoryRequirements2(
        pInfo: *const BufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2,
        pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements2
    ) { ... }
fn GetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2(
        pInfo: *const ImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2,
        pSparseMemoryRequirementCount: *mut u32,
        pSparseMemoryRequirements: *mut SparseImageMemoryRequirements2
    ) { ... }
fn TrimCommandPool(
        commandPool: CommandPool,
        flags: CommandPoolTrimFlags
    ) { ... }
fn GetDeviceQueue2(
        pQueueInfo: *const DeviceQueueInfo2,
        pQueue: *mut Queue
    ) { ... }
fn CreateSamplerYcbcrConversion(
        pCreateInfo: *const SamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pYcbcrConversion: *mut SamplerYcbcrConversion
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroySamplerYcbcrConversion(
        ycbcrConversion: SamplerYcbcrConversion,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreateDescriptorUpdateTemplate(
        pCreateInfo: *const DescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pDescriptorUpdateTemplate: *mut DescriptorUpdateTemplate
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplate(
        descriptorUpdateTemplate: DescriptorUpdateTemplate,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn UpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate(
        descriptorSet: DescriptorSet,
        descriptorUpdateTemplate: DescriptorUpdateTemplate,
        pData: *const c_void
    ) { ... }
fn GetDescriptorSetLayoutSupport(
        pCreateInfo: *const DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo,
        pSupport: *mut DescriptorSetLayoutSupport
    ) { ... }
fn CreateSwapchainKHR(
        pCreateInfo: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSwapchain: *mut SwapchainKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroySwapchainKHR(
        swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn GetSwapchainImagesKHR(
        swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
        pSwapchainImageCount: *mut u32,
        pSwapchainImages: *mut Image
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn AcquireNextImageKHR(
        swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
        timeout: u64,
        semaphore: Semaphore,
        fence: Fence,
        pImageIndex: *mut u32
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn QueuePresentKHR(
        queue: Queue,
        pPresentInfo: *const PresentInfoKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR(
        pDeviceGroupPresentCapabilities: *mut DeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModesKHR(
        surface: SurfaceKHR,
        pModes: *mut DeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDevicePresentRectanglesKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        surface: SurfaceKHR,
        pRectCount: *mut u32,
        pRects: *mut Rect2D
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn AcquireNextImage2KHR(
        pAcquireInfo: *const AcquireNextImageInfoKHR,
        pImageIndex: *mut u32
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateSharedSwapchainsKHR(
        swapchainCount: u32,
        pCreateInfos: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSwapchains: *mut SwapchainKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DebugMarkerSetObjectTagEXT(
        pTagInfo: *const DebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT(
        pNameInfo: *const DebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pMarkerInfo: *const DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDebugMarkerEndEXT(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer) { ... }
fn CmdDebugMarkerInsertEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pMarkerInfo: *const DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT
    ) { ... }
fn CmdBindTransformFeedbackBuffersEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        firstBinding: u32,
        bindingCount: u32,
        pBuffers: *const Buffer,
        pOffsets: *const DeviceSize,
        pSizes: *const DeviceSize
    ) { ... }
fn CmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        firstCounterBuffer: u32,
        counterBufferCount: u32,
        pCounterBuffers: *const Buffer,
        pCounterBufferOffsets: *const DeviceSize
    ) { ... }
fn CmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        firstCounterBuffer: u32,
        counterBufferCount: u32,
        pCounterBuffers: *const Buffer,
        pCounterBufferOffsets: *const DeviceSize
    ) { ... }
fn CmdBeginQueryIndexedEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        queryPool: QueryPool,
        query: u32,
        flags: QueryControlFlags,
        index: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdEndQueryIndexedEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        queryPool: QueryPool,
        query: u32,
        index: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        instanceCount: u32,
        firstInstance: u32,
        counterBuffer: Buffer,
        counterBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
        counterOffset: u32,
        vertexStride: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDrawIndirectCountAMD(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        buffer: Buffer,
        offset: DeviceSize,
        countBuffer: Buffer,
        countBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
        maxDrawCount: u32,
        stride: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountAMD(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        buffer: Buffer,
        offset: DeviceSize,
        countBuffer: Buffer,
        countBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
        maxDrawCount: u32,
        stride: u32
    ) { ... }
fn GetShaderInfoAMD(
        pipeline: Pipeline,
        shaderStage: ShaderStageFlagBits,
        infoType: ShaderInfoTypeAMD,
        pInfoSize: *mut usize,
        pInfo: *mut c_void
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetMemoryWin32HandleNV(
        memory: DeviceMemory,
        handleType: ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV,
        pHandle: *mut HANDLE
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetMemoryWin32HandleKHR(
        pGetWin32HandleInfo: *const MemoryGetWin32HandleInfoKHR,
        pHandle: *mut HANDLE
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetMemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHR(
        handleType: ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits,
        handle: HANDLE,
        pMemoryWin32HandleProperties: *mut MemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetMemoryFdKHR(
        pGetFdInfo: *const MemoryGetFdInfoKHR,
        pFd: *mut i32
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR(
        handleType: ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits,
        fd: i32,
        pMemoryFdProperties: *mut MemoryFdPropertiesKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn ImportSemaphoreWin32HandleKHR(
        pImportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfo: *const ImportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfoKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetSemaphoreWin32HandleKHR(
        pGetWin32HandleInfo: *const SemaphoreGetWin32HandleInfoKHR,
        pHandle: *mut HANDLE
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn ImportSemaphoreFdKHR(
        pImportSemaphoreFdInfo: *const ImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetSemaphoreFdKHR(
        pGetFdInfo: *const SemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR,
        pFd: *mut i32
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdPushDescriptorSetKHR(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pipelineBindPoint: PipelineBindPoint,
        layout: PipelineLayout,
        set: u32,
        descriptorWriteCount: u32,
        pDescriptorWrites: *const WriteDescriptorSet
    ) { ... }
fn CmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        descriptorUpdateTemplate: DescriptorUpdateTemplate,
        layout: PipelineLayout,
        set: u32,
        pData: *const c_void
    ) { ... }
fn CmdBeginConditionalRenderingEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pConditionalRenderingBegin: *const ConditionalRenderingBeginInfoEXT
    ) { ... }
fn CmdEndConditionalRenderingEXT(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer) { ... }
fn CmdProcessCommandsNVX(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pProcessCommandsInfo: *const CmdProcessCommandsInfoNVX
    ) { ... }
fn CmdReserveSpaceForCommandsNVX(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pReserveSpaceInfo: *const CmdReserveSpaceForCommandsInfoNVX
    ) { ... }
fn CreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX(
        pCreateInfo: *const IndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNVX,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pIndirectCommandsLayout: *mut IndirectCommandsLayoutNVX
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX(
        indirectCommandsLayout: IndirectCommandsLayoutNVX,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn CreateObjectTableNVX(
        pCreateInfo: *const ObjectTableCreateInfoNVX,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pObjectTable: *mut ObjectTableNVX
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyObjectTableNVX(
        objectTable: ObjectTableNVX,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn RegisterObjectsNVX(
        objectTable: ObjectTableNVX,
        objectCount: u32,
        ppObjectTableEntries: *const *const ObjectTableEntryNVX,
        pObjectIndices: *const u32
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn UnregisterObjectsNVX(
        objectTable: ObjectTableNVX,
        objectCount: u32,
        pObjectEntryTypes: *const ObjectEntryTypeNVX,
        pObjectIndices: *const u32
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNVX(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pFeatures: *mut DeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNVX,
        pLimits: *mut DeviceGeneratedCommandsLimitsNVX
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetViewportWScalingNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        firstViewport: u32,
        viewportCount: u32,
        pViewportWScalings: *const ViewportWScalingNV
    ) { ... }
fn DisplayPowerControlEXT(
        display: DisplayKHR,
        pDisplayPowerInfo: *const DisplayPowerInfoEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn RegisterDeviceEventEXT(
        pDeviceEventInfo: *const DeviceEventInfoEXT,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pFence: *mut Fence
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn RegisterDisplayEventEXT(
        display: DisplayKHR,
        pDisplayEventInfo: *const DisplayEventInfoEXT,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pFence: *mut Fence
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetSwapchainCounterEXT(
        swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
        counter: SurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT,
        pCounterValue: *mut u64
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE(
        swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
        pDisplayTimingProperties: *mut RefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE(
        swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
        pPresentationTimingCount: *mut u32,
        pPresentationTimings: *mut PastPresentationTimingGOOGLE
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        firstDiscardRectangle: u32,
        discardRectangleCount: u32,
        pDiscardRectangles: *const Rect2D
    ) { ... }
fn SetHdrMetadataEXT(
        swapchainCount: u32,
        pSwapchains: *const SwapchainKHR,
        pMetadata: *const HdrMetadataEXT
    ) { ... }
fn CreateRenderPass2KHR(
        pCreateInfo: *const RenderPassCreateInfo2KHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pRenderPass: *mut RenderPass
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdBeginRenderPass2KHR(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pRenderPassBegin: *const RenderPassBeginInfo,
        pSubpassBeginInfo: *const SubpassBeginInfoKHR
    ) { ... }
fn CmdNextSubpass2KHR(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pSubpassBeginInfo: *const SubpassBeginInfoKHR,
        pSubpassEndInfo: *const SubpassEndInfoKHR
    ) { ... }
fn CmdEndRenderPass2KHR(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pSubpassEndInfo: *const SubpassEndInfoKHR
    ) { ... }
fn GetSwapchainStatusKHR(&self, swapchain: SwapchainKHR) -> Result { ... }
fn ImportFenceWin32HandleKHR(
        pImportFenceWin32HandleInfo: *const ImportFenceWin32HandleInfoKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetFenceWin32HandleKHR(
        pGetWin32HandleInfo: *const FenceGetWin32HandleInfoKHR,
        pHandle: *mut HANDLE
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn ImportFenceFdKHR(
        pImportFenceFdInfo: *const ImportFenceFdInfoKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetFenceFdKHR(
        pGetFdInfo: *const FenceGetFdInfoKHR,
        pFd: *mut i32
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID(
        buffer: *const AHardwareBuffer,
        pProperties: *mut AndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetMemoryAndroidHardwareBufferANDROID(
        pInfo: *const MemoryGetAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID,
        pBuffer: *mut *mut AHardwareBuffer
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdSetSampleLocationsEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pSampleLocationsInfo: *const SampleLocationsInfoEXT
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        samples: SampleCountFlagBits,
        pMultisampleProperties: *mut MultisamplePropertiesEXT
    ) { ... }
fn GetImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT(
        image: Image,
        pProperties: *mut ImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateValidationCacheEXT(
        pCreateInfo: *const ValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pValidationCache: *mut ValidationCacheEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyValidationCacheEXT(
        validationCache: ValidationCacheEXT,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn MergeValidationCachesEXT(
        dstCache: ValidationCacheEXT,
        srcCacheCount: u32,
        pSrcCaches: *const ValidationCacheEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetValidationCacheDataEXT(
        validationCache: ValidationCacheEXT,
        pDataSize: *mut usize,
        pData: *mut c_void
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdBindShadingRateImageNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        imageView: ImageView,
        imageLayout: ImageLayout
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetViewportShadingRatePaletteNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        firstViewport: u32,
        viewportCount: u32,
        pShadingRatePalettes: *const ShadingRatePaletteNV
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetCoarseSampleOrderNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        sampleOrderType: CoarseSampleOrderTypeNV,
        customSampleOrderCount: u32,
        pCustomSampleOrders: *const CoarseSampleOrderCustomNV
    ) { ... }
fn CreateAccelerationStructureNV(
        pCreateInfo: *const AccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pAccelerationStructure: *mut AccelerationStructureNV
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyAccelerationStructureNV(
        accelerationStructure: AccelerationStructureNV,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn GetAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsNV(
        pInfo: *const AccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsInfoNV,
        pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements2
    ) { ... }
fn BindAccelerationStructureMemoryNV(
        bindInfoCount: u32,
        pBindInfos: *const BindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoNV
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdBuildAccelerationStructureNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pInfo: *const AccelerationStructureInfoNV,
        instanceData: Buffer,
        instanceOffset: DeviceSize,
        update: Bool32,
        dst: AccelerationStructureNV,
        src: AccelerationStructureNV,
        scratch: Buffer,
        scratchOffset: DeviceSize
    ) { ... }
fn CmdCopyAccelerationStructureNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        dst: AccelerationStructureNV,
        src: AccelerationStructureNV,
        mode: CopyAccelerationStructureModeNV
    ) { ... }
fn CmdTraceRaysNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        raygenShaderBindingTableBuffer: Buffer,
        raygenShaderBindingOffset: DeviceSize,
        missShaderBindingTableBuffer: Buffer,
        missShaderBindingOffset: DeviceSize,
        missShaderBindingStride: DeviceSize,
        hitShaderBindingTableBuffer: Buffer,
        hitShaderBindingOffset: DeviceSize,
        hitShaderBindingStride: DeviceSize,
        callableShaderBindingTableBuffer: Buffer,
        callableShaderBindingOffset: DeviceSize,
        callableShaderBindingStride: DeviceSize,
        width: u32,
        height: u32,
        depth: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CreateRayTracingPipelinesNV(
        pipelineCache: PipelineCache,
        createInfoCount: u32,
        pCreateInfos: *const RayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pPipelines: *mut Pipeline
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetRayTracingShaderGroupHandlesNV(
        pipeline: Pipeline,
        firstGroup: u32,
        groupCount: u32,
        dataSize: usize,
        pData: *mut c_void
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetAccelerationStructureHandleNV(
        accelerationStructure: AccelerationStructureNV,
        dataSize: usize,
        pData: *mut c_void
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        accelerationStructureCount: u32,
        pAccelerationStructures: *const AccelerationStructureNV,
        queryType: QueryType,
        queryPool: QueryPool,
        firstQuery: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CompileDeferredNV(&self, pipeline: Pipeline, shader: u32) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdDrawIndirectCountKHR(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        buffer: Buffer,
        offset: DeviceSize,
        countBuffer: Buffer,
        countBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
        maxDrawCount: u32,
        stride: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountKHR(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        buffer: Buffer,
        offset: DeviceSize,
        countBuffer: Buffer,
        countBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
        maxDrawCount: u32,
        stride: u32
    ) { ... }
fn GetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT(
        handleType: ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits,
        pHostPointer: *const c_void,
        pMemoryHostPointerProperties: *mut MemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdWriteBufferMarkerAMD(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pipelineStage: PipelineStageFlagBits,
        dstBuffer: Buffer,
        dstOffset: DeviceSize,
        marker: u32
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceCalibrateableTimeDomainsEXT(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pTimeDomainCount: *mut u32,
        pTimeDomains: *mut TimeDomainEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetCalibratedTimestampsEXT(
        timestampCount: u32,
        pTimestampInfos: *const CalibratedTimestampInfoEXT,
        pTimestamps: *mut u64,
        pMaxDeviation: *mut u64
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CmdDrawMeshTasksNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        taskCount: u32,
        firstTask: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        buffer: Buffer,
        offset: DeviceSize,
        drawCount: u32,
        stride: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        buffer: Buffer,
        offset: DeviceSize,
        countBuffer: Buffer,
        countBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
        maxDrawCount: u32,
        stride: u32
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetExclusiveScissorNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        firstExclusiveScissor: u32,
        exclusiveScissorCount: u32,
        pExclusiveScissors: *const Rect2D
    ) { ... }
fn CmdSetCheckpointNV(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pCheckpointMarker: *const c_void
    ) { ... }
fn GetQueueCheckpointDataNV(
        queue: Queue,
        pCheckpointDataCount: *mut u32,
        pCheckpointData: *mut CheckpointDataNV
    ) { ... } }
Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

Trait with default pass-through implementations for vulkan commands associated with a device

ATTENTION - This trait might be changed or removed in the future


This trait only requires the implementation of get_extensions. Device level vulkan commands are then passed through to their respective core or device extension function pointer. If the vulkan command required a Device parameter, the wrapper will drop this parameter, since the device handle can be provided by the DeviceExtensions.

Example The DeviceWrapper uses the same pattern as the InstanceWrapper, look here for an example.

Required methods

fn get_extensions(&self) -> &DeviceExtensions

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

Loading content...

Provided methods

fn get_handle(&self) -> Device

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetDeviceQueue(
    queueFamilyIndex: u32,
    queueIndex: u32,
    pQueue: *mut Queue

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn QueueSubmit(
    queue: Queue,
    submitCount: u32,
    pSubmits: *const SubmitInfo,
    fence: Fence
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn QueueWaitIdle(&self, queue: Queue) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DeviceWaitIdle(&self) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn AllocateMemory(
    pAllocateInfo: *const MemoryAllocateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pMemory: *mut DeviceMemory
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn FreeMemory(
    memory: DeviceMemory,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn MapMemory(
    memory: DeviceMemory,
    offset: DeviceSize,
    size: DeviceSize,
    flags: MemoryMapFlags,
    ppData: *mut *mut c_void
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn UnmapMemory(&self, memory: DeviceMemory)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn FlushMappedMemoryRanges(
    memoryRangeCount: u32,
    pMemoryRanges: *const MappedMemoryRange
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn InvalidateMappedMemoryRanges(
    memoryRangeCount: u32,
    pMemoryRanges: *const MappedMemoryRange
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetDeviceMemoryCommitment(
    memory: DeviceMemory,
    pCommittedMemoryInBytes: *mut DeviceSize

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn BindBufferMemory(
    buffer: Buffer,
    memory: DeviceMemory,
    memoryOffset: DeviceSize
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn BindImageMemory(
    image: Image,
    memory: DeviceMemory,
    memoryOffset: DeviceSize
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetBufferMemoryRequirements(
    buffer: Buffer,
    pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetImageMemoryRequirements(
    image: Image,
    pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetImageSparseMemoryRequirements(
    image: Image,
    pSparseMemoryRequirementCount: *mut u32,
    pSparseMemoryRequirements: *mut SparseImageMemoryRequirements

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn QueueBindSparse(
    queue: Queue,
    bindInfoCount: u32,
    pBindInfo: *const BindSparseInfo,
    fence: Fence
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateFence(
    pCreateInfo: *const FenceCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pFence: *mut Fence
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyFence(&self, fence: Fence, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn ResetFences(&self, fenceCount: u32, pFences: *const Fence) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetFenceStatus(&self, fence: Fence) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn WaitForFences(
    fenceCount: u32,
    pFences: *const Fence,
    waitAll: Bool32,
    timeout: u64
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateSemaphore(
    pCreateInfo: *const SemaphoreCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSemaphore: *mut Semaphore
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroySemaphore(
    semaphore: Semaphore,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateEvent(
    pCreateInfo: *const EventCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pEvent: *mut Event
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyEvent(&self, event: Event, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetEventStatus(&self, event: Event) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn SetEvent(&self, event: Event) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn ResetEvent(&self, event: Event) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateQueryPool(
    pCreateInfo: *const QueryPoolCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pQueryPool: *mut QueryPool
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyQueryPool(
    queryPool: QueryPool,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetQueryPoolResults(
    queryPool: QueryPool,
    firstQuery: u32,
    queryCount: u32,
    dataSize: usize,
    pData: *mut c_void,
    stride: DeviceSize,
    flags: QueryResultFlags
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateBuffer(
    pCreateInfo: *const BufferCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pBuffer: *mut Buffer
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyBuffer(&self, buffer: Buffer, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateBufferView(
    pCreateInfo: *const BufferViewCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pView: *mut BufferView
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyBufferView(
    bufferView: BufferView,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateImage(
    pCreateInfo: *const ImageCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pImage: *mut Image
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyImage(&self, image: Image, pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetImageSubresourceLayout(
    image: Image,
    pSubresource: *const ImageSubresource,
    pLayout: *mut SubresourceLayout

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateImageView(
    pCreateInfo: *const ImageViewCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pView: *mut ImageView
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyImageView(
    imageView: ImageView,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateShaderModule(
    pCreateInfo: *const ShaderModuleCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pShaderModule: *mut ShaderModule
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyShaderModule(
    shaderModule: ShaderModule,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreatePipelineCache(
    pCreateInfo: *const PipelineCacheCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pPipelineCache: *mut PipelineCache
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyPipelineCache(
    pipelineCache: PipelineCache,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetPipelineCacheData(
    pipelineCache: PipelineCache,
    pDataSize: *mut usize,
    pData: *mut c_void
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn MergePipelineCaches(
    dstCache: PipelineCache,
    srcCacheCount: u32,
    pSrcCaches: *const PipelineCache
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateGraphicsPipelines(
    pipelineCache: PipelineCache,
    createInfoCount: u32,
    pCreateInfos: *const GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pPipelines: *mut Pipeline
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateComputePipelines(
    pipelineCache: PipelineCache,
    createInfoCount: u32,
    pCreateInfos: *const ComputePipelineCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pPipelines: *mut Pipeline
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyPipeline(
    pipeline: Pipeline,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreatePipelineLayout(
    pCreateInfo: *const PipelineLayoutCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pPipelineLayout: *mut PipelineLayout
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyPipelineLayout(
    pipelineLayout: PipelineLayout,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateSampler(
    pCreateInfo: *const SamplerCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSampler: *mut Sampler
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroySampler(
    sampler: Sampler,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateDescriptorSetLayout(
    pCreateInfo: *const DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSetLayout: *mut DescriptorSetLayout
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyDescriptorSetLayout(
    descriptorSetLayout: DescriptorSetLayout,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateDescriptorPool(
    pCreateInfo: *const DescriptorPoolCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pDescriptorPool: *mut DescriptorPool
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyDescriptorPool(
    descriptorPool: DescriptorPool,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn ResetDescriptorPool(
    descriptorPool: DescriptorPool,
    flags: DescriptorPoolResetFlags
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn AllocateDescriptorSets(
    pAllocateInfo: *const DescriptorSetAllocateInfo,
    pDescriptorSets: *mut DescriptorSet
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn FreeDescriptorSets(
    descriptorPool: DescriptorPool,
    descriptorSetCount: u32,
    pDescriptorSets: *const DescriptorSet
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn UpdateDescriptorSets(
    descriptorWriteCount: u32,
    pDescriptorWrites: *const WriteDescriptorSet,
    descriptorCopyCount: u32,
    pDescriptorCopies: *const CopyDescriptorSet

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateFramebuffer(
    pCreateInfo: *const FramebufferCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pFramebuffer: *mut Framebuffer
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyFramebuffer(
    framebuffer: Framebuffer,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateRenderPass(
    pCreateInfo: *const RenderPassCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pRenderPass: *mut RenderPass
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyRenderPass(
    renderPass: RenderPass,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetRenderAreaGranularity(
    renderPass: RenderPass,
    pGranularity: *mut Extent2D

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateCommandPool(
    pCreateInfo: *const CommandPoolCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pCommandPool: *mut CommandPool
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyCommandPool(
    commandPool: CommandPool,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn ResetCommandPool(
    commandPool: CommandPool,
    flags: CommandPoolResetFlags
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn AllocateCommandBuffers(
    pAllocateInfo: *const CommandBufferAllocateInfo,
    pCommandBuffers: *mut CommandBuffer
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn FreeCommandBuffers(
    commandPool: CommandPool,
    commandBufferCount: u32,
    pCommandBuffers: *const CommandBuffer

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn BeginCommandBuffer(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pBeginInfo: *const CommandBufferBeginInfo
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn EndCommandBuffer(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn ResetCommandBuffer(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    flags: CommandBufferResetFlags
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBindPipeline(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pipelineBindPoint: PipelineBindPoint,
    pipeline: Pipeline

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetViewport(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    firstViewport: u32,
    viewportCount: u32,
    pViewports: *const Viewport

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetScissor(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    firstScissor: u32,
    scissorCount: u32,
    pScissors: *const Rect2D

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetLineWidth(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, lineWidth: f32)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetDepthBias(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    depthBiasConstantFactor: f32,
    depthBiasClamp: f32,
    depthBiasSlopeFactor: f32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetBlendConstants(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    blendConstants: [f32; 4]

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetDepthBounds(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    minDepthBounds: f32,
    maxDepthBounds: f32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetStencilCompareMask(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    faceMask: StencilFaceFlags,
    compareMask: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetStencilWriteMask(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    faceMask: StencilFaceFlags,
    writeMask: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetStencilReference(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    faceMask: StencilFaceFlags,
    reference: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBindDescriptorSets(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pipelineBindPoint: PipelineBindPoint,
    layout: PipelineLayout,
    firstSet: u32,
    descriptorSetCount: u32,
    pDescriptorSets: *const DescriptorSet,
    dynamicOffsetCount: u32,
    pDynamicOffsets: *const u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBindIndexBuffer(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    buffer: Buffer,
    offset: DeviceSize,
    indexType: IndexType

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBindVertexBuffers(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    firstBinding: u32,
    bindingCount: u32,
    pBuffers: *const Buffer,
    pOffsets: *const DeviceSize

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDraw(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    vertexCount: u32,
    instanceCount: u32,
    firstVertex: u32,
    firstInstance: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDrawIndexed(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    indexCount: u32,
    instanceCount: u32,
    firstIndex: u32,
    vertexOffset: i32,
    firstInstance: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDrawIndirect(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    buffer: Buffer,
    offset: DeviceSize,
    drawCount: u32,
    stride: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDrawIndexedIndirect(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    buffer: Buffer,
    offset: DeviceSize,
    drawCount: u32,
    stride: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDispatch(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    groupCountX: u32,
    groupCountY: u32,
    groupCountZ: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDispatchIndirect(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    buffer: Buffer,
    offset: DeviceSize

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdCopyBuffer(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    srcBuffer: Buffer,
    dstBuffer: Buffer,
    regionCount: u32,
    pRegions: *const BufferCopy

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdCopyImage(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    srcImage: Image,
    srcImageLayout: ImageLayout,
    dstImage: Image,
    dstImageLayout: ImageLayout,
    regionCount: u32,
    pRegions: *const ImageCopy

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBlitImage(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    srcImage: Image,
    srcImageLayout: ImageLayout,
    dstImage: Image,
    dstImageLayout: ImageLayout,
    regionCount: u32,
    pRegions: *const ImageBlit,
    filter: Filter

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdCopyBufferToImage(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    srcBuffer: Buffer,
    dstImage: Image,
    dstImageLayout: ImageLayout,
    regionCount: u32,
    pRegions: *const BufferImageCopy

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdCopyImageToBuffer(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    srcImage: Image,
    srcImageLayout: ImageLayout,
    dstBuffer: Buffer,
    regionCount: u32,
    pRegions: *const BufferImageCopy

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdUpdateBuffer(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    dstBuffer: Buffer,
    dstOffset: DeviceSize,
    dataSize: DeviceSize,
    pData: *const c_void

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdFillBuffer(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    dstBuffer: Buffer,
    dstOffset: DeviceSize,
    size: DeviceSize,
    data: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdClearColorImage(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    image: Image,
    imageLayout: ImageLayout,
    pColor: *const ClearColorValue,
    rangeCount: u32,
    pRanges: *const ImageSubresourceRange

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdClearDepthStencilImage(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    image: Image,
    imageLayout: ImageLayout,
    pDepthStencil: *const ClearDepthStencilValue,
    rangeCount: u32,
    pRanges: *const ImageSubresourceRange

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdClearAttachments(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    attachmentCount: u32,
    pAttachments: *const ClearAttachment,
    rectCount: u32,
    pRects: *const ClearRect

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdResolveImage(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    srcImage: Image,
    srcImageLayout: ImageLayout,
    dstImage: Image,
    dstImageLayout: ImageLayout,
    regionCount: u32,
    pRegions: *const ImageResolve

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetEvent(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    event: Event,
    stageMask: PipelineStageFlags

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdResetEvent(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    event: Event,
    stageMask: PipelineStageFlags

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdWaitEvents(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    eventCount: u32,
    pEvents: *const Event,
    srcStageMask: PipelineStageFlags,
    dstStageMask: PipelineStageFlags,
    memoryBarrierCount: u32,
    pMemoryBarriers: *const MemoryBarrier,
    bufferMemoryBarrierCount: u32,
    pBufferMemoryBarriers: *const BufferMemoryBarrier,
    imageMemoryBarrierCount: u32,
    pImageMemoryBarriers: *const ImageMemoryBarrier

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdPipelineBarrier(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    srcStageMask: PipelineStageFlags,
    dstStageMask: PipelineStageFlags,
    dependencyFlags: DependencyFlags,
    memoryBarrierCount: u32,
    pMemoryBarriers: *const MemoryBarrier,
    bufferMemoryBarrierCount: u32,
    pBufferMemoryBarriers: *const BufferMemoryBarrier,
    imageMemoryBarrierCount: u32,
    pImageMemoryBarriers: *const ImageMemoryBarrier

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBeginQuery(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    queryPool: QueryPool,
    query: u32,
    flags: QueryControlFlags

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdEndQuery(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    queryPool: QueryPool,
    query: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdResetQueryPool(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    queryPool: QueryPool,
    firstQuery: u32,
    queryCount: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdWriteTimestamp(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pipelineStage: PipelineStageFlagBits,
    queryPool: QueryPool,
    query: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdCopyQueryPoolResults(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    queryPool: QueryPool,
    firstQuery: u32,
    queryCount: u32,
    dstBuffer: Buffer,
    dstOffset: DeviceSize,
    stride: DeviceSize,
    flags: QueryResultFlags

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdPushConstants(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    layout: PipelineLayout,
    stageFlags: ShaderStageFlags,
    offset: u32,
    size: u32,
    pValues: *const c_void

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBeginRenderPass(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pRenderPassBegin: *const RenderPassBeginInfo,
    contents: SubpassContents

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdNextSubpass(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    contents: SubpassContents

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdEndRenderPass(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdExecuteCommands(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    commandBufferCount: u32,
    pCommandBuffers: *const CommandBuffer

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn BindBufferMemory2(
    bindInfoCount: u32,
    pBindInfos: *const BindBufferMemoryInfo
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn BindImageMemory2(
    bindInfoCount: u32,
    pBindInfos: *const BindImageMemoryInfo
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures(
    heapIndex: u32,
    localDeviceIndex: u32,
    remoteDeviceIndex: u32,
    pPeerMemoryFeatures: *mut PeerMemoryFeatureFlags

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetDeviceMask(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer, deviceMask: u32)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDispatchBase(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    baseGroupX: u32,
    baseGroupY: u32,
    baseGroupZ: u32,
    groupCountX: u32,
    groupCountY: u32,
    groupCountZ: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetImageMemoryRequirements2(
    pInfo: *const ImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2,
    pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements2

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetBufferMemoryRequirements2(
    pInfo: *const BufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2,
    pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements2

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2(
    pInfo: *const ImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2,
    pSparseMemoryRequirementCount: *mut u32,
    pSparseMemoryRequirements: *mut SparseImageMemoryRequirements2

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn TrimCommandPool(&self, commandPool: CommandPool, flags: CommandPoolTrimFlags)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetDeviceQueue2(
    pQueueInfo: *const DeviceQueueInfo2,
    pQueue: *mut Queue

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateSamplerYcbcrConversion(
    pCreateInfo: *const SamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pYcbcrConversion: *mut SamplerYcbcrConversion
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroySamplerYcbcrConversion(
    ycbcrConversion: SamplerYcbcrConversion,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateDescriptorUpdateTemplate(
    pCreateInfo: *const DescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pDescriptorUpdateTemplate: *mut DescriptorUpdateTemplate
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplate(
    descriptorUpdateTemplate: DescriptorUpdateTemplate,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn UpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate(
    descriptorSet: DescriptorSet,
    descriptorUpdateTemplate: DescriptorUpdateTemplate,
    pData: *const c_void

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetDescriptorSetLayoutSupport(
    pCreateInfo: *const DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo,
    pSupport: *mut DescriptorSetLayoutSupport

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateSwapchainKHR(
    pCreateInfo: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSwapchain: *mut SwapchainKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroySwapchainKHR(
    swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetSwapchainImagesKHR(
    swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
    pSwapchainImageCount: *mut u32,
    pSwapchainImages: *mut Image
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn AcquireNextImageKHR(
    swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
    timeout: u64,
    semaphore: Semaphore,
    fence: Fence,
    pImageIndex: *mut u32
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn QueuePresentKHR(
    queue: Queue,
    pPresentInfo: *const PresentInfoKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR(
    pDeviceGroupPresentCapabilities: *mut DeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModesKHR(
    surface: SurfaceKHR,
    pModes: *mut DeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetPhysicalDevicePresentRectanglesKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    surface: SurfaceKHR,
    pRectCount: *mut u32,
    pRects: *mut Rect2D
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn AcquireNextImage2KHR(
    pAcquireInfo: *const AcquireNextImageInfoKHR,
    pImageIndex: *mut u32
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateSharedSwapchainsKHR(
    swapchainCount: u32,
    pCreateInfos: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSwapchains: *mut SwapchainKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DebugMarkerSetObjectTagEXT(
    pTagInfo: *const DebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT(
    pNameInfo: *const DebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pMarkerInfo: *const DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDebugMarkerEndEXT(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDebugMarkerInsertEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pMarkerInfo: *const DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBindTransformFeedbackBuffersEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    firstBinding: u32,
    bindingCount: u32,
    pBuffers: *const Buffer,
    pOffsets: *const DeviceSize,
    pSizes: *const DeviceSize

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    firstCounterBuffer: u32,
    counterBufferCount: u32,
    pCounterBuffers: *const Buffer,
    pCounterBufferOffsets: *const DeviceSize

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    firstCounterBuffer: u32,
    counterBufferCount: u32,
    pCounterBuffers: *const Buffer,
    pCounterBufferOffsets: *const DeviceSize

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBeginQueryIndexedEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    queryPool: QueryPool,
    query: u32,
    flags: QueryControlFlags,
    index: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdEndQueryIndexedEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    queryPool: QueryPool,
    query: u32,
    index: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    instanceCount: u32,
    firstInstance: u32,
    counterBuffer: Buffer,
    counterBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
    counterOffset: u32,
    vertexStride: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDrawIndirectCountAMD(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    buffer: Buffer,
    offset: DeviceSize,
    countBuffer: Buffer,
    countBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
    maxDrawCount: u32,
    stride: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountAMD(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    buffer: Buffer,
    offset: DeviceSize,
    countBuffer: Buffer,
    countBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
    maxDrawCount: u32,
    stride: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetShaderInfoAMD(
    pipeline: Pipeline,
    shaderStage: ShaderStageFlagBits,
    infoType: ShaderInfoTypeAMD,
    pInfoSize: *mut usize,
    pInfo: *mut c_void
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetMemoryWin32HandleNV(
    memory: DeviceMemory,
    handleType: ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV,
    pHandle: *mut HANDLE
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetMemoryWin32HandleKHR(
    pGetWin32HandleInfo: *const MemoryGetWin32HandleInfoKHR,
    pHandle: *mut HANDLE
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetMemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHR(
    handleType: ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits,
    handle: HANDLE,
    pMemoryWin32HandleProperties: *mut MemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetMemoryFdKHR(
    pGetFdInfo: *const MemoryGetFdInfoKHR,
    pFd: *mut i32
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR(
    handleType: ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits,
    fd: i32,
    pMemoryFdProperties: *mut MemoryFdPropertiesKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn ImportSemaphoreWin32HandleKHR(
    pImportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfo: *const ImportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfoKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetSemaphoreWin32HandleKHR(
    pGetWin32HandleInfo: *const SemaphoreGetWin32HandleInfoKHR,
    pHandle: *mut HANDLE
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn ImportSemaphoreFdKHR(
    pImportSemaphoreFdInfo: *const ImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetSemaphoreFdKHR(
    pGetFdInfo: *const SemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR,
    pFd: *mut i32
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdPushDescriptorSetKHR(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pipelineBindPoint: PipelineBindPoint,
    layout: PipelineLayout,
    set: u32,
    descriptorWriteCount: u32,
    pDescriptorWrites: *const WriteDescriptorSet

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    descriptorUpdateTemplate: DescriptorUpdateTemplate,
    layout: PipelineLayout,
    set: u32,
    pData: *const c_void

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBeginConditionalRenderingEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pConditionalRenderingBegin: *const ConditionalRenderingBeginInfoEXT

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdEndConditionalRenderingEXT(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdProcessCommandsNVX(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pProcessCommandsInfo: *const CmdProcessCommandsInfoNVX

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdReserveSpaceForCommandsNVX(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pReserveSpaceInfo: *const CmdReserveSpaceForCommandsInfoNVX

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX(
    pCreateInfo: *const IndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNVX,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pIndirectCommandsLayout: *mut IndirectCommandsLayoutNVX
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX(
    indirectCommandsLayout: IndirectCommandsLayoutNVX,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateObjectTableNVX(
    pCreateInfo: *const ObjectTableCreateInfoNVX,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pObjectTable: *mut ObjectTableNVX
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyObjectTableNVX(
    objectTable: ObjectTableNVX,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn RegisterObjectsNVX(
    objectTable: ObjectTableNVX,
    objectCount: u32,
    ppObjectTableEntries: *const *const ObjectTableEntryNVX,
    pObjectIndices: *const u32
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn UnregisterObjectsNVX(
    objectTable: ObjectTableNVX,
    objectCount: u32,
    pObjectEntryTypes: *const ObjectEntryTypeNVX,
    pObjectIndices: *const u32
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNVX(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pFeatures: *mut DeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNVX,
    pLimits: *mut DeviceGeneratedCommandsLimitsNVX

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetViewportWScalingNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    firstViewport: u32,
    viewportCount: u32,
    pViewportWScalings: *const ViewportWScalingNV

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DisplayPowerControlEXT(
    display: DisplayKHR,
    pDisplayPowerInfo: *const DisplayPowerInfoEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn RegisterDeviceEventEXT(
    pDeviceEventInfo: *const DeviceEventInfoEXT,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pFence: *mut Fence
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn RegisterDisplayEventEXT(
    display: DisplayKHR,
    pDisplayEventInfo: *const DisplayEventInfoEXT,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pFence: *mut Fence
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetSwapchainCounterEXT(
    swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
    counter: SurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT,
    pCounterValue: *mut u64
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE(
    swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
    pDisplayTimingProperties: *mut RefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE(
    swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
    pPresentationTimingCount: *mut u32,
    pPresentationTimings: *mut PastPresentationTimingGOOGLE
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    firstDiscardRectangle: u32,
    discardRectangleCount: u32,
    pDiscardRectangles: *const Rect2D

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn SetHdrMetadataEXT(
    swapchainCount: u32,
    pSwapchains: *const SwapchainKHR,
    pMetadata: *const HdrMetadataEXT

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateRenderPass2KHR(
    pCreateInfo: *const RenderPassCreateInfo2KHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pRenderPass: *mut RenderPass
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBeginRenderPass2KHR(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pRenderPassBegin: *const RenderPassBeginInfo,
    pSubpassBeginInfo: *const SubpassBeginInfoKHR

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdNextSubpass2KHR(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pSubpassBeginInfo: *const SubpassBeginInfoKHR,
    pSubpassEndInfo: *const SubpassEndInfoKHR

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdEndRenderPass2KHR(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pSubpassEndInfo: *const SubpassEndInfoKHR

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetSwapchainStatusKHR(&self, swapchain: SwapchainKHR) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn ImportFenceWin32HandleKHR(
    pImportFenceWin32HandleInfo: *const ImportFenceWin32HandleInfoKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetFenceWin32HandleKHR(
    pGetWin32HandleInfo: *const FenceGetWin32HandleInfoKHR,
    pHandle: *mut HANDLE
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn ImportFenceFdKHR(
    pImportFenceFdInfo: *const ImportFenceFdInfoKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetFenceFdKHR(
    pGetFdInfo: *const FenceGetFdInfoKHR,
    pFd: *mut i32
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID(
    buffer: *const AHardwareBuffer,
    pProperties: *mut AndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetMemoryAndroidHardwareBufferANDROID(
    pInfo: *const MemoryGetAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID,
    pBuffer: *mut *mut AHardwareBuffer
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetSampleLocationsEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pSampleLocationsInfo: *const SampleLocationsInfoEXT

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    samples: SampleCountFlagBits,
    pMultisampleProperties: *mut MultisamplePropertiesEXT

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT(
    image: Image,
    pProperties: *mut ImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateValidationCacheEXT(
    pCreateInfo: *const ValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pValidationCache: *mut ValidationCacheEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyValidationCacheEXT(
    validationCache: ValidationCacheEXT,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn MergeValidationCachesEXT(
    dstCache: ValidationCacheEXT,
    srcCacheCount: u32,
    pSrcCaches: *const ValidationCacheEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetValidationCacheDataEXT(
    validationCache: ValidationCacheEXT,
    pDataSize: *mut usize,
    pData: *mut c_void
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBindShadingRateImageNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    imageView: ImageView,
    imageLayout: ImageLayout

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetViewportShadingRatePaletteNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    firstViewport: u32,
    viewportCount: u32,
    pShadingRatePalettes: *const ShadingRatePaletteNV

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetCoarseSampleOrderNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    sampleOrderType: CoarseSampleOrderTypeNV,
    customSampleOrderCount: u32,
    pCustomSampleOrders: *const CoarseSampleOrderCustomNV

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateAccelerationStructureNV(
    pCreateInfo: *const AccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pAccelerationStructure: *mut AccelerationStructureNV
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn DestroyAccelerationStructureNV(
    accelerationStructure: AccelerationStructureNV,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetAccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsNV(
    pInfo: *const AccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsInfoNV,
    pMemoryRequirements: *mut MemoryRequirements2

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn BindAccelerationStructureMemoryNV(
    bindInfoCount: u32,
    pBindInfos: *const BindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoNV
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdBuildAccelerationStructureNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pInfo: *const AccelerationStructureInfoNV,
    instanceData: Buffer,
    instanceOffset: DeviceSize,
    update: Bool32,
    dst: AccelerationStructureNV,
    src: AccelerationStructureNV,
    scratch: Buffer,
    scratchOffset: DeviceSize

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdCopyAccelerationStructureNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    dst: AccelerationStructureNV,
    src: AccelerationStructureNV,
    mode: CopyAccelerationStructureModeNV

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdTraceRaysNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    raygenShaderBindingTableBuffer: Buffer,
    raygenShaderBindingOffset: DeviceSize,
    missShaderBindingTableBuffer: Buffer,
    missShaderBindingOffset: DeviceSize,
    missShaderBindingStride: DeviceSize,
    hitShaderBindingTableBuffer: Buffer,
    hitShaderBindingOffset: DeviceSize,
    hitShaderBindingStride: DeviceSize,
    callableShaderBindingTableBuffer: Buffer,
    callableShaderBindingOffset: DeviceSize,
    callableShaderBindingStride: DeviceSize,
    width: u32,
    height: u32,
    depth: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CreateRayTracingPipelinesNV(
    pipelineCache: PipelineCache,
    createInfoCount: u32,
    pCreateInfos: *const RayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pPipelines: *mut Pipeline
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetRayTracingShaderGroupHandlesNV(
    pipeline: Pipeline,
    firstGroup: u32,
    groupCount: u32,
    dataSize: usize,
    pData: *mut c_void
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetAccelerationStructureHandleNV(
    accelerationStructure: AccelerationStructureNV,
    dataSize: usize,
    pData: *mut c_void
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdWriteAccelerationStructuresPropertiesNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    accelerationStructureCount: u32,
    pAccelerationStructures: *const AccelerationStructureNV,
    queryType: QueryType,
    queryPool: QueryPool,
    firstQuery: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CompileDeferredNV(&self, pipeline: Pipeline, shader: u32) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDrawIndirectCountKHR(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    buffer: Buffer,
    offset: DeviceSize,
    countBuffer: Buffer,
    countBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
    maxDrawCount: u32,
    stride: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountKHR(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    buffer: Buffer,
    offset: DeviceSize,
    countBuffer: Buffer,
    countBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
    maxDrawCount: u32,
    stride: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetMemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT(
    handleType: ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits,
    pHostPointer: *const c_void,
    pMemoryHostPointerProperties: *mut MemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdWriteBufferMarkerAMD(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pipelineStage: PipelineStageFlagBits,
    dstBuffer: Buffer,
    dstOffset: DeviceSize,
    marker: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceCalibrateableTimeDomainsEXT(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pTimeDomainCount: *mut u32,
    pTimeDomains: *mut TimeDomainEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetCalibratedTimestampsEXT(
    timestampCount: u32,
    pTimestampInfos: *const CalibratedTimestampInfoEXT,
    pTimestamps: *mut u64,
    pMaxDeviation: *mut u64
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDrawMeshTasksNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    taskCount: u32,
    firstTask: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    buffer: Buffer,
    offset: DeviceSize,
    drawCount: u32,
    stride: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    buffer: Buffer,
    offset: DeviceSize,
    countBuffer: Buffer,
    countBufferOffset: DeviceSize,
    maxDrawCount: u32,
    stride: u32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetExclusiveScissorNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    firstExclusiveScissor: u32,
    exclusiveScissorCount: u32,
    pExclusiveScissors: *const Rect2D

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn CmdSetCheckpointNV(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pCheckpointMarker: *const c_void

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

fn GetQueueCheckpointDataNV(
    queue: Queue,
    pCheckpointDataCount: *mut u32,
    pCheckpointData: *mut CheckpointDataNV

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lacks handling physical devices and might be removed or replaced in the future

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