[][src]Trait nobs_vk::InstanceWrapper

pub trait InstanceWrapper {
    fn get_extensions(&self) -> &InstanceExtensions;

    fn get_handle(&self) -> Instance { ... }
fn EnumeratePhysicalDevices(
        pPhysicalDeviceCount: *mut u32,
        pPhysicalDevices: *mut PhysicalDevice
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceFeatures(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pFeatures: *mut PhysicalDeviceFeatures
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        format: Format,
        pFormatProperties: *mut FormatProperties
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        format: Format,
        typ: ImageType,
        tiling: ImageTiling,
        usage: ImageUsageFlags,
        flags: ImageCreateFlags,
        pImageFormatProperties: *mut ImageFormatProperties
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceProperties(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pProperties: *mut PhysicalDeviceProperties
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pQueueFamilyPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pQueueFamilyProperties: *mut QueueFamilyProperties
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pMemoryProperties: *mut PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties
    ) { ... }
fn EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(
        pLayerName: *const c_char,
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut ExtensionProperties
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pLayerName: *const c_char,
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut ExtensionProperties
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn EnumerateInstanceLayerProperties(
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut LayerProperties
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn EnumerateDeviceLayerProperties(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut LayerProperties
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        format: Format,
        typ: ImageType,
        samples: SampleCountFlagBits,
        usage: ImageUsageFlags,
        tiling: ImageTiling,
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut SparseImageFormatProperties
    ) { ... }
fn EnumerateInstanceVersion(&self, pApiVersion: *mut u32) -> Result { ... }
fn EnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups(
        pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount: *mut u32,
        pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties: *mut PhysicalDeviceGroupProperties
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pFeatures: *mut PhysicalDeviceFeatures2
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceProperties2(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pProperties: *mut PhysicalDeviceProperties2
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        format: Format,
        pFormatProperties: *mut FormatProperties2
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pImageFormatInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2,
        pImageFormatProperties: *mut ImageFormatProperties2
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pQueueFamilyPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pQueueFamilyProperties: *mut QueueFamilyProperties2
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pMemoryProperties: *mut PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pFormatInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2,
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut SparseImageFormatProperties2
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferProperties(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pExternalBufferInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo,
        pExternalBufferProperties: *mut ExternalBufferProperties
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceProperties(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pExternalFenceInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo,
        pExternalFenceProperties: *mut ExternalFenceProperties
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreProperties(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pExternalSemaphoreInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo,
        pExternalSemaphoreProperties: *mut ExternalSemaphoreProperties
    ) { ... }
fn DestroySurfaceKHR(
        surface: SurfaceKHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        queueFamilyIndex: u32,
        surface: SurfaceKHR,
        pSupported: *mut Bool32
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        surface: SurfaceKHR,
        pSurfaceCapabilities: *mut SurfaceCapabilitiesKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        surface: SurfaceKHR,
        pSurfaceFormatCount: *mut u32,
        pSurfaceFormats: *mut SurfaceFormatKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        surface: SurfaceKHR,
        pPresentModeCount: *mut u32,
        pPresentModes: *mut PresentModeKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPropertiesKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut DisplayPropertiesKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut DisplayPlanePropertiesKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetDisplayPlaneSupportedDisplaysKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        planeIndex: u32,
        pDisplayCount: *mut u32,
        pDisplays: *mut DisplayKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetDisplayModePropertiesKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        display: DisplayKHR,
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut DisplayModePropertiesKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateDisplayModeKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        display: DisplayKHR,
        pCreateInfo: *const DisplayModeCreateInfoKHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pMode: *mut DisplayModeKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        mode: DisplayModeKHR,
        planeIndex: u32,
        pCapabilities: *mut DisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateDisplayPlaneSurfaceKHR(
        pCreateInfo: *const DisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateXlibSurfaceKHR(
        pCreateInfo: *const XlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceXlibPresentationSupportKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        queueFamilyIndex: u32,
        dpy: *mut Display,
        visualID: VisualID
    ) -> Bool32 { ... }
fn CreateXcbSurfaceKHR(
        pCreateInfo: *const XcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceXcbPresentationSupportKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        queueFamilyIndex: u32,
        connection: *mut xcb_connection_t,
        visual_id: xcb_visualid_t
    ) -> Bool32 { ... }
fn CreateWaylandSurfaceKHR(
        pCreateInfo: *const WaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceWaylandPresentationSupportKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        queueFamilyIndex: u32,
        display: *mut wl_display
    ) -> Bool32 { ... }
fn CreateAndroidSurfaceKHR(
        pCreateInfo: *const AndroidSurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateWin32SurfaceKHR(
        pCreateInfo: *const Win32SurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceWin32PresentationSupportKHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        queueFamilyIndex: u32
    ) -> Bool32 { ... }
fn CreateDebugReportCallbackEXT(
        pCreateInfo: *const DebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pCallback: *mut DebugReportCallbackEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT(
        callback: DebugReportCallbackEXT,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn DebugReportMessageEXT(
        flags: DebugReportFlagsEXT,
        objectType: DebugReportObjectTypeEXT,
        object: u64,
        location: usize,
        messageCode: i32,
        pLayerPrefix: *const c_char,
        pMessage: *const c_char
    ) { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        format: Format,
        typ: ImageType,
        tiling: ImageTiling,
        usage: ImageUsageFlags,
        flags: ImageCreateFlags,
        externalHandleType: ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV,
        pExternalImageFormatProperties: *mut ExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateViSurfaceNN(
        pCreateInfo: *const ViSurfaceCreateInfoNN,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn ReleaseDisplayEXT(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        display: DisplayKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn AcquireXlibDisplayEXT(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        dpy: *mut Display,
        display: DisplayKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetRandROutputDisplayEXT(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        dpy: *mut Display,
        rrOutput: RROutput,
        pDisplay: *mut DisplayKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        surface: SurfaceKHR,
        pSurfaceCapabilities: *mut SurfaceCapabilities2EXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pSurfaceInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR,
        pSurfaceCapabilities: *mut SurfaceCapabilities2KHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats2KHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pSurfaceInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR,
        pSurfaceFormatCount: *mut u32,
        pSurfaceFormats: *mut SurfaceFormat2KHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceDisplayProperties2KHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut DisplayProperties2KHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut DisplayPlaneProperties2KHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetDisplayModeProperties2KHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        display: DisplayKHR,
        pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
        pProperties: *mut DisplayModeProperties2KHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn GetDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR(
        physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
        pDisplayPlaneInfo: *const DisplayPlaneInfo2KHR,
        pCapabilities: *mut DisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateIOSSurfaceMVK(
        pCreateInfo: *const IOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn CreateMacOSSurfaceMVK(
        pCreateInfo: *const MacOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn SetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(
        device: Device,
        pNameInfo: *const DebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn SetDebugUtilsObjectTagEXT(
        device: Device,
        pTagInfo: *const DebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn QueueBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
        queue: Queue,
        pLabelInfo: *const DebugUtilsLabelEXT
    ) { ... }
fn QueueEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT(&self, queue: Queue) { ... }
fn QueueInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
        queue: Queue,
        pLabelInfo: *const DebugUtilsLabelEXT
    ) { ... }
fn CmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pLabelInfo: *const DebugUtilsLabelEXT
    ) { ... }
fn CmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer) { ... }
fn CmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
        commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
        pLabelInfo: *const DebugUtilsLabelEXT
    ) { ... }
fn CreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(
        pCreateInfo: *const DebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pMessenger: *mut DebugUtilsMessengerEXT
    ) -> Result { ... }
fn DestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(
        messenger: DebugUtilsMessengerEXT,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks
    ) { ... }
fn SubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT(
        messageSeverity: DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT,
        messageTypes: DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT,
        pCallbackData: *const DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT
    ) { ... }
fn CreateImagePipeSurfaceFUCHSIA(
        pCreateInfo: *const ImagePipeSurfaceCreateInfoFUCHSIA,
        pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
        pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
    ) -> Result { ... } }
Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

Trait with default pass-through implementations for vulkan commands associated with an instance

ATTENTION - This trait might be changed or removed in the future


This trait only requires the implementation of get_extensions. Instance level vulkan commands are then passed through to their respective core or instance extension function pointer. If the vulkan command required an Instance parameter, the wrapper will drop this parameter, since the instance handle can be provided by the InstanceExtensions.


#[macro_use] extern crate nobs_vk as vk;
use vk::InstanceWrapper;
use std::ptr;
// Simple instance to only hold the vulkan core lib and instance extensions.
struct MyInstance {
  vklib: std::boxed::Box<vk::Core>,
  extensions: vk::InstanceExtensions,
impl MyInstance {
  // We can provide a convenient constructor.
  pub fn new() -> MyInstance {
    let vklib = vk::Core::new();
    // create an instance
    let appinfo = vk::InstanceCreateInfo {
      pNext: ptr::null(),
      flags: 0,
      pApplicationInfo: ptr::null(),
      enabledLayerCount: 0,
      ppEnabledLayerNames: ptr::null(),
      enabledExtensionCount: 0,
      ppEnabledExtensionNames: ptr::null(),
    let mut inst = vk::NULL_HANDLE;
    vk::CreateInstance(&appinfo, ptr::null(), &mut inst);
    // carefull, here we should do error checking...
    let extensions = vk::InstanceExtensions::new(inst);
    MyInstance { vklib, extensions }
// Implement the wrapper trait, so that we can call vulkan commands as member functions
impl vk::InstanceWrapper for MyInstance {
  fn get_extensions(&self) -> &vk::InstanceExtensions {
// Implement the drop trait to clean up our instance
impl Drop for MyInstance {
  fn drop(&mut self) {
    vk::DestroyInstance(self.get_extensions().get_handle(), ptr::null());
// Create our custom instance
let inst = MyInstance::new();
// Now we can use instance level vulkan commands directly on our instance
// Note that we do not need to provide the instance handle to EnumeratePhysicalDevices,
// because the InstanceWrapper takes care of that
let mut num_devices: u32 = 0;
inst.EnumeratePhysicalDevices(&mut num_devices, ptr::null_mut());
println!("num devices:  {}", num_devices);

Required methods

fn get_extensions(&self) -> &InstanceExtensions

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

Loading content...

Provided methods

fn get_handle(&self) -> Instance

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn EnumeratePhysicalDevices(
    pPhysicalDeviceCount: *mut u32,
    pPhysicalDevices: *mut PhysicalDevice
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceFeatures(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pFeatures: *mut PhysicalDeviceFeatures

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    format: Format,
    pFormatProperties: *mut FormatProperties

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    format: Format,
    typ: ImageType,
    tiling: ImageTiling,
    usage: ImageUsageFlags,
    flags: ImageCreateFlags,
    pImageFormatProperties: *mut ImageFormatProperties
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceProperties(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pProperties: *mut PhysicalDeviceProperties

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pQueueFamilyPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pQueueFamilyProperties: *mut QueueFamilyProperties

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pMemoryProperties: *mut PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(
    pLayerName: *const c_char,
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut ExtensionProperties
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pLayerName: *const c_char,
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut ExtensionProperties
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn EnumerateInstanceLayerProperties(
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut LayerProperties
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn EnumerateDeviceLayerProperties(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut LayerProperties
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    format: Format,
    typ: ImageType,
    samples: SampleCountFlagBits,
    usage: ImageUsageFlags,
    tiling: ImageTiling,
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut SparseImageFormatProperties

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn EnumerateInstanceVersion(&self, pApiVersion: *mut u32) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn EnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups(
    pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount: *mut u32,
    pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties: *mut PhysicalDeviceGroupProperties
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pFeatures: *mut PhysicalDeviceFeatures2

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceProperties2(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pProperties: *mut PhysicalDeviceProperties2

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    format: Format,
    pFormatProperties: *mut FormatProperties2

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pImageFormatInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2,
    pImageFormatProperties: *mut ImageFormatProperties2
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pQueueFamilyPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pQueueFamilyProperties: *mut QueueFamilyProperties2

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pMemoryProperties: *mut PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pFormatInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2,
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut SparseImageFormatProperties2

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferProperties(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pExternalBufferInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo,
    pExternalBufferProperties: *mut ExternalBufferProperties

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceProperties(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pExternalFenceInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo,
    pExternalFenceProperties: *mut ExternalFenceProperties

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreProperties(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pExternalSemaphoreInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo,
    pExternalSemaphoreProperties: *mut ExternalSemaphoreProperties

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn DestroySurfaceKHR(
    surface: SurfaceKHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    queueFamilyIndex: u32,
    surface: SurfaceKHR,
    pSupported: *mut Bool32
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    surface: SurfaceKHR,
    pSurfaceCapabilities: *mut SurfaceCapabilitiesKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    surface: SurfaceKHR,
    pSurfaceFormatCount: *mut u32,
    pSurfaceFormats: *mut SurfaceFormatKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    surface: SurfaceKHR,
    pPresentModeCount: *mut u32,
    pPresentModes: *mut PresentModeKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPropertiesKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut DisplayPropertiesKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut DisplayPlanePropertiesKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetDisplayPlaneSupportedDisplaysKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    planeIndex: u32,
    pDisplayCount: *mut u32,
    pDisplays: *mut DisplayKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetDisplayModePropertiesKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    display: DisplayKHR,
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut DisplayModePropertiesKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateDisplayModeKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    display: DisplayKHR,
    pCreateInfo: *const DisplayModeCreateInfoKHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pMode: *mut DisplayModeKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetDisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    mode: DisplayModeKHR,
    planeIndex: u32,
    pCapabilities: *mut DisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateDisplayPlaneSurfaceKHR(
    pCreateInfo: *const DisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateXlibSurfaceKHR(
    pCreateInfo: *const XlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceXlibPresentationSupportKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    queueFamilyIndex: u32,
    dpy: *mut Display,
    visualID: VisualID
) -> Bool32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateXcbSurfaceKHR(
    pCreateInfo: *const XcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceXcbPresentationSupportKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    queueFamilyIndex: u32,
    connection: *mut xcb_connection_t,
    visual_id: xcb_visualid_t
) -> Bool32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateWaylandSurfaceKHR(
    pCreateInfo: *const WaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceWaylandPresentationSupportKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    queueFamilyIndex: u32,
    display: *mut wl_display
) -> Bool32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateAndroidSurfaceKHR(
    pCreateInfo: *const AndroidSurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateWin32SurfaceKHR(
    pCreateInfo: *const Win32SurfaceCreateInfoKHR,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceWin32PresentationSupportKHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    queueFamilyIndex: u32
) -> Bool32

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateDebugReportCallbackEXT(
    pCreateInfo: *const DebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pCallback: *mut DebugReportCallbackEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn DestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT(
    callback: DebugReportCallbackEXT,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn DebugReportMessageEXT(
    flags: DebugReportFlagsEXT,
    objectType: DebugReportObjectTypeEXT,
    object: u64,
    location: usize,
    messageCode: i32,
    pLayerPrefix: *const c_char,
    pMessage: *const c_char

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    format: Format,
    typ: ImageType,
    tiling: ImageTiling,
    usage: ImageUsageFlags,
    flags: ImageCreateFlags,
    externalHandleType: ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV,
    pExternalImageFormatProperties: *mut ExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateViSurfaceNN(
    pCreateInfo: *const ViSurfaceCreateInfoNN,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn ReleaseDisplayEXT(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    display: DisplayKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn AcquireXlibDisplayEXT(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    dpy: *mut Display,
    display: DisplayKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetRandROutputDisplayEXT(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    dpy: *mut Display,
    rrOutput: RROutput,
    pDisplay: *mut DisplayKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    surface: SurfaceKHR,
    pSurfaceCapabilities: *mut SurfaceCapabilities2EXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pSurfaceInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR,
    pSurfaceCapabilities: *mut SurfaceCapabilities2KHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats2KHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pSurfaceInfo: *const PhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR,
    pSurfaceFormatCount: *mut u32,
    pSurfaceFormats: *mut SurfaceFormat2KHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceDisplayProperties2KHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut DisplayProperties2KHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut DisplayPlaneProperties2KHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetDisplayModeProperties2KHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    display: DisplayKHR,
    pPropertyCount: *mut u32,
    pProperties: *mut DisplayModeProperties2KHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn GetDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR(
    physicalDevice: PhysicalDevice,
    pDisplayPlaneInfo: *const DisplayPlaneInfo2KHR,
    pCapabilities: *mut DisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateIOSSurfaceMVK(
    pCreateInfo: *const IOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateMacOSSurfaceMVK(
    pCreateInfo: *const MacOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn SetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(
    device: Device,
    pNameInfo: *const DebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn SetDebugUtilsObjectTagEXT(
    device: Device,
    pTagInfo: *const DebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn QueueBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
    queue: Queue,
    pLabelInfo: *const DebugUtilsLabelEXT

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn QueueEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT(&self, queue: Queue)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn QueueInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
    queue: Queue,
    pLabelInfo: *const DebugUtilsLabelEXT

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pLabelInfo: *const DebugUtilsLabelEXT

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT(&self, commandBuffer: CommandBuffer)

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT(
    commandBuffer: CommandBuffer,
    pLabelInfo: *const DebugUtilsLabelEXT

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(
    pCreateInfo: *const DebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pMessenger: *mut DebugUtilsMessengerEXT
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn DestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(
    messenger: DebugUtilsMessengerEXT,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn SubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT(
    messageSeverity: DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT,
    messageTypes: DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT,
    pCallbackData: *const DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

fn CreateImagePipeSurfaceFUCHSIA(
    pCreateInfo: *const ImagePipeSurfaceCreateInfoFUCHSIA,
    pAllocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
    pSurface: *mut SurfaceKHR
) -> Result

Deprecated since 0.1.7:

InstanceWrapper and DeviceWrapper lack handling physical devices and might be replaced or even removed in the future

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