nng 1.0.1

A safe wrapper for NNG (Nanomsg v2)
//! A simple asynchronous RPC server example.
//! This example shows how to write an asynchronous RPC server using Contexts.
//! This is heavily based on the `nng` demonstration program of the same name.
//! The protocol is simple: the client sends a request with the number of
//! milliseconds to wait, the server waits that long and sends back an empty
//! reply.
use nng::{Aio, AioResult, Context, Message, Protocol, Socket};
use std::{
    env, process, thread,
    time::{Duration, Instant},

/// Number of outstanding requests that we can handle at a given time.
/// This is *NOT* the number of threads in use, but instead represents
/// outstanding work items. Select a small number to reduce memory size. (Each
/// one of these can be thought of as a request-reply loop.) Note that you will
/// probably run into limitations on the number of open file descriptors if you
/// set this too high. (If not for that limit, this could be set in the
/// thousands, each context consumes a couple of KB.)
const PARALLEL: usize = 128;

/// Entry point of the application.
fn main() -> Result<(), nng::Error> {
    // Begin by parsing the arguments. We are either a server or a client, and
    // we need an address and potentially a sleep duration.
    let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect();

    match &args[..] {
        [_, t, url] if t == "server" => server(url),
        [_, t, url, count] if t == "client" => client(url, count.parse().unwrap()),
        _ => {
            println!("Usage:\nasync server <url>\n  or\nasync client <url> <ms>");

/// Run the client portion of the program.
fn client(url: &str, ms: u64) -> Result<(), nng::Error> {
    let s = Socket::new(Protocol::Req0)?;

    let start = Instant::now();

    let dur = Instant::now().duration_since(start);
    let subsecs: u64 = dur.subsec_millis().into();
        "Request took {} milliseconds",
        dur.as_secs() * 1000 + subsecs


/// Run the server portion of the program.
fn server(url: &str) -> Result<(), nng::Error> {
    // Create the socket
    let s = Socket::new(Protocol::Rep0)?;

    // Create all of the worker contexts
    let workers: Vec<_> = (0..PARALLEL)
        .map(|_| {
            let ctx = Context::new(&s)?;
            let ctx_clone = ctx.clone();
            let aio = Aio::new(move |aio, res| worker_callback(aio, &ctx_clone, res))?;
            Ok((aio, ctx))
        .collect::<Result<_, nng::Error>>()?;

    // Only after we have the workers do we start listening.

    // Now start all of the workers listening.
    for (a, c) in &workers {

    thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(60 * 60 * 24 * 365));


/// Callback function for workers.
fn worker_callback(aio: Aio, ctx: &Context, res: AioResult) {
    match res {
        // We successfully sent the message, wait for a new one.
        AioResult::Send(Ok(_)) => ctx.recv(&aio).unwrap(),

        // We successfully received a message.
        AioResult::Recv(Ok(m)) => {
            let ms = u64::from_le_bytes(m[..].try_into().unwrap());

        // We successfully slept.
        AioResult::Sleep(Ok(_)) => {
            ctx.send(&aio, Message::new()).unwrap();

        // Anything else is an error and we will just panic.
        AioResult::Send(Err((_, e))) | AioResult::Recv(Err(e)) | AioResult::Sleep(Err(e)) => {
            panic!("Error: {}", e)