nloq 0.1.0

Natural Language Object Query

Natural Object Query Language

The goal of the Natural Object Query Language (or NOQL) is to have an plain old English representation of an object query

type QueryList<'a> = Vec<Query<'a>>;

enum Query<'a> {
  Index {
    index: usize,
    from_end: bool
  Key(&'a str)

where an object can take a list of query segments and either index a list or get a key from a map


the ((first|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eighth|ninth|tenth|eleventh|twelfth|#st|#nd|#rd|#th) [to last]|last) item

where # is a positive integer


the [key|`key`|`multi word key`]

handlers of the key can choose to "dehumanize" the key however they want

Query List

(index|key) [of (index|key) [of (index|key) ...]]

query segments are chained with of