nlopt 0.1.0

Wrapper for the nlopt library


Thin wrapper around the C nlopt library.

Note: Has not been extensively tested.


This library depends upon nlopt and will fail if it cannot find a library to link against.

For Linux, it is recommended to clone nlopt from github (the official release is many years behind master) and follow the installation instructions.

Windows is a bit more tricky. One way is to download the precompiled binary and turn it into nlopt.lib by executing

lib.exe /def:libnlopt-0.def /out:nlopt.lib /MACHINE:x64`

(This requires the Visual Studio development tools to be installed).

For either platform, the resulting object must be on the search path at link-time. This can be set with environment variables or a script.

An example build script which would do the job is

fn main() {


This can be tricky because it's necessary to pass in linker arguments, and without this may not work with a simple cargo test command. One quick workaround is:

cargo rustc --tests -- -L /path/to/nlopt