nine 0.4.0

The 9p protocol as a serde format and message types.

nine   Latest Version Rustc Version 1.29+

The 9p protocol as a serde format and message types.

This crate contains structs representing the various types of messages in the 9p2000 protocol (with other versions coming soon), as well as a serializer and deserializer for the wire format for those messages.

There is not an included server implementation, because network protocols should be kept separate from IO.

The purpose of this design is to allow for easy extensibility and experimentation with the protocol.

Client Binary

nine can also be used as a simple one-shot 9p client, a-la plan9port's 9p command.

Currently only non-authed explicitly-attached read to a unix socket is implemented.


# set up a server to listen at /tmp/9ptest, then:
$ nine -a /tmp/9ptest read /foo

Special Thanks

Casey Rodarmor for collaborating on the initial design.

The countless others in the rust community that have answered my questions.