[][src]Module nikisas_test::utils

Useful utilities that enhance the control over the behavior of the crate.


Suppose you are testing the quality of the implementation of the tangent function. It is a periodic function with period π and asymptotes at -π/2 and π/2, where its value is -infinity and infinity, respectively. Therefore, we need to exclude these from our input domain:

use nikisas_test::prelude::*;
use nikisas_test::utils::{shift_left, shift_right, avoid_odd_mults};

fn tan(x: f32) -> f32 {
    // your implementation

// Make the range boundaries such that -π/2 and π/2 are not included.
let primary_range = UniformSample::with_count(
    shift_right(-core::f32::consts::PI / 2.0),
    shift_left(core::f32::consts::PI / 2.0),
.error(|x| (tan(x), x.tan()));

// Filter out the odd multipliers of π/2, that is, -π/2, π/2, 3π/2, etc.
let entire_range = UniformSample::with_count(-2.1e+9, 2.1e+9, 10000)
    .filter(avoid_odd_mults(core::f32::consts::PI / 2.0))
    .error(|x| (tan(x), x.tan()));



Instructs the iterator to avoid this particular value.


Instructs the iterator to avoid all even multipliers of this particular value. That is, for value x, it's 2x, 4x, but not 3x. See avoid_mults for usage.


Instructs the iterator to avoid all multipliers of this particular value.


Instructs the iterator to avoid all odd multipliers of this particular value. That is, for value x, it's x, 3x, but not 2x. See avoid_mults for usage.


Returns x - machine epsilon. For finer resolution, use nextdown.


Returns x + machine epsilon. For finer resolution, use nextup.