niftygate-bindings 0.8.0

OpenZeppelin Bindings for NiftyGate
pub mod ierc2981 {
    # [rustfmt :: skip] use ethcontract as ethcontract ;
    #[doc = "Generated by `ethcontract`"]
    pub struct Contract {
        methods: Methods,
    impl Contract {
        #[doc = r" Retrieves the raw contract instance used to generate the type safe"]
        #[doc = r" API for this contract."]
        pub fn raw_contract() -> &'static self::ethcontract::Contract {
            use self::ethcontract::common::artifact::truffle::TruffleLoader;
            use self::ethcontract::private::lazy_static;
            use self::ethcontract::Contract;
            lazy_static! {
                pub static ref CONTRACT: Contract = {
                    # [allow (unused_mut)] let mut contract = TruffleLoader :: new () . load_contract_from_str ("{\"contractName\":\"IERC2981\",\"abi\":[{\"type\":\"function\",\"name\":\"royaltyInfo\",\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_tokenId\",\"type\":\"uint256\"},{\"name\":\"_salePrice\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"receiver\",\"type\":\"address\"},{\"name\":\"royaltyAmount\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"constant\":false,\"stateMutability\":\"view\"},{\"type\":\"function\",\"name\":\"supportsInterface\",\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"interfaceId\",\"type\":\"bytes4\"}],\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"bool\"}],\"constant\":false,\"stateMutability\":\"view\"}],\"bytecode\":\"\",\"networks\":{},\"devdoc\":{\"details\":null,\"methods\":{}},\"userdoc\":{\"details\":null,\"methods\":{}}}") . expect ("valid contract JSON") ;
        #[doc = r" Creates a new contract instance with the specified `web3`"]
        #[doc = r" provider at the given `Address`."]
        #[doc = r""]
        #[doc = r" Note that this does not verify that a contract with a matching"]
        #[doc = r" `Abi` is actually deployed at the given address."]
        pub fn at<F, B, T>(
            web3: &self::ethcontract::web3::api::Web3<T>,
            address: self::ethcontract::Address,
        ) -> Self
            F: std::future::Future<
                    Output = Result<self::ethcontract::json::Value, self::ethcontract::web3::Error>,
                > + Send
                + 'static,
            B: std::future::Future<
                    Output = Result<
                        Vec<Result<self::ethcontract::json::Value, self::ethcontract::web3::Error>>,
                > + Send
                + 'static,
            T: self::ethcontract::web3::Transport<Out = F>
                + self::ethcontract::web3::BatchTransport<Batch = B>
                + Send
                + Sync
                + 'static,
            Contract::with_deployment_info(web3, address, None)
        #[doc = r" Creates a new contract instance with the specified `web3` provider with"]
        #[doc = r" the given `Abi` at the given `Address` and an optional transaction hash."]
        #[doc = r" This hash is used to retrieve contract related information such as the"]
        #[doc = r" creation block (which is useful for fetching all historic events)."]
        #[doc = r""]
        #[doc = r" Note that this does not verify that a contract with a matching `Abi` is"]
        #[doc = r" actually deployed at the given address nor that the transaction hash,"]
        #[doc = r" when provided, is actually for this contract deployment."]
        pub fn with_deployment_info<F, B, T>(
            web3: &self::ethcontract::web3::api::Web3<T>,
            address: self::ethcontract::Address,
            deployment_information: Option<ethcontract::common::DeploymentInformation>,
        ) -> Self
            F: std::future::Future<
                    Output = Result<self::ethcontract::json::Value, self::ethcontract::web3::Error>,
                > + Send
                + 'static,
            B: std::future::Future<
                    Output = Result<
                        Vec<Result<self::ethcontract::json::Value, self::ethcontract::web3::Error>>,
                > + Send
                + 'static,
            T: self::ethcontract::web3::Transport<Out = F>
                + self::ethcontract::web3::BatchTransport<Batch = B>
                + Send
                + Sync
                + 'static,
            use self::ethcontract::transport::DynTransport;
            use self::ethcontract::web3::api::Web3;
            use self::ethcontract::Instance;
            let transport = DynTransport::new(web3.transport().clone());
            let web3 = Web3::new(transport);
            let abi = Self::raw_contract().abi.clone();
            let instance =
                Instance::with_deployment_info(web3, abi, address, deployment_information);
        #[doc = r" Creates a contract from a raw instance."]
        fn from_raw(instance: self::ethcontract::dyns::DynInstance) -> Self {
            let methods = Methods { instance };
            Contract { methods }
        #[doc = r" Returns the contract address being used by this instance."]
        pub fn address(&self) -> self::ethcontract::Address {
        #[doc = r" Returns the deployment information of the contract"]
        #[doc = r" if it is known, `None` otherwise."]
        pub fn deployment_information(&self) -> Option<ethcontract::common::DeploymentInformation> {
        #[doc = r" Returns a reference to the default method options used by this"]
        #[doc = r" contract."]
        pub fn defaults(&self) -> &self::ethcontract::contract::MethodDefaults {
        #[doc = r" Returns a mutable reference to the default method options used"]
        #[doc = r" by this contract."]
        pub fn defaults_mut(&mut self) -> &mut self::ethcontract::contract::MethodDefaults {
            &mut self.raw_instance_mut().defaults
        #[doc = r" Returns a reference to the raw runtime instance used by this"]
        #[doc = r" contract."]
        pub fn raw_instance(&self) -> &self::ethcontract::dyns::DynInstance {
        #[doc = r" Returns a mutable reference to the raw runtime instance used by"]
        #[doc = r" this contract."]
        fn raw_instance_mut(&mut self) -> &mut self::ethcontract::dyns::DynInstance {
            &mut self.methods.instance
    impl std::fmt::Debug for Contract {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
    impl Contract {
        #[doc = r" Returns an object that allows accessing typed method signatures."]
        pub fn signatures() -> Signatures {
        #[doc = r" Retrieves a reference to type containing all the generated"]
        #[doc = r" contract methods. This can be used for methods where the name"]
        #[doc = r" would collide with a common method (like `at` or `deployed`)."]
        pub fn methods(&self) -> &Methods {
    #[doc = r" Type containing signatures for all methods for generated contract type."]
    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
    pub struct Signatures;
    impl Signatures {
        #[doc = "Returns signature for method `royaltyInfo(uint256,uint256):(address,uint256)`."]
        pub fn royalty_info(
        ) -> self::ethcontract::contract::Signature<
            (self::ethcontract::U256, self::ethcontract::U256),
            (self::ethcontract::Address, self::ethcontract::U256),
        > {
            self::ethcontract::contract::Signature::new([42, 85, 32, 90])
        #[doc = "Returns signature for method `supportsInterface(bytes4):(bool)`."]
        pub fn supports_interface(
        ) -> self::ethcontract::contract::Signature<
            (self::ethcontract::tokens::Bytes<[u8; 4]>,),
        > {
            self::ethcontract::contract::Signature::new([1, 255, 201, 167])
    #[doc = r" Type containing all contract methods for generated contract type."]
    pub struct Methods {
        instance: self::ethcontract::dyns::DynInstance,
    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments, clippy::type_complexity)]
    impl Methods {
        #[doc = "Generated by `ethcontract`"]
        pub fn royalty_info(
            token_id: self::ethcontract::U256,
            sale_price: self::ethcontract::U256,
        ) -> self::ethcontract::dyns::DynViewMethodBuilder<(
        )> {
                .view_method([42, 85, 32, 90], (token_id, sale_price))
                .expect("generated call")
        #[doc = "Generated by `ethcontract`"]
        pub fn supports_interface(
            interface_id: self::ethcontract::tokens::Bytes<[u8; 4]>,
        ) -> self::ethcontract::dyns::DynViewMethodBuilder<bool> {
                .view_method([1, 255, 201, 167], (interface_id,))
                .expect("generated call")
    impl std::ops::Deref for Contract {
        type Target = Methods;
        fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
pub use self::ierc2981::Contract as IERC2981;