nickel 0.7.2

An express.js inspired web framework
#[macro_use] extern crate nickel;

use nickel::{Nickel, Mountable, StaticFilesHandler};

fn main() {
    let mut server = Nickel::new();

     * Requests to /t should not end up in this route. Expected output for
     * a request to /test/a is /a.
    server.mount("/test/", middleware! { |req|
        format!("Got request with uri={}", req.origin.uri)

     * Fall-through behaviour, if StaticFilesHandler does not find a matching file,
     * the request uri must be reset so that it can be matched against other middleware.
    server.mount("/static/files/", StaticFilesHandler::new("examples/assets/"));
    server.mount("/static/files/a/", middleware! {
        "No static file called a!"
