ngs 0.4.0

Command line tool for processing next-generation sequencing data.
# This Dockerfile builds on debian:buster-slim to include the ngs tool
# from the current working directory.
# This produces a docker imange that contains a worker ngs binary. Images
# released on the Github container registry are build using this file.

FROM rust:1.64-slim-buster AS builder

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git

WORKDIR /usr/src/ngs

COPY Cargo.toml .
COPY Cargo.lock .
COPY .cargo ./.cargo
COPY src ./src

RUN cargo install --path .

FROM debian:buster-slim
LABEL maintainer="Keivn Benton <>"

COPY --from=builder /usr/local/cargo/bin/ngs /usr/local/bin/ngs