[][src]Function newrelic_sys::newrelic_create_app

pub unsafe extern "C" fn newrelic_create_app(
    config: *const newrelic_app_config_t,
    timeout_ms: c_ushort
) -> *mut newrelic_app_t

@brief Create an application.

Given a configuration, newrelic_create_app() returns a pointer to the newly allocated application, or NULL if there was an error. If successful, the caller should destroy the application with the supplied newrelic_destroy_app() when finished.

@param [in] config An application configuration created by newrelic_create_app_config(). @param [in] timeout_ms Specifies the maximum time to wait for a connection to be established; a value of 0 causes the method to make only one attempt at connecting to the daemon.

@return A pointer to an allocated application, or NULL on error; any errors resulting from a badly-formed configuration are logged.