new_debug_unreachable 1.0.3

panic in debug, intrinsics::unreachable() in release (fork of debug_unreachable)
# new_debug_unreachable

> unreachable!() in debug, std::intrinsics::unreachable() in release.

This is a fork of [`debug_unreachable`](

## [Documentation]

## Usage

Use the repository; add this to your `Cargo.toml` along
with the rest of your dependencies:

new_debug_unreachable = "1.0"

In your Rust code, the library name is still `debug_unreachable`:

extern crate debug_unreachable;

## Author

[Jonathan Reem]( is the original author of debug-unreachable.

[Matt Brubeck]( is the maintainer of this fork.

## License