new-tokio-smtp 0.9.1

extendible smtp implementation for tokio
//! error module
use std::{
    fmt::{self, Debug, Display},
    io as std_io,

use crate::{
    data_types::{Capability, EsmtpKeyword},

pub enum GeneralError {

impl Display for GeneralError {
    fn fmt(&self, fter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        use self::GeneralError::*;
        match self {
            Connecting(err) => write!(fter, "Connecting failed: {}", err),
            Cmd(err) => write!(fter, "A command failed: {}", err),
            Io(err) => write!(fter, "I/O-Error: {}", err),

impl From<std_io::Error> for GeneralError {
    fn from(err: std_io::Error) -> Self {

impl From<ConnectingFailed> for GeneralError {
    fn from(err: ConnectingFailed) -> Self {

impl From<LogicError> for GeneralError {
    fn from(err: LogicError) -> Self {

/// error representing that creating a connection failed
pub enum ConnectingFailed {
    /// an I/O-Error ocurred while setting up the connection

    /// some non-io, non auth part failed during setup
    /// e.g. sending EHLO returned an error code

    /// the authentication command failed

impl From<std_io::Error> for ConnectingFailed {
    fn from(err: std_io::Error) -> Self {

impl Error for ConnectingFailed {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        "connecting with server failed"

    fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Error> {
        use self::ConnectingFailed::*;
        match self {
            Io(err) => Some(err),
            Setup(err) => Some(err),
            Auth(err) => Some(err),

impl Display for ConnectingFailed {
    fn fmt(&self, fter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        use self::ConnectingFailed::*;
        match self {
            Io(err) => write!(fter, "I/O-Error: {}", err),
            Setup(err) => write!(fter, "Setup-Error: {}", err),
            Auth(err) => write!(fter, "Authentication-Error: {}", err),

pub fn check_response(response: Response) -> Result<Response, LogicError> {
    if response.is_erroneous() {
    } else {

/// An error representing that a command was successfully send and the response was
/// successfully received but the response code indicated an error.
/// This is also used if the `Connection` detects that a command is not available
/// _before_ it was sent, e.g. `EHLO` doesn't contain `STARTTLS` and you send `STARTTLS`.
/// In such a case no command was send to the server, saving one round trip which would
/// fail anyway.
pub enum LogicError {
    /// The server replied with a error response code

    /// The server replied with a non-error response code, but the command could not handle it
    /// For example on DATA the server responds with the intermediate code 354, if the client
    /// now receives e.g. a 240 than clearly something went wrong.

    /// a custom error code
    /// This is meant to be produced by a custom command, as the sender of the command knows
    /// (at some abstraction level) which command it send, it can downcast and handle the
    /// error
    Custom(Box<dyn Error + 'static + Send + Sync>),

    /// command can not be used, as the server does not promotes the necessary capabilities

impl From<MissingCapabilities> for LogicError {
    fn from(err: MissingCapabilities) -> Self {

impl Error for LogicError {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
        use self::LogicError::*;
        match self {
            Custom(boxed) => boxed.source(),
            _ => None,

impl Display for LogicError {
    fn fmt(&self, fter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        use self::LogicError::*;

        match self {
            Custom(boxed) => Display::fmt(&boxed, fter),
            //FIXME print response code and error message!
            Code(_response) => write!(fter, "server responded with error response code"),
            UnexpectedCode(_response) => write!(
                "server responded with unexpected non-error response code"
            //FIXME print which capabilities are missing
            MissingCapabilities(_caps) => write!(fter, "server is missing required capabilities"),

/// Error representing that a command can not be used
/// This is the case if ehlo does not advertises that it supports the command,
/// e.g. the response does not contain the ehlo keyword `SMTPUTF8`
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MissingCapabilities {
    capabilities: Vec<Capability>,

impl MissingCapabilities {
    pub fn new_from_unchecked<I>(data: I) -> Self
        I: Into<String>,

    pub fn new(capabilities: Vec<Capability>) -> Self {
        MissingCapabilities { capabilities }

    pub fn capabilities(&self) -> &[Capability] {

impl Into<Vec<Capability>> for MissingCapabilities {
    fn into(self) -> Vec<Capability> {
        let MissingCapabilities { capabilities } = self;

impl From<Vec<Capability>> for MissingCapabilities {
    fn from(capabilities: Vec<Capability>) -> Self {
        MissingCapabilities { capabilities }

impl Error for MissingCapabilities {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        "missing capabilities to run command"

impl Display for MissingCapabilities {
    fn fmt(&self, fter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(fter, "missing capabilities:")?;
        let mut first = true;
        for cap in self.capabilities.iter() {
            let str_cap = cap.as_str();
            if first {
                write!(fter, " {}", str_cap)?;
            } else {
                write!(fter, ", {}", str_cap)?;
            first = false;