new-home-application 1.1.0

New Home iot application framework. Meant to build application for the New Home Core
//! The communication module contains all the structs used during communication with the core and/or
//! the client at the end of the UI.
//! For communication with the UI in general the most important struct/type is the [ActionMessage] and
//! [SingleActionMessage]

use actix::Message;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::Value;

/// This struct contains the structure for a method return
/// It consists of a return code and a single message which can be an error, a success or an info message
/// Is used together with `serde` for serialization and deserialization to and from JSON (mainly)
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct MethodResult {
    /// The return code of the method
    /// 0 = success
    /// > 0 = error
    pub code: i8,

    /// The message of the method
    /// If there is no message to the client the value can be [serde_json::Value::Null]
    /// For the value, if it is not just informational to functions in the frontend, it is recommended
    /// to use the [ActionMessage] struct/type to assemble a proper response for the UI.
    pub message: Value,

/// This contains the structure for a request to a method
/// Provided are the method_name. This *can* be useful if you implement multiple methods with the
/// same struct or call a method from multiple methods which, however has slightly different logic
/// depending on which method called it.
/// Arguments are supplied as well. This can be ignored when the struct used the derive macro and
/// the arguments were mapped to the struct fields already.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
pub struct MethodCall {
    /// The name of the method that is called
    pub method_name: String,

    /// The list of arguments which are supplied to the method
    pub arguments: Value,

impl Message for MethodCall {
    type Result = MethodResult;

/// # The ActionMessage
/// As an extension to the [SingleActionMessage], in case that you want to send multiple messages of
/// the same type, you can also provide the message objects in an array (which is always recommended,
/// even if you send multiple messages of different kinds).
/// # Example
/// The complete ActionMessage in the JSON format may look like the following:
/// ```json
/// [
///   {
///     "error": "An error occurred",
///     "info": "Try to do it different"
///   },
///   {
///     "error": "Another error occurred as well"
///   },
/// ]
/// ```
/// And to fulfill the possibilities, here the (recommended) way of sending multiple messages of the
/// same and different kind:
/// ```json
/// [
///   {
///     "error": "An error occurred"
///   },
///   {
///     "error": "Another error occurred as well"
///   },
///   {
///     "info": "Try to do it different"
///   },
/// ]
/// ```
/// While the lower example is recommended, the upper one may be better if you have to group messages
/// logically, for example in the case that there was an error, but there also might be a solution to
/// that which you want to recommend.
pub type ActionMessage = Vec<SingleActionMessage>;

/// # The (shorter) ActionMessage
/// The action message is meant to be a format which can be visualized to the user. It has to contain
/// information for the user.
/// # Example
/// A ActionMessage is supposed to follow the pattern, that an object, keyed by the message type, contains
/// a message as a string. This can be represented in JSON like the following
/// ```json
/// {
///   "error": "An error occurred"
/// }
/// ```
/// This will show an error message. However a ActionMessage can also contain multiple message types
/// in one object which then looks like the following
/// ```json
/// {
///   "error": "An error occurred",
///   "info": "Try to do it different"
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct SingleActionMessage {
    /// Defines a error message field
    pub error: Option<String>,

    /// Defines a info message field
    pub info: Option<String>,

    /// Defines a debug message field
    pub debug: Option<String>,

    /// Defines a success message field
    pub success: Option<String>,

    /// Defines a markdown message field
    pub markdown: Option<String>,

    /// Defines a list in the message
    pub list: Option<String>,

    /// Defines a table in the message
    pub table: Option<String>,

    /// Causes the UI to load the following additional JavaScript files.
    /// The files might only be loaded if they were not before!
    pub scripts: Option<Vec<String>>,

    /// Causes the UI to load the following component to the current view
    /// This has to be an HTML tag name. The tag is supposed to be a custom element which renders
    /// the wanted view. For more information on how to best implement a component element take a
    /// look into the [UI Project](
    pub component: Option<String>,

    /// Causes the UI to open the following modal
    /// This has to be an HTML tag name. The tag is supposed to be a custom element which renders
    /// the wanted view. For more information on how to best implement a modal element take a look
    /// into the [UI Project](
    pub modal: Option<String>,