neutron-star-rt 0.2.1

The minimal runtime required for smart contracts built on the Qtum Neutron platform
CPU i686
GLOBAL __start
GLOBAL __exit
GLOBAL __neutron_syscall
GLOBAL __neutron_syscall_short
GLOBAL __testbench_syscall
GLOBAL __testbench_syscall_short

EXTERN _init
EXTERN _neutron_main
EXTERN __init_neutron

[SECTION __start_text]
mov esp, 0x80010000 + 1024 * 7 ; init stack for Qtum stack space
call __init_neutron ;internal qtum runtime setup
mov eax, 0
call _neutron_main ;main function

; eax is return code
int 0xF0 ; VM escape API for ending execution
hlt ; should never reach this

[SECTION .text]

; long __qtum_syscall(long number, long p1, long p2, long p3, long p4, long p5, long p6)
  push ebp
  push edi
  push esi
  push ebx
  mov eax, [esp + 20]
  mov ebx, [esp + 20 + 4]
  mov ecx, [esp + 20 + 8]
  mov edx, [esp + 20 + 12]
  mov esi, [esp + 20 + 16]
  mov edi, [esp + 20 + 20]
  mov ebp, [esp + 20 + 24]
  int 0x40
  pop ebx
  pop esi
  pop edi
  pop ebp

; long __qtum_syscall_short(long number, long p1, long p2, long p3)
  push ebx
  mov eax, [esp + 8]
  mov ebx, [esp + 8 + 4]
  mov ecx, [esp + 8 + 8]
  mov edx, [esp + 8 + 12]
  int 0x40
  pop ebx

; TODO find a way to not include this by default
; long __testbench_syscall(long number, long p1, long p2, long p3, long p4, long p5, long p6)
  push ebp
  push edi
  push esi
  push ebx
  mov eax, [esp + 20]
  mov ebx, [esp + 20 + 4]
  mov ecx, [esp + 20 + 8]
  mov edx, [esp + 20 + 12]
  mov esi, [esp + 20 + 16]
  mov edi, [esp + 20 + 20]
  mov ebp, [esp + 20 + 24]
  int 0x50
  pop ebx
  pop esi
  pop edi
  pop ebp

; long __testbench_syscall_short(long number, long p1, long p2, long p3)
  push ebx
  mov eax, [esp + 8]
  mov ebx, [esp + 8 + 4]
  mov ecx, [esp + 8 + 8]
  mov edx, [esp + 8 + 12]
  int 0x50
  pop ebx

; void __exit(long exit_code)
; eax is return code
mov eax, [esp + 4]
int 0xF0 ; VM escape API for ending execution
hlt ; should never reach this