neuroflow 0.1.0

The neural network library implemented in Rust

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New Neural Networks Rust crate

Code Examples

Let's try to approximate simple sin(x) function.

        Define neural network with 1 neuron in input layers 
        (we have only 1 argument in sin(x), so it should be 1 neuron in the input layer).
        Network contains 2 hidden layers (that have 8 and 6 neurons respectively).
        And, such as sin(x) returns single value, it is reasonable to have 1 neuron in the output layer.
    let mut nn = FeedForward::new(&[1, 8, 6, 1]);
        Define DataSet.
        DataSet is the Type that significantly simplifies work with neural network.
        Majority of its functionality is still under development :(
    let mut data: DataSet = DataSet::new();
    let mut i = -3.0;
    // Push the data to DataSet (method push accepts two slices: input data and expected output)
    while i <= 3.0 {
        data.push(&[i], &[i.sin()]);
        i += 0.1;
    // Here, we set necessary parameters and train neural network by our DataSet with 30 000 iterations
        .train(&data, 30_000);

    let mut res;
    // Let's check the result
    i = 0.0;
    while i <= 0.3{
        res = nn.calc(&[i])[0];
        println!("for [{:.3}], [{:.3}] -> [{:.3}]", i, i.sin(), res);
        i += 0.05;

Expected output

for [0.000], [0.000] -> [0.003]
for [0.050], [0.050] -> [0.048]
for [0.100], [0.100] -> [0.098]
for [0.150], [0.149] -> [0.149]
for [0.200], [0.199] -> [0.199]
for [0.250], [0.247] -> [0.248]
for [0.300], [0.296] -> [0.297]

But we don't want to lose our trained network so easily. So, there is functionality to save and restore neural networks from files.

        In order to save neural network into file call function save from neuroflow::io module.
        First argument is link on the saving neural network;
        Second argument is path to the file. 
    neuroflow::io::save(&nn, "test.flow");
        After we have saved the neural network to the file we can restore it by calling
        of load function from neuroflow::io module.
        We must specify the type of new_nn variable.
        The only argument of load function is the path to file containing
        the neural network
    let mut new_nn: FeedForward = load("test.flow");

classic XOR problem

        Define neural network with 2 neurons in input layers,
        1 hidden layer (with 2 neurons),
        1 neuron in output layer
    let mut nn = FeedForward::new(&[2, 2, 1]);
    let mut data = DataSet::new();

    data.push(&[0f64, 0f64], &[0f64]);
    data.push(&[1f64, 0f64], &[1f64]);
    data.push(&[0f64, 1f64], &[1f64]);
    data.push(&[1f64, 1f64], &[0f64]);

        .train(&data, 20_000);

    let mut res;
    let mut d;
    for i in{
        res = nn.calc(data.get(i).0)[0];
        d = data.get(i);
        println!("for [{:.3}, {:.3}], [{:.3}] -> [{:.3}]", d.0[0], d.0[1], d.1[0], res);

Expected output

for [0.000, 0.000], [0.000] -> [0.000]
for [1.000, 0.000], [1.000] -> [1.000]
for [0.000, 1.000], [1.000] -> [1.000]
for [1.000, 1.000], [0.000] -> [0.000]

Current goals

  • Implement Optimal Brain Surgery algorithm
  • Work with data in files (csv, xlsx, etc)


Previously the library was created only for educational purposes. Saying about now there is, also, sport interest :)


Insert into cargo.toml [dependencies] block next line

neuroflow = { git = "" }

Then in your code

    extern crate neuroflow;


MIT License


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