networking 0.1.6

secure RSA + AES network implementations in a peer to peer enabled manner

RSA + AES based peer to peer networking


the purpose of this network is to provide secured AES asymetric implementation that uses RSA to implement the asymetric nature of this projects encryption.

divergence from classic TLS

this crate aims to prevent man in the middle attacks by encrypting pre-shared keys that are sent in each packet. by doing this, even if a hacker has a public key, they will be unable to feed false information that could cause a crash to either of the peers. in this way each peer can mantain knowledge of the other in both directions, which allows for a more decentralized approach than draditional TLS.

Version details

this version comes with an SLLP (Secure Low Latency Protocol) implementation. this protocol created for the purpose of this project is a semi-connection enabled protocol based on udp.

implementation of SLLP

the SLLP implementation in this project, ensures a psudo connection that is private between two peers, by authenticating encrypted pre-shared keys.

future implementations

a management crate, or database would be a better means of supplying peers to this network, each host having a databse containg a list of their paired peers.


SLLP Client

use networking::sllp::SllpSocket;
use networking::test_config;
use networking::Layer3Addr;
use std::error::Error;
use networking::asyncronous::{AsyncSend, AsyncNetworkHost};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let (mut peer, config) = test_config();
    let socket = SllpSocket::from_host_config(&config).await?;
    // this needs to be updated to remote peer, because two devices cannot bind to the smae address
    peer.set_socket_addr((Layer3Addr::newv4(127, 0, 0, 1), 6464).into());
    let mut stream = socket.connect(&peer).await;
    loop { stream.send(b"hello world").await.unwrap(); }

SLLP Server

use networking::sllp::SllpSocket;
use networking::test_config;
use std::error::Error;
use networking::asyncronous::{AsyncRecv, AsyncNetworkHost};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let (peer, config) = test_config();
    let mut socket = SllpSocket::from_host_config(&config).await?;
    while let Some(strm) = socket.incoming().await {
        let mut stream = strm?.verify(&peer)?;
        tokio::spawn(async move {
            println!("new connection");
            loop {
                let mut invec = Vec::new();
                stream.recv(&mut invec).await.unwrap();
                    "got message {}, from server",



tokio = {version = "0.2.21", features = ["full"]}

Async Client

use networking::{asyncronous::{AsyncHost, AsyncRecv}, test_config};
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   let (peer, config) = test_config();
   let host = AsyncHost::client_only(&config).await.unwrap();
   let mut stream = host.connect(peer).await.unwrap();
   let mut buffer = Vec::new();
       "got {} bytes from server",
       stream.recv(&mut buffer).await.unwrap()
   let string = String::from_utf8(buffer).unwrap();
   println!("got message: {} from server", string);

Async Server

use networking::{asyncronous::{AsyncHost, AsyncSend, AsyncNetworkHost}, test_config};
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let (peer, config) = test_config();
    let mut host = AsyncHost::from_host_config(&config).await.unwrap();
    while let Some(Ok(strm)) = host.incoming()?.await {
        let mut stream = strm.verify(&peer)?;
        // make sure you got a connection from the correct peer
        println!("sending message hello world");
        stream.send(b"hello world").await.unwrap();


for sync examples see docs the camera example is to show a practical application, and test the network by supplying high load