nethost-sys 0.6.2

FFI bindings for nethost.
#![warn(clippy::pedantic, clippy::cargo, unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn)]

//! FFI bindings for [nethost](
//! Supports automatically downloading the latest version of the [nethost]( library from [NuGet]( with the `download-nuget` feature.
//! ## Related crates
//! - [hostfxr-sys]( - bindings for the hostfxr library.
//! - [coreclr-hosting-shared]( - shared bindings between this crate and [hostfxr-sys](
//! - [netcorehost]( - rusty wrapper over the nethost and hostfxr libraries.
//! ## Additional Information
//! - [Hosting layer APIs](
//! - [Native hosting](
//! - [Write a custom .NET Core host to control the .NET runtime from your native code](
//! ## License
//! Licensed under the MIT license ([LICENSE]( or <>)

use core::{mem, ptr};
use coreclr_hosting_shared::{char_t, size_t};

// for some reason we need the link attribute here for unix, but the rustc argument in for windows.
// #[cfg_attr(windows, link(name = "libnethost"))]
#[cfg_attr(unix, link(name = "nethost", kind = "static"))]
    all(unix, not(target_os = "macos")),
    link(name = "stdc++", kind = "dylib")
#[cfg_attr(target_os = "macos", link(name = "c++", kind = "dylib"))]
extern "system" {
    /// Get the path to the `hostfxr` library.
    /// # Arguments
    ///  * `buffer`:
    ///     Buffer that will be populated with the hostfxr path, including a null terminator.
    ///  * `buffer_size`:
    ///     * \[in\] Size of buffer in [`char_t`] units.
    ///     * \[out\] Size of buffer used in [`char_t`] units. If the input value is too small
    ///           or `buffer` is [`null`](core::ptr::null()), this is populated with the minimum required size
    ///           in [`char_t`] units for a buffer to hold the hostfxr path
    /// * `get_hostfxr_parameters`:
    ///     Optional. Parameters that modify the behaviour for locating the hostfxr library.
    ///     If [`null`](core::ptr::null()), hostfxr is located using the enviroment variable or global registration
    /// # Return value
    ///  * `0` on success, otherwise failure
    ///  * `0x80008098` - `buffer` is too small ([`HostApiBufferTooSmall`](
    /// # Remarks
    /// The full search for the hostfxr library is done on every call. To minimize the need
    /// to call this function multiple times, pass a large buffer (e.g. [`MAX_PATH`](
    pub fn get_hostfxr_path(
        buffer: *mut char_t,
        buffer_size: *mut size_t,
        parameters: *const get_hostfxr_parameters,
    ) -> i32;

/// Parameters for [`get_hostfxr_path`].
pub struct get_hostfxr_parameters {
    /// Size of the struct.
    /// This is used for versioning.
    pub size: size_t,
    /// Path to the compenent's assembly.
    /// If specified, hostfxr is located as if the `assembly_path` is the apphost
    pub assembly_path: *const char_t,
    /// Path to directory containing the dotnet executable.
    /// If specified, hostfxr is located as if an application is started using
    /// `dotnet app.dll`, which means it will be searched for under the `dotnet_root`
    /// path and the `assembly_path` is ignored.
    pub dotnet_root: *const char_t,

impl get_hostfxr_parameters {
    /// Creates a new instance of [`get_hostfxr_parameters`] with the given `dotnet_root`.
    /// The `size` field is set accordingly to the size of the struct and `assembly_path` to [`ptr::null()`].
    pub fn with_dotnet_root(dotnet_root: *const char_t) -> Self {
        Self {
            size: mem::size_of::<Self>(),
            assembly_path: ptr::null(),
    /// Creates a new instance of [`get_hostfxr_parameters`] with the given `assembly_path`.
    /// The `size` field is set accordingly to the size of the struct and `dotnet_root` to [`ptr::null()`].
    pub fn with_assembly_path(assembly_path: *const char_t) -> Self {
        Self {
            size: mem::size_of::<Self>(),
            dotnet_root: ptr::null(),