nethost-sys 0.2.3

FFI bindings for nethost.
# nethost-sys

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FFI bindings for [nethost](

Supports automatically downloading the latest version of the [nethost]( library from [NuGet]( with the `download-nuget` feature.

### Related crates

- [hostfxr-sys] - bindings for the hostfxr library.
- [coreclr-hosting-shared] - shared bindings between this crate and [hostfxr-sys]
- [netcorehost] - rusty wrapper over the nethost and hostfxr libraries.

### Additional Information

- [Hosting layer APIs]
- [Native hosting]
- [Write a custom .NET Core host to control the .NET runtime from your native code]

### License

Licensed under the MIT license ([LICENSE]( or

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