net2 0.2.26

Extensions to the standard library's networking types as proposed in RFC 1158.
name = "net2"
version = "0.2.26"
authors = ["Alex Crichton <>"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
readme = ""
repository = ""
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
description = """
Extensions to the standard library's networking types as proposed in RFC 1158.

ws2_32-sys = "0.2"
winapi = "0.2"
kernel32-sys = "0.2"

libc = "0.2.14"

# Compat with older Cargo versions temporarily
libc = "0.2.14"
libc = "0.2.14"
libc = "0.2.14"
libc = "0.2.14"

cfg-if = "0.1"

nightly = []
duration = []
default = ["duration"]