nested_intervals 0.1.9

nested & overlapping interval set functions, overlap, union, etc

This crate deals with interval sets which are lists of 
[Ranges]( that may be both
overlapping and nested.

The implementation is based on nested containment lists as proposed 
by [Alekseyenko et al. 2007](,
which offers the same big-O complexity s interval trees (O(n * log(n)) construction,
O(n + m) queries). The construction of the query data structure is lazy and only happens
the first time a method relying on it is called.

Each interval has a vec of u32 ids attached, which allows linking back the results to
other data structures.

Full [documentation at](
Source at [GitHub](


Code example:
  fn test_example() {
        let intervals = vec![0..20, 15..30, 50..100];
        let mut interval_set = IntervalSet::new(&intervals);
        assert_eq!(interval_set.ids, vec![vec![0], vec![1], vec![2]]); // automatic ids, use new_with_ids otherwise
        let hits = interval_set.query_overlapping(10..16);
        assert_eq!(hits.intervals, [0..20, 15..30]);
        let merged = hits.merge_hull();
        assert_eq!(merged.intervals, [0..30]);
        assert_eq!(merged.ids, vec![vec![0,1]]);


- [x] check for overlap with a query range ->
- [x] query for overlapping with a query range ->
- [x] query for overlapping with a query set ->
- [x] query for non-overlapping with a query set ->
- [x] check for internally overlapping ->
- [x] check for internally nested ->
- [x] remove duplicate intervals (start&stop!)->
- [x] remove duplicate intervals and complain about non-duplicate overlapping ->
- [x] remove empty intervals ->
- [x] merge internally overlapping by joining them ->
- [x] merge internally overlapping by dropping them ->
- [x] split internally overlapping into non-overlapping subsets (ie. [10..100, 20..30] becomes
  [10..20, 20..30, 30..100] ->
- [x] invert an interval set (given outer borders) ->
- [x] find the interval with the closest start ->
- [x] find the interval with the closest start to the left of a point ->
- [x] find the interval with the closest start to the right of a point ->

- [x] calculate the units covered by the intervals ->
- [x] find the mean size of the intervals ->
- [x] build the union of n interval sets -> union
- [x] substract two interval sets  ->
- [x] keep only those overlapping with n other sets ->
- [x] remove those overlapping with more than n other sets -> 

Not (yet) supported
We currently can not
- [ ] find the interval with the closest end
- [ ] find the interval with the closest end to the left of a point //going be expensive O(n/2)
- [ ] find the interval with the closest end to the right of a point //going be
  expensiv O(n/2)

- [ ] intersect two interval sects (ie. covered units in both sets)
- [ ] intersect more than two interval sects (ie. covered units in multiple sets, possibly
  applying a 'k' threshold)

- [ ] merge internally overlapping by intersecting them? What does than even mean
  for nested sets?