neon 0.7.0

A safe abstraction layer for Node.js.
<img src="neon.png" alt="neon" width="100%" />

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Rust bindings for writing safe and fast native Node.js modules.

# Getting started

Once you have the [platform dependencies]( installed, getting started is as simple as:

$ npm install -g neon-cli
$ neon new my-project

Then see the [Hello World guide]( for writing your first Hello World in Neon!

# Docs

See our [Neon fundamentals docs]( and our [API docs](

# Platform Support

### Operating Systems

| Linux  | macOS | Windows |
| ------ | ----- | ------- |

### Node.js

| Node 10 | Node 12 | Node 14 |
| ------- | ------- | ------- |

Support for [LTS versions of Node]( and current are expected. If you're using a different version of Node and believe it should be supported, let us know.

### Rust

Neon supports Rust stable version 1.18 and higher. We test on the latest stable, beta, and nightly versions of Rust.

# A Taste...

fn make_an_array(mut cx: FunctionContext) -> JsResult<JsArray> {
    // Create some values:
    let n = cx.number(9000);
    let s = cx.string("hello");
    let b = cx.boolean(true);

    // Create a new array:
    let array: Handle<JsArray> = cx.empty_array();

    // Push the values into the array:
    array.set(&mut cx, 0, n)?;
    array.set(&mut cx, 1, s)?;
    array.set(&mut cx, 2, b)?;

    // Return the array:

register_module!(mut cx, {
    cx.export_function("makeAnArray", make_an_array)

For more examples, see our [examples repo](

# Get Involved

The Neon community is just getting started and there's tons of fun to be had. Come play! :)

The [Rust Bindings community Slack]( is open to all; use [the Slackin app]( to receive an invitation.

# License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.