neon 0.1.9

A safe abstraction layer for Node.js.
# Isolate Usage

Adam Klein: "naive use of [v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()] can be a performance bottleneck in a tight loop, since it involves thread-local storage"

# Handles

Adam Klein: "copying a Handle and creating a new Handle are different operations / the former doesn't really "do" anything / I think you're getting at one of the most confusing things in this API / which is that there's really no distinction between a v8::Object* and a v8::Handle<v8::Object>"

# V8 Strings

+- Name
    +- String
        +- SeqString
        |    |
        |    +- SeqOneByteString
        |    |
        |    +- SeqTwoByteString
        +- ConsString
        +- SlicedString
        +- ExternalString
             +- ExternalOneByteString
             +- ExternalTwoByteString