[][src]Crate neo4rs

Neo4j driver compatible with neo4j 4.x versions

Neo4rs uses bolt protocol https://7687.org/ to interact with the neo4j server.

the implementation uses tokio to provide an async execution of queries and streaming of rows.


A simple example to create a node and consume the created node.

Note that Graph::run just returns errors::Result<()>, while Graph::execute returns errors::Result<RowStream> from which you can stream the rows

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;

async fn main() {
   let uri = "";
   let user = "neo4j";
   let pass = "neo";
   let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();

   assert!(graph.run(query("RETURN 1")).await.is_ok());

   let mut result = graph.execute(
     query( "CREATE (friend:Person {name: $name}) RETURN friend")
    .param("name", "Mr Mark")

   while let Ok(Some(row)) = result.next().await {
        let node: Node = row.get("friend").unwrap();
        let id = node.id();
        let labels = node.labels();
        let name: String = node.get("name").unwrap();
        assert_eq!(name, "Mr Mark");
        assert_eq!(labels, vec!["Person"]);
        assert!(id > 0);

If you want to customize the configurations, you could use the config builder to override the default configurations like the fetch_size, max_connections etc.

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;

async fn main() {
   let config = config()
   let graph = Graph::connect(config).await.unwrap();
   let mut result = graph.execute(query("RETURN 1")).await.unwrap();
   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let value: i64 = row.get("1").unwrap();
   assert_eq!(1, value);

Bounded Relationship between nodes are created using cypher queries and the same can be parsed from the RowStream

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;

async fn main() {
   let uri = "";
   let user = "neo4j";
   let pass = "neo";
   let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
   let mut result = graph.execute(
       query("CREATE (p:Person { name: 'Oliver Stone' })-[r:WORKS_AT {as: 'Engineer'}]->(neo) RETURN r")

   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let relation: Relation = row.get("r").unwrap();
   assert!(relation.id() > -1);
   assert!(relation.start_node_id() > -1);
   assert!(relation.end_node_id() > -1);
   assert_eq!(relation.typ(), "WORKS_AT");
   assert_eq!(relation.get::<String>("as").unwrap(), "Engineer");

Similar to bounded relation, an unbounded relation can also be created/parsed.

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;

async fn main() {
   let uri = "";
   let user = "neo4j";
   let pass = "neo";
   let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
   let mut result = graph.execute(
       query("MERGE (p1:Person { name: 'Oliver Stone' })-[r:RELATED {as: 'friend'}]-(p2: Person {name: 'Mark'}) RETURN r")
   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let relation: Relation = row.get("r").unwrap();
   assert!(relation.id() > -1);
   assert!(relation.start_node_id() > -1);
   assert!(relation.end_node_id() > -1);
   assert_eq!(relation.typ(), "RELATED");
   assert_eq!(relation.get::<String>("as").unwrap(), "friend");

You can explicitly start a transaction using Graph::start_txn, the returned handle Txn can be used to Txn::commit or Txn::rollback the transaction.

Note that the handle takes a connection from the connection pool, which will be reserved for the transaction till the lifetime of the handle.

Below example runs multiple queries in the same transaction.

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;
use uuid::Uuid;

async fn main() {
   let uri = "";
   let user = "neo4j";
   let pass = "neo";
   let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
   let txn = graph.start_txn().await.unwrap();
   let id = Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
           query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone()),
           query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone())
   let mut result = graph
       .execute(query("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.id = $id RETURN p.id").param("id", id.clone()))


Just like Graph::run and Graph::execute, Txn::run returns a unit type while Txn::execute returns a RowStream

if you are executing multiple queries, each RowStream returned is isolated from the other and you can call RowStream::next at anytime within a transaction.

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;
use uuid::Uuid;

async fn main() {
   let config = config()
   let graph = Graph::connect(config).await.unwrap();
   let name = Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
   let txn = graph.start_txn().await.unwrap();

       query("CREATE (p { name: $name })").param("name", name.clone()),
       query("CREATE (p { name: $name })").param("name", name.clone()),

   let mut stream_one = txn
       .execute(query("MATCH (p {name: $name}) RETURN p").param("name", name.clone()))


   let mut stream_two = txn.execute(query("RETURN 1")).await.unwrap();



At anypoint within a transaction, you can rollback the txn.

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;
use uuid::Uuid;

async fn main() {
   let uri = "";
   let user = "neo4j";
   let pass = "neo";
   let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();

   let txn = graph.start_txn().await.unwrap();
   let id = Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
   txn.run(query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone()))
   txn.run(query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone()))
   let mut result = graph
       .execute(query("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.id = $id RETURN p.id").param("id", id.clone()))

All changes done within a transaction is not visible to you if you use Graph::run or Graph::execute from within the transaction, if you need to query the intermediate state within the transaction, then you should use Txn::execute

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;
use uuid::Uuid;

async fn main() {
   let uri = "";
   let user = "neo4j";
   let pass = "neo";
   let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
   let txn = graph.start_txn().await.unwrap();
   let id = Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
   txn.run(query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone()))
   txn.run(query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone()))
   //the result returned here will not have the nodes created above, if you want see the
   //changes, then use txn.execute(...) instead.
   let mut result = graph
       .execute(query("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.id = $id RETURN p.id").param("id", id.clone()))

   //changes are now seen as the transaction is committed.
   let mut result = graph
       .execute(query("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.id = $id RETURN p.id").param("id", id.clone()))

An example to create and process point types:

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;
use uuid::Uuid;

async fn main() {
   let uri = "";
   let user = "neo4j";
   let pass = "neo";
   let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();

   let mut result = graph
           "WITH point({ x: 2.3, y: 4.5, crs: 'cartesian' }) AS p1,
            point({ x: 1.1, y: 5.4, crs: 'cartesian' }) AS p2 RETURN distance(p1,p2) AS dist, p1, p2",
   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let dist: f64 = row.get("dist").unwrap();
   let p1: Point2D = row.get("p1").unwrap();
   let p2: Point2D = row.get("p2").unwrap();
   assert_eq!(1.5, dist);
   assert_eq!(p1.sr_id(), 7203);
   assert_eq!(p1.x(), 2.3);
   assert_eq!(p1.y(), 4.5);
   assert_eq!(p2.sr_id(), 7203);
   assert_eq!(p2.x(), 1.1);
   assert_eq!(p2.y(), 5.4);

   let mut result = graph
           "RETURN point({ longitude: 56.7, latitude: 12.78, height: 8 }) AS point",
   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let point: Point3D = row.get("point").unwrap();
   assert_eq!(point.sr_id(), 4979);
   assert_eq!(point.x(), 56.7);
   assert_eq!(point.y(), 12.78);
   assert_eq!(point.z(), 8.0);


Example usage of raw bytes in your query:

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;
use uuid::Uuid;

async fn main() {
   let uri = "";
   let user = "neo4j";
   let pass = "neo";
   let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
   let mut result = graph
       .execute(query("RETURN $b as output").param("b", vec![11, 12]))
   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let b: Vec<u8> = row.get("output").unwrap();
   assert_eq!(b, &[11, 12]);

Usage of duration types:

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;
use uuid::Uuid;

async fn main() {
   let uri = "";
   let user = "neo4j";
   let pass = "neo";
   let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
   let duration = std::time::Duration::new(5259600, 7);
   let mut result = graph
       .execute(query("RETURN $d as output").param("d", duration))
   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let d: std::time::Duration = row.get("output").unwrap();
   assert_eq!(d.as_secs(), 5259600);
   assert_eq!(d.subsec_nanos(), 7);

Working with date & time.

Notice that when you parse a time out of the RowStream, you should expect a tuple of type (chrono::NaiveTime, Option<chrono::FixedOffset>), this is because some of the time type returned by the server may not have any timezone offset information.

Also, the chrono::NaiveTime doesn't have any offset attribute within it, so it is returned as as the second element in the tuple.

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;
use uuid::Uuid;

async fn main() {
   let uri = "";
   let user = "neo4j";
   let pass = "neo";
   let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
   let date = chrono::NaiveDate::from_ymd(1985, 2, 5);
   let mut result = graph
       .execute(query("RETURN $d as output").param("d", date))
   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let d: chrono::NaiveDate = row.get("output").unwrap();
   assert_eq!(d.to_string(), "1985-02-05");

   //send time without offset as param
   let time = chrono::NaiveTime::from_hms_nano(11, 15, 30, 200);
   let mut result = graph
       .execute(query("RETURN $d as output").param("d", time))
   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let t: (chrono::NaiveTime, Option<chrono::FixedOffset>) = row.get("output").unwrap();
   assert_eq!(t.0.to_string(), "11:15:30.000000200");
   assert_eq!(t.1, None);

   //send time with offset as param
   let time = chrono::NaiveTime::from_hms_nano(11, 15, 30, 200);
   let offset = chrono::FixedOffset::east(3 * 3600);
   let mut result = graph
       .execute(query("RETURN $d as output").param("d", (time, offset)))
   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let t: (chrono::NaiveTime, Option<chrono::FixedOffset>) = row.get("output").unwrap();
   assert_eq!(t.0.to_string(), "11:15:30.000000200");
   assert_eq!(t.1, Some(offset));

   //Parse time without offset
   let mut result = graph
           " WITH time({hour:10, minute:15, second:30, nanosecond: 200}) AS t RETURN t",
   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let t: (chrono::NaiveTime, Option<chrono::FixedOffset>) = row.get("t").unwrap();
   assert_eq!(t.0.to_string(), "10:15:30.000000200");
   assert_eq!(t.1, None);

   //Parse time with timezone information
   let mut result = graph
           " WITH time({hour:10, minute:15, second:33, nanosecond: 200, timezone: '+01:00'}) AS t RETURN t",
   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let t: (chrono::NaiveTime, Option<chrono::FixedOffset>) = row.get("t").unwrap();
   assert_eq!(t.0.to_string(), "10:15:33.000000200");
   assert_eq!(t.1, Some(chrono::FixedOffset::east(1 * 3600)));


Example usage of Path type:

use neo4rs::*;
use futures::stream::*;
use uuid::Uuid;

async fn main() {
   let uri = "";
   let user = "neo4j";
   let pass = "neo";
   let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
   let name = Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
           query("CREATE (p:Person { name: $name })-[r:WORKS_AT]->(n:Company { name: 'Neo'})")
               .param("name", name.clone()),

   let mut result = graph
           query("MATCH p = (person:Person { name: $name })-[r:WORKS_AT]->(c:Company) RETURN p")
               .param("name", name),

   let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
   let path: Path = row.get("p").unwrap();
   assert_eq!(path.ids().len(), 2);
   assert_eq!(path.nodes().len(), 2);
   assert_eq!(path.rels().len(), 1);



A neo4j database abstraction


An abstraction over a stream of rows, this is returned as a result of [Graph::execute] or [Txn::execute] operations


A handle which is used to control a transaction, created as a result of [Graph::start_txn]






Creates a config builder with reasonable default values wherever appropriate.


Returns a Query which provides methods like Query::param to add parameters to the query

Type Definitions
