neli 0.7.0-rc1

Type safe netlink library written in Rust
//! # neli: Type safety for netlink
//! ## Rationale
//! This crate aims to be a pure Rust implementation that defines
//! the necessary constants and wraps them in enums to distinguish
//! between various categories of constants in the context of netlink.
//! ## The project is broken down into the following modules:
//! * `attr` - This defines a generic interface for netlink attributes
//! (both generic and routing netlink attributes).
//! * `consts` - This is where all of the C-defined constants are
//! wrapped into type safe enums for use in the library.
//! * `err` - This module contains all of the protocol and
//! library-level errors encountered in the code.
//! * `genl` - This code provides parsing for the generic netlink
//! * `iter` - This code handles iterating over received netlink
//! packets.
//! * `nl` - This is the top level netlink header code that handles
//! the header that all netlink messages are encapsulated in.
//! * `router` - High level API handling ACK and PID validation as well as automatic
//! sequence number handling.
//! * `rtnl` - Routing netlink subsystem of the netlink protocol.
//! * `socket` - Lower level API for use in sending and receiving messages.
//! * `types` - Wrapper data types used in the library primarily to represent parts
//! of netlink messages.
//! * `utils` - Data structures used for FFI and synchronization in socket operations.
//! ## Design decisions
//! This library has a range of APIs. Some APIs like [`NlSocket`][crate::socket::NlSocket]
//! are basically just wrappers for syscalls, while higher level APIs like
//! [`NlRouter`][crate::router::synchronous::NlRouter] provide features like ACK
//! validation, socket PID validation, and sequence number handling.
//! The goal of this library is completeness for handling netlink and
//! am working to incorporate features that will make this library
//! easier to use in all use cases. If you have a use case you
//! would like to see supported, please open an issue on Github.
//! ## Examples
//! Examples of working code exist in the `examples/` subdirectory on
//! Github. Run `cargo build --examples` to build the examples.
//! Workflows usually follow a pattern of socket creation, and
//! then either sending and receiving messages in request/response
//! formats:
//! ```
//! use std::error::Error;
//! use neli::{
//!     consts::{genl::*, nl::*, socket::*},
//!     err::RouterError,
//!     genl::{Genlmsghdr, GenlmsghdrBuilder, Nlattr},
//!     nl::{NlmsghdrBuilder, NlPayload},
//!     router::synchronous::NlRouter,
//!     types::{Buffer, GenlBuffer},
//!     utils::Groups,
//! };
//! const GENL_VERSION: u8 = 1;
//! fn request_response() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//!     let (socket, _) = NlRouter::connect(
//!         NlFamily::Generic,
//!         None,
//!         Groups::empty(),
//!     )?;
//!     let recv = socket.send::<_, _, NlTypeWrapper, Genlmsghdr<CtrlCmd, CtrlAttr>>(
//!         GenlId::Ctrl,
//!         NlmF::DUMP,
//!         NlPayload::Payload(
//!             GenlmsghdrBuilder::<_, CtrlAttr, _>::default()
//!                 .cmd(CtrlCmd::Getfamily)
//!                 .version(GENL_VERSION)
//!                 .build()?
//!         ),
//!     )?;
//!     for msg in recv {
//!         let msg = msg?;
//!         // Do things with response here...
//!     }
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! or a subscriptions to a stream of event notifications from netlink:
//! ```
//! use std::error::Error;
//! use neli::{
//!     consts::{genl::*, nl::*, socket::*},
//!     err::RouterError,
//!     genl::Genlmsghdr,
//!     router::synchronous::NlRouter,
//!     utils::Groups,
//! };
//! fn subscribe_to_mcast() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//!     let (s, multicast) = NlRouter::connect(
//!         NlFamily::Generic,
//!         None,
//!         Groups::empty(),
//!     )?;
//!     let id = s.resolve_nl_mcast_group(
//!         "my_family_name",
//!         "my_multicast_group_name",
//!     )?;
//!     s.add_mcast_membership(Groups::new_groups(&[id]))?;
//!     for next in multicast {
//!         // Do stuff here with parsed packets...
//!         // like printing a debug representation of them:
//!         println!("{:?}", next?);
//!     }
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Documentation
//! Each module has been documented extensively to provide information
//! on how to use the code contained in the module. Pull requests for
//! documentation mistakes, updates, and rewording for clarity is a
//! valuable contribution as this project aims to be as simple to use
//! as possible.


pub mod attr;
pub mod consts;
pub mod err;
pub mod genl;
pub mod iter;
pub mod nl;
pub mod router;
pub mod rtnl;
pub mod socket;
pub mod types;
pub mod utils;

use std::{
    io::{Cursor, Read, Write},

use byteorder::{BigEndian, NativeEndian, ReadBytesExt};
pub use neli_proc_macros::{neli_enum, FromBytes, FromBytesWithInput, Header, Size, ToBytes};

use crate::{
    self as neli,
    err::{DeError, SerError},

/// A trait defining methods that apply to all netlink data
/// structures related to sizing of data types.
pub trait Size {
    /// Size of the unpadded data structure. This will usually
    /// only be unaligned for variable length types like
    /// strings or byte buffers.
    fn unpadded_size(&self) -> usize;

    /// Get the size of of the payload and align it to
    /// the required netlink byte alignment.
    fn padded_size(&self) -> usize {

/// A trait defining methods that apply to constant-sized
/// data types related to size.
pub trait TypeSize {
    /// Get the size of a constant-sized data type.
    fn type_size() -> usize;

/// A trait defining a netlink data structure's conversion to
/// a byte buffer.
pub trait ToBytes: Debug {
    /// Takes a byte buffer and serializes the data structure into
    /// it.
    fn to_bytes(&self, buffer: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), SerError>;

    /// Pad a netlink message to the appropriate alignment.
    fn pad(&self, buffer: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), SerError> {
        let num_pad_bytes = alignto(buffer.position() as usize) - buffer.position() as usize;
        buffer.write_all(&[0; libc::NLA_ALIGNTO as usize][..num_pad_bytes])?;

/// A trait defining how to convert from a byte buffer to a netlink
/// data structure.
pub trait FromBytes: Sized + Debug {
    /// Takes a byte buffer and returns the deserialized data
    /// structure.
    fn from_bytes(buffer: &mut Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>) -> Result<Self, DeError>;

    /// Strip padding from a netlink message.
    fn strip(buffer: &mut Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>) -> Result<(), DeError> {
        let num_strip_bytes = alignto(buffer.position() as usize) - buffer.position() as usize;
        buffer.read_exact(&mut [0; libc::NLA_ALIGNTO as usize][..num_strip_bytes])?;

/// Takes an arbitrary input which serves as additional information
/// for guiding the conversion from a byte buffer to a data
/// structure. A common workflow is a data structure that has a size
/// to determine how much more of the data in the byte buffer is
/// part of a given data structure.
pub trait FromBytesWithInput: Sized + Debug {
    /// The type of the additional input.
    type Input: Debug;

    /// Takes a byte buffer and an additional input and returns
    /// the deserialized data structure.
    fn from_bytes_with_input(
        buffer: &mut Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>,
        input: Self::Input,
    ) -> Result<Self, DeError>;

    /// Strip padding from a netlink message.
    fn strip(buffer: &mut Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>) -> Result<(), DeError> {
        let num_strip_bytes = alignto(buffer.position() as usize) - buffer.position() as usize;
        buffer.read_exact(&mut [0; libc::NLA_ALIGNTO as usize][..num_strip_bytes])?;

/// Takes an arbitrary input which serves as additional information
/// for guiding the conversion from a byte buffer to a data
/// structure. A common workflow is a data structure that has a size
/// to determine how much more of the data in the byte buffer is
/// part of a given data structure.
/// This trait borrows instead of copying.
pub trait FromBytesWithInputBorrowed<'a>: Sized + Debug {
    /// The type of the additional input.
    type Input: Debug;

    /// Takes a byte buffer and an additional input and returns
    /// the deserialized data structure.
    fn from_bytes_with_input(
        buffer: &mut Cursor<&'a [u8]>,
        input: Self::Input,
    ) -> Result<Self, DeError>;

    /// Strip padding from a netlink message.
    fn strip(buffer: &mut Cursor<&'a [u8]>) -> Result<(), DeError> {
        let num_strip_bytes = alignto(buffer.position() as usize) - buffer.position() as usize;
        buffer.read_exact(&mut [0; libc::NLA_ALIGNTO as usize][..num_strip_bytes])?;

/// Defined for data structures that contain a header.
pub trait Header {
    /// Return the size in bytes of the data structure header.
    fn header_size() -> usize;

macro_rules! impl_nl_int {
    (impl__ $ty:ty) => {
        impl $crate::Size for $ty {
            fn unpadded_size(&self) -> usize {

        impl $crate::TypeSize for $ty {
            fn type_size() -> usize {

    ($ty:ty, $read_method:ident, $write_method:ident) => {
        impl_nl_int!(impl__ $ty);

        impl $crate::ToBytes for $ty {
            fn to_bytes(&self, buffer: &mut std::io::Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), $crate::err::SerError> {
                <std::io::Cursor::<Vec<u8>> as byteorder::WriteBytesExt>::$write_method(buffer, *self)?;

        impl $crate::FromBytes for $ty {
            fn from_bytes(buffer: &mut std::io::Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>) -> Result<Self, $crate::err::DeError> {
                Ok(<std::io::Cursor<_> as byteorder::ReadBytesExt>::$read_method(buffer)?)
    ($ty:ty, $read_method:ident, $write_method:ident, $endianness:ty) => {
        impl_nl_int!(impl__ $ty);

        impl $crate::ToBytes for $ty {
            fn to_bytes(&self, buffer: &mut std::io::Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), $crate::err::SerError> {
                <std::io::Cursor::<Vec<u8>> as byteorder::WriteBytesExt>::$write_method::<$endianness>(buffer, *self)?;

        impl $crate::FromBytes for $ty {
            fn from_bytes(buffer: &mut std::io::Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>) -> Result<Self, $crate::err::DeError> {
                Ok(<std::io::Cursor<_> as byteorder::ReadBytesExt>::$read_method::<$endianness>(buffer)?)

impl_nl_int!(u8, read_u8, write_u8);
impl_nl_int!(u16, read_u16, write_u16, NativeEndian);
impl_nl_int!(u32, read_u32, write_u32, NativeEndian);
impl_nl_int!(u64, read_u64, write_u64, NativeEndian);
impl_nl_int!(u128, read_u128, write_u128, NativeEndian);
impl_nl_int!(i8, read_i8, write_i8);
impl_nl_int!(i16, read_i16, write_i16, NativeEndian);
impl_nl_int!(i32, read_i32, write_i32, NativeEndian);
impl_nl_int!(i64, read_i64, write_i64, NativeEndian);
impl_nl_int!(i128, read_i128, write_i128, NativeEndian);
impl_nl_int!(f32, read_f32, write_f32, NativeEndian);
impl_nl_int!(f64, read_f64, write_f64, NativeEndian);

impl Size for () {
    fn unpadded_size(&self) -> usize {

impl ToBytes for () {
    fn to_bytes(&self, _: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), SerError> {

impl FromBytes for () {
    fn from_bytes(_: &mut Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>) -> Result<Self, DeError> {

impl FromBytesWithInput for () {
    type Input = usize;

    fn from_bytes_with_input(
        _: &mut Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>,
        input: usize,
    ) -> Result<Self, DeError> {
        assert_eq!(input, 0);

impl<T> Size for PhantomData<T> {
    fn unpadded_size(&self) -> usize {

impl<T> TypeSize for PhantomData<T> {
    fn type_size() -> usize {

impl<T> ToBytes for PhantomData<T> {
    fn to_bytes(&self, _: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), SerError> {

impl<T> FromBytes for PhantomData<T> {
    fn from_bytes(_: &mut Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>) -> Result<Self, DeError> {

impl<'a> Size for &'a str {
    fn unpadded_size(&self) -> usize {
        self.len() + 1

impl<'a> ToBytes for &'a str {
    fn to_bytes(&self, buffer: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), SerError> {

impl<'a> FromBytesWithInputBorrowed<'a> for &'a str {
    type Input = usize;

    fn from_bytes_with_input(buffer: &mut Cursor<&'a [u8]>, input: usize) -> Result<Self, DeError> {
        let position = buffer.position() as usize;
            &buffer.get_ref()[position..position + input],

impl Size for String {
    fn unpadded_size(&self) -> usize {

impl ToBytes for String {
    fn to_bytes(&self, buffer: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), SerError> {

impl FromBytesWithInput for String {
    type Input = usize;

    fn from_bytes_with_input(
        buffer: &mut Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>,
        input: usize,
    ) -> Result<Self, DeError> {
        let s = String::from_utf8(
                [buffer.position() as usize..buffer.position() as usize + input - 1]
        buffer.set_position(buffer.position() + input as u64);

impl<'a> Size for &'a [u8] {
    fn unpadded_size(&self) -> usize {

impl<'a> ToBytes for &'a [u8] {
    fn to_bytes(&self, buffer: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), SerError> {

impl<'a> FromBytesWithInputBorrowed<'a> for &'a [u8] {
    type Input = usize;

    fn from_bytes_with_input(buffer: &mut Cursor<&'a [u8]>, input: usize) -> Result<Self, DeError> {
        let position = buffer.position() as usize;
        Ok(&buffer.get_ref()[position..position + input])

impl<T> Size for Vec<T>
    T: Size,
    fn unpadded_size(&self) -> usize {
            .fold(0, |count, elem| count + elem.unpadded_size())

impl<T> ToBytes for Vec<T>
    T: ToBytes,
    fn to_bytes(&self, buffer: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), SerError> {
        for elem in self.iter() {

impl<T> FromBytesWithInput for Vec<T>
    T: FromBytes,
    type Input = usize;

    fn from_bytes_with_input(
        buffer: &mut Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>,
        input: Self::Input,
    ) -> Result<Self, DeError> {
        if buffer.position() as usize + input > buffer.get_ref().as_ref().len() {
            return Err(DeError::InvalidInput(input));

        let mut vec = Vec::new();
        let orig_pos = buffer.position();
        loop {
            if buffer.position() as usize == orig_pos as usize + input {

            match T::from_bytes(buffer) {
                Ok(elem) => vec.push(elem),
                Err(e) => {
                    return Err(e);
            if buffer.position() as usize > orig_pos as usize + input {
                return Err(DeError::InvalidInput(input));

#[derive(Copy, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Size)]
/// A `u64` data type that will always be serialized as big endian
pub struct BeU64(u64);

impl BeU64 {
    /// Create a big endian `u64` type from a native endian `u64`
    pub fn new(v: u64) -> Self {

    /// As native endian `u64`
    pub fn as_ne_u64(self) -> u64 {

impl ToBytes for BeU64 {
    fn to_bytes(&self, buffer: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), SerError> {
        buffer.write_all(&self.0.to_be_bytes() as &[u8])?;

impl FromBytes for BeU64 {
    fn from_bytes(buffer: &mut Cursor<impl AsRef<[u8]>>) -> Result<Self, DeError> {

fn serialize<T>(t: &T) -> Result<Vec<u8>, SerError>
    T: ToBytes,
    let mut buffer = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
    t.to_bytes(&mut buffer)?;

mod test {
    use super::*;

    use env_logger::init;
    use lazy_static::lazy_static;

    lazy_static! {
        static ref LOGGER: () = init();

    pub fn setup() {

    fn test_nl_u8() {

        let v = 5u8;
        let ser_buffer = serialize(&v).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ser_buffer.as_slice()[0], v);

        let de = u8::from_bytes(&mut Cursor::new(&[5u8] as &[u8])).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(de, 5)

    fn test_nl_u16() {

        let v = 6000u16;
        let desired_buffer = v.to_ne_bytes();
        let ser_buffer = serialize(&v).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ser_buffer.as_slice(), &desired_buffer);

        let de = u16::from_bytes(&mut Cursor::new(&v.to_ne_bytes() as &[u8])).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(de, 6000);

    fn test_nl_i32() {

        let v = 600_000i32;
        let desired_buffer = v.to_ne_bytes();
        let ser_buffer = serialize(&v).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ser_buffer.as_slice(), &desired_buffer);

        let de = i32::from_bytes(&mut Cursor::new(&v.to_ne_bytes() as &[u8])).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(de, 600_000);

        let v = -600_000i32;
        let desired_buffer = v.to_ne_bytes();
        let ser_buffer = serialize(&v).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ser_buffer.as_slice(), &desired_buffer);

        let de = i32::from_bytes(&mut Cursor::new(&v.to_ne_bytes() as &[u8])).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(de, -600_000)

    fn test_nl_u32() {

        let v = 600_000u32;
        let desired_buffer = v.to_ne_bytes();
        let ser_buffer = serialize(&v).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ser_buffer.as_slice(), &desired_buffer);

        let de = u32::from_bytes(&mut Cursor::new(&v.to_ne_bytes() as &[u8])).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(de, 600_000)

    fn test_nl_u64() {

        let v = 12_345_678_901_234u64;
        let desired_buffer = v.to_ne_bytes();
        let ser_buffer = serialize(&v).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ser_buffer.as_slice(), &desired_buffer);

        let de = u64::from_bytes(&mut Cursor::new(&v.to_ne_bytes() as &[u8])).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(de, 12_345_678_901_234);

    fn test_nl_u128() {

        let v = 123_456_789_012_345_678_901_234_567_890_123_456_789u128;
        let desired_buffer = v.to_ne_bytes();
        let ser_buffer = serialize(&v).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ser_buffer.as_slice(), &desired_buffer);

        let de = u128::from_bytes(&mut Cursor::new(&v.to_ne_bytes() as &[u8])).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(de, 123_456_789_012_345_678_901_234_567_890_123_456_789);

    fn test_nl_be_u64() {

        let v = 571_987_654u64;
        let desired_buffer = v.to_be_bytes();
        let ser_buffer = serialize(&BeU64(v)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ser_buffer.as_slice(), &desired_buffer);

        let de = BeU64::from_bytes(&mut Cursor::new(&v.to_be_bytes() as &[u8])).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(de, BeU64(571_987_654));

    fn test_nl_vec() {

        let vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
        let ser_buffer = serialize(&vec).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(vec.as_slice(), ser_buffer.as_slice());

        let v: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
        let de = Vec::<u8>::from_bytes_with_input(&mut Cursor::new(v), 9).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(vec, de.as_slice());

    fn test_nl_string() {

        let s = "AAAAA".to_string();
        let desired_s = "AAAAA\0";
        let ser_buffer = serialize(&s).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(desired_s.as_bytes(), ser_buffer.as_slice());

        let de_s = "AAAAA".to_string();
        let de = String::from_bytes_with_input(&mut Cursor::new(desired_s.as_bytes()), 6).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(de_s, de)