[][src]Module nebula_fbthrift_meta::mock

Client mocks. For every service, a struct mock::TheService that implements client::TheService.

As an example of the generated API, for the following thrift service:

service MyService {
    FunctionResponse myFunction(
        1: FunctionRequest request,
    ) throws {
        1: StorageException s,
        2: NotFoundException n,

    // other functions

we would end up with this mock object under crate::mock::MyService:

impl crate::client::MyService for MyService<'mock> {...}

pub struct MyService<'mock> {
    pub myFunction: myFunction<'mock>,
    // ...

impl dyn crate::client::MyService {
    pub fn mock<'mock>() -> MyService<'mock>;

impl myFunction<'mock> {
    // directly return the given success response
    pub fn ret(&self, value: FunctionResponse);

    // invoke closure to compute success response
    pub fn mock(
        mock: impl FnMut(FunctionRequest) -> FunctionResponse + Send + Sync + 'mock,

    // invoke closure to compute response
    pub fn mock_result(
        mock: impl FnMut(FunctionRequest) -> Result<FunctionResponse, crate::services::MyService::MyFunctionExn> + Send + Sync + 'mock,

    // return one of the function's declared exceptions
    pub fn throw<E>(&self, exception: E)
        E: Clone + Into<crate::services::MyService::MyFunctionExn> + Send + Sync + 'mock;

impl From<StorageException> for MyFunctionExn {...}
impl From<NotFoundException> for MyFunctionExn {...}

The intended usage from a test would be:

use std::sync::Arc;
use thrift_if::client::MyService;

fn test_my_client() {
    let mock = Arc::new(MyService::mock());

    // directly return a success response
    let resp = FunctionResponse {...};

    // or give a closure to compute the success response
    mock.myFunction.mock(|request| FunctionResponse {...});

    // or throw one of the function's exceptions

    // or compute a Result (useful if your exceptions aren't Clone)
    mock.myFunction.mock_result(|request| Err(...));

    let out = do_the_thing(mock).wait().unwrap();

fn do_the_thing(
    client: Arc<dyn MyService + Send + Sync + 'static>,
) -> impl Future<Item = Out> {...}

