near-vm-logic 0.7.1

This crate implements the specification of the interface that Near blockchain exposes to the smart contracts.
name = "near-vm-logic"
version = "0.7.1"
authors = ["Near Inc <>"]
edition = "2018"
license = "Apache-2.0"
readme = ""
categories = ["wasm"]
repository = ""
homepage = ""
description = """
This crate implements the specification of the interface that Near blockchain exposes to the smart contracts.

byteorder = "1.2"
bs58 = "0.3"
base64 = "0.11"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
near-runtime-fees = { path = "../near-runtime-fees", version = "0.7.1" }
near-vm-errors = { path = "../near-vm-errors", version = "0.7.1" }
sha2 = "0.8"
sha3 = "0.8"

serde_json = {version= "1.0", features= ["preserve_order"]}

default = ["costs_counting"]

# Use this feature to enable counting of fees and costs applied.
costs_counting = []

name = "test_storage_read_write"
path = "tests/"

name = "test_context"
path = "tests/"

name = "test_miscs"
path = "tests/"
required-features = ["costs_counting"]

name = "test_registers"
path = "tests/"

name = "test_storage_usage"
path = "tests/"

name = "test_promises"
path = "tests/"

name = "test_iterators"
path = "tests/"