near-vm-logic 0.14.0

This crate implements the specification of the interface that Near blockchain exposes to the smart contracts.
use crate::{HostError, VMLogicError};
use near_primitives::types::TrieNodesCount;
use near_primitives_core::config::ExtCosts::read_cached_trie_node;
use near_primitives_core::config::ExtCosts::touching_trie_node;
use near_primitives_core::runtime::fees::Fee;
use near_primitives_core::{
    config::{ActionCosts, ExtCosts, ExtCostsConfig},
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;

pub fn with_ext_cost_counter(f: impl FnOnce(&mut HashMap<ExtCosts, u64>)) {
    #[cfg(feature = "costs_counting")]
        thread_local! {
            static EXT_COSTS_COUNTER: std::cell::RefCell<HashMap<ExtCosts, u64>> =
        EXT_COSTS_COUNTER.with(|rc| f(&mut *rc.borrow_mut()));
    #[cfg(not(feature = "costs_counting"))]
    let _ = f;

type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, VMLogicError>;

/// Fast gas counter with very simple structure, could be exposed to compiled code in the VM.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct FastGasCounter {
    /// The following three fields must be put next to another to make sure
    /// generated gas counting code can use and adjust them.
    /// We will share counter to ensure we never miss synchronization.
    /// This could change and in such a case synchronization required between compiled WASM code
    /// and the host code.

    /// The amount of gas that was irreversibly used for contract execution.
    pub burnt_gas: u64,
    /// Hard gas limit for execution
    pub gas_limit: u64,
    /// Single WASM opcode cost
    pub opcode_cost: u64,

/// Gas counter (a part of VMlogic)
pub struct GasCounter {
    /// Shared gas counter data.
    fast_counter: FastGasCounter,
    /// Gas that was attached to the promises.
    promises_gas: Gas,
    /// Hard gas limit for execution
    max_gas_burnt: Gas,
    /// Amount of prepaid gas, we can never burn more than prepaid amount
    prepaid_gas: Gas,
    /// If this is a view-only call.
    is_view: bool,
    ext_costs_config: ExtCostsConfig,
    /// Where to store profile data, if needed.
    profile: ProfileData,

impl fmt::Debug for GasCounter {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

impl GasCounter {
    pub fn new(
        ext_costs_config: ExtCostsConfig,
        max_gas_burnt: Gas,
        opcode_cost: u32,
        prepaid_gas: Gas,
        is_view: bool,
    ) -> Self {
        use std::cmp::min;
        // Ignore prepaid gas limit when in view.
        let prepaid_gas = if is_view { Gas::MAX } else { prepaid_gas };
        Self {
            fast_counter: FastGasCounter {
                burnt_gas: 0,
                gas_limit: min(max_gas_burnt, prepaid_gas),
                opcode_cost: Gas::from(opcode_cost),
            max_gas_burnt: max_gas_burnt,
            promises_gas: 0,
            profile: Default::default(),

    /// Accounts for burnt and used gas; reports an error if max gas burnt or
    /// prepaid gas limit is crossed.  Panics when trying to burn more gas than
    /// being used, i.e. if `burn_gas > use_gas`.
    fn deduct_gas(&mut self, burn_gas: Gas, use_gas: Gas) -> Result<()> {
        assert!(burn_gas <= use_gas);
        let promise_gas = use_gas - burn_gas;
        let new_promises_gas =
        let new_burnt_gas =
        let new_used_gas =
        if new_burnt_gas <= self.max_gas_burnt && new_used_gas <= self.prepaid_gas {
            use std::cmp::min;
            if promise_gas != 0 && !self.is_view {
                self.fast_counter.gas_limit =
                    min(self.max_gas_burnt, self.prepaid_gas - new_promises_gas);
            self.fast_counter.burnt_gas = new_burnt_gas;
            self.promises_gas = new_promises_gas;
        } else {
            Err(self.process_gas_limit(new_burnt_gas, new_used_gas).into())

    // Optimized version of above function for cases where no promises involved.
    pub fn burn_gas(&mut self, value: Gas) -> Result<()> {
        let new_burnt_gas =
        if new_burnt_gas <= self.fast_counter.gas_limit {
            self.fast_counter.burnt_gas = new_burnt_gas;
        } else {
            Err(self.process_gas_limit(new_burnt_gas, new_burnt_gas + self.promises_gas).into())

    pub fn process_gas_limit(&mut self, new_burnt_gas: Gas, new_used_gas: Gas) -> HostError {
        use std::cmp::min;
        // Never burn more gas than what was paid for.
        let hard_burnt_limit = min(self.prepaid_gas, self.max_gas_burnt);
        self.fast_counter.burnt_gas = min(new_burnt_gas, hard_burnt_limit);
        debug_assert!(hard_burnt_limit >= self.fast_counter.burnt_gas);

        // Technically we shall do `self.promises_gas = 0;` or error paths, as in this case
        // no promises will be kept, but that would mean protocol change.
        // See
        // TODO: consider making this change!
        let used_gas_limit = min(self.prepaid_gas, new_used_gas);
        assert!(used_gas_limit >= self.fast_counter.burnt_gas);
        self.promises_gas = used_gas_limit - self.fast_counter.burnt_gas;

        // If we crossed both limits prefer reporting GasLimitExceeded.
        // Alternative would be to prefer reporting limit that is lower (or
        // perhaps even some other heuristic) but old code preferred
        // GasLimitExceeded and we’re keeping compatibility with that.
        if new_burnt_gas > self.max_gas_burnt {
        } else {

    pub fn pay_wasm_gas(&mut self, opcodes: u32) -> Result<()> {
        let value = Gas::from(opcodes) * self.fast_counter.opcode_cost;

    /// Very special function to get the gas counter pointer for generated machine code.
    /// Please do not use, unless fully understand Rust aliasing and other consequences.
    /// Can be used to emit inlined code like `pay_wasm_gas()`, i.e.
    ///    mov base, gas_counter_raw_ptr
    ///    mov rax, [base + 0] ; current burnt gas
    ///    mov rcx, [base + 16] ; opcode cost
    ///    imul rcx, block_ops_count ; block cost
    ///    add rax, rcx ; new burnt gas
    ///    jo emit_integer_overflow
    ///    cmp rax, [base + 8] ; unsigned compare with burnt limit
    ///    mov [base + 0], rax
    ///    ja emit_gas_exceeded
    pub fn gas_counter_raw_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut FastGasCounter {
        use std::ptr;

    fn inc_ext_costs_counter(&mut self, cost: ExtCosts, value: u64) {
        with_ext_cost_counter(|cc| *cc.entry(cost).or_default() += value)

    fn update_profile_host(&mut self, cost: ExtCosts, value: u64) {
        self.profile.add_ext_cost(cost, value)

    fn update_profile_action(&mut self, action: ActionCosts, value: u64) {
        self.profile.add_action_cost(action, value)

    /// A helper function to pay a multiple of a cost.
    pub fn pay_per(&mut self, cost: ExtCosts, num: u64) -> Result<()> {
        let use_gas = num

        self.inc_ext_costs_counter(cost, num);
        self.update_profile_host(cost, use_gas);

    /// A helper function to pay base cost gas.
    pub fn pay_base(&mut self, cost: ExtCosts) -> Result<()> {
        let base_fee = cost.value(&self.ext_costs_config);
        self.inc_ext_costs_counter(cost, 1);
        self.update_profile_host(cost, base_fee);

    /// A helper function to pay per byte gas fee for batching an action.
    /// # Args:
    /// * `per_byte_fee`: the fee per byte;
    /// * `num_bytes`: the number of bytes;
    /// * `sir`: whether the receiver_id is same as the current account ID;
    /// * `action`: what kind of action is charged for;
    pub fn pay_action_per_byte(
        &mut self,
        per_byte_fee: &Fee,
        num_bytes: u64,
        sir: bool,
        action: ActionCosts,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let burn_gas =
        let use_gas = burn_gas
        self.update_profile_action(action, burn_gas);
        self.deduct_gas(burn_gas, use_gas)

    /// A helper function to pay base cost gas fee for batching an action.
    /// # Args:
    /// * `base_fee`: base fee for the action;
    /// * `sir`: whether the receiver_id is same as the current account ID;
    /// * `action`: what kind of action is charged for;
    pub fn pay_action_base(
        &mut self,
        base_fee: &Fee,
        sir: bool,
        action: ActionCosts,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let burn_gas = base_fee.send_fee(sir);
        let use_gas =
        self.update_profile_action(action, burn_gas);
        self.deduct_gas(burn_gas, use_gas)

    /// A helper function to pay base cost gas fee for batching an action.
    /// # Args:
    /// * `burn_gas`: amount of gas to burn;
    /// * `use_gas`: amount of gas to reserve;
    /// * `action`: what kind of action is charged for;
    pub fn pay_action_accumulated(
        &mut self,
        burn_gas: Gas,
        use_gas: Gas,
        action: ActionCosts,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        self.update_profile_action(action, burn_gas);
        self.deduct_gas(burn_gas, use_gas)

    pub fn add_trie_fees(&mut self, count: TrieNodesCount) -> Result<()> {
        self.pay_per(touching_trie_node, count.db_reads)?;
        self.pay_per(read_cached_trie_node, count.mem_reads)?;

    pub fn prepay_gas(&mut self, use_gas: Gas) -> Result<()> {
        self.deduct_gas(0, use_gas)

    pub fn burnt_gas(&self) -> Gas {

    /// Amount of gas used through promises and amount burned.
    pub fn used_gas(&self) -> Gas {
        self.promises_gas + self.fast_counter.burnt_gas

    /// Remaining gas based on the amount of prepaid gas not yet used.
    pub fn unused_gas(&self) -> Gas {
        self.prepaid_gas - self.used_gas()

    pub fn profile_data(&self) -> ProfileData {

mod tests {
    use crate::{ExtCostsConfig, HostError};
    use near_primitives_core::types::Gas;

    fn make_test_counter(max_burnt: Gas, prepaid: Gas, is_view: bool) -> super::GasCounter {
        super::GasCounter::new(ExtCostsConfig::test(), max_burnt, 1, prepaid, is_view)

    fn test_deduct_gas() {
        let mut counter = make_test_counter(10, 10, false);
        counter.deduct_gas(5, 10).expect("deduct_gas should work");
        assert_eq!(counter.burnt_gas(), 5);
        assert_eq!(counter.used_gas(), 10);

    fn test_burn_gas_must_be_lt_use_gas() {
        let _ = make_test_counter(10, 10, false).deduct_gas(5, 2);

    fn test_burn_gas_must_be_lt_use_gas_view() {
        let _ = make_test_counter(10, 10, true).deduct_gas(5, 2);

    fn test_burn_too_much() {
        fn test(burn: Gas, prepaid: Gas, view: bool, want: Result<(), HostError>) {
            let mut counter = make_test_counter(burn, prepaid, view);
            assert_eq!(counter.burn_gas(5), Ok(()));
            assert_eq!(counter.burn_gas(3), want.map_err(Into::into));

        test(5, 7, false, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(5, 7, true, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(5, 5, false, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(5, 5, true, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(7, 5, false, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(7, 5, true, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));

    fn test_deduct_too_much() {
        fn test(burn: Gas, prepaid: Gas, view: bool, want: Result<(), HostError>) {
            let mut counter = make_test_counter(burn, prepaid, view);
            assert_eq!(counter.deduct_gas(5, 5), Ok(()));
            assert_eq!(counter.deduct_gas(3, 3), want.map_err(Into::into));

        test(5, 7, false, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(5, 7, true, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(5, 5, false, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(5, 5, true, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(7, 5, false, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(7, 5, true, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));

        test(5, 8, false, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(5, 8, true, Err(HostError::GasLimitExceeded));
        test(8, 5, false, Err(HostError::GasExceeded));
        test(8, 5, true, Ok(()));