near-vm-errors 1.0.0

Error that can occur inside Near Runtime encapsulated in a separate crate. Might merge it later.
name = "near-vm-errors"
version = "1.0.0"
authors = ["Near Inc <>"]
edition = "2018"
license = "Apache-2.0"
readme = ""
categories = ["wasm"]
repository = ""
homepage = ""
description = """
Error that can occur inside Near Runtime encapsulated in a separate crate. Might merge it later.

serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }

borsh = "0.7.0"

near-rpc-error-macro = { path = "../../tools/rpctypegen/macro", version = "0.1.0" }

dump_errors_schema = ["near-rpc-error-macro/dump_errors_schema"]