near-sdk 0.6.0

Rust library for writing NEAR smart contracts.
<div align="center">


    <strong>Rust library for writing NEAR smart contracts.</strong>
    Previously known as <code>near-bindgen</code>.

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      <a href="">Features</a>
      <span> | </span>
      <a href="">Pre-requisites</a>
      <span> | </span>
      <a href="">Writing Rust Contract</a>
      <span> | </span>
      <a href="">Building Rust Contract</a>

## Example

Wrap a struct in `#[near_sdk]` and it generates a smart contract compatible with the NEAR blockchain:
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct StatusMessage {
    records: HashMap<String, String>,

impl StatusMessage {
    pub fn set_status(&mut self, message: String) {
        let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
        self.records.insert(account_id, message);

    pub fn get_status(&self, account_id: String) -> Option<String> {

## Features

* **Unit-testable.** Writing unit tests is easy with `near-sdk`:

    fn set_get_message() {
        let context = get_context(vec![]);
        let mut contract = StatusMessage::default();
        assert_eq!("hello".to_string(), contract.get_status("bob_near".to_string()).unwrap());

    Run unit test the usual way:
    cargo test --package status-message

* **Asynchronous cross-contract calls.** Asynchronous cross-contract calls allow parallel execution
    of multiple contracts in parallel with subsequent aggregation on another contract.
    `env` exposes the following methods:
    * `promise_create` -- schedules an execution of a function on some contract;
    * `promise_then` -- attaches the callback back to the current contract once the function is executed;
    * `promise_and` -- combinator, allows waiting on several promises simultaneously, before executing the callback;
    * `promise_return` -- treats the result of execution of the promise as the result of the current function.
    Follow [examples/cross-contract-high-level]
    to see various usages of cross contract calls, including **system-level actions** done from inside the contract like balance transfer (examples of other system-level actions are: account creation, access key creation/deletion, contract deployment, etc).

* **Initialization methods.** We can define an initialization method that can be used to initialize the state of the

    impl StatusMessage {
      pub fn new(user: String, status: String) -> Self {
          let mut res = Self::default();
          res.records.insert(user, status);
Even if you have initialization method your smart contract is still expected to derive `Default` trait. If you don't
want to disable default initialization then you can prohibit it like this:
impl Default for StatusMessage {
    fn default() -> Self {
        panic!("Contract should be initialized before the usage.")

## Pre-requisites
To develop Rust contracts you would need to:
* Install [Rustup]
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
* Add wasm target to your toolchain:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

## Writing Rust Contract
You can follow the [examples/status-message](examples/status-message) crate that shows a simple Rust contract.

The general workflow is the following:
1. Create a crate and configure the `Cargo.toml` similarly to how it is configured in [examples/status-message/Cargo.toml]examples/status-message/Cargo.toml;
2. Crate needs to have one `pub` struct that will represent the smart contract itself:
    * The struct needs to implement `Default` trait which
    NEAR will use to create the initial state of the contract upon its first usage;
    * The struct also needs to implement `BorshSerialize` and `BorshDeserialize` traits which NEAR will use to save/load contract's internal state;

   Here is an example of a smart contract struct:
   #[derive(Default, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)]
   pub struct MyContract {
       data: HashMap<u64, u64>

3. Define methods that NEAR will expose as smart contract methods:
    * You are free to define any methods for the struct but only public methods will be exposed as smart contract methods;
    * Methods need to use either `&self`, `&mut self`, or `self`;
    * Decorate the `impl` section with `#[near_sdk]` macro. That is where all the M.A.G.I.C. (Macros-Auto-Generated Injected Code) is happening
    * If you need to use blockchain interface, e.g. to get the current account id then you can access it with `env::*`;

    Here is an example of smart contract methods:
    impl MyContract {
       pub fn insert_data(&mut self, key: u64, value: u64) -> Option<u64> {
       pub fn get_data(&self, key: u64) -> Option<u64> {

## Building Rust Contract
We can build the contract using rustc:
RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release