near-primitives-core 0.20.1

This crate provides the core set of primitives used by other nearcore crates including near-primitives
use borsh::BorshSerialize;
use serde::{Deserializer, Serializer};
use sha2::Digest;
use std::fmt;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::io::Write;

pub struct CryptoHash(pub [u8; 32]);

impl CryptoHash {
    pub const LENGTH: usize = 32;

    pub const fn new() -> Self {
        Self([0; Self::LENGTH])

    /// Calculates hash of given bytes.
    pub fn hash_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> CryptoHash {

    /// Calculates hash of borsh-serialised representation of an object.
    /// Note that using this function with an array may lead to unexpected
    /// results.  For example, `CryptoHash::hash_borsh(&[1u32, 2, 3])` hashes
    /// a representation of a `[u32; 3]` array rather than a slice.  It may be
    /// cleaner to use [`Self::hash_borsh_iter`] instead.
    pub fn hash_borsh<T: BorshSerialize>(value: T) -> CryptoHash {
        let mut hasher = sha2::Sha256::default();
        value.serialize(&mut hasher).unwrap();

    /// Calculates hash of a borsh-serialised representation of list of objects.
    /// This behaves as if it first collected all the items in the iterator into
    /// a vector and then calculating hash of borsh-serialised representation of
    /// that vector.
    /// Panics if the iterator lies about its length.
    pub fn hash_borsh_iter<I>(values: I) -> CryptoHash
        I: IntoIterator,
        I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator,
        I::Item: BorshSerialize,
        let iter = values.into_iter();
        let n = u32::try_from(iter.len()).unwrap();
        let mut hasher = sha2::Sha256::default();
        let count =
            iter.inspect(|value| BorshSerialize::serialize(&value, &mut hasher).unwrap()).count();
        assert_eq!(n as usize, count);

    pub const fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8; Self::LENGTH] {

    /// Converts hash into base58-encoded string and passes it to given visitor.
    /// The conversion is performed without any memory allocation.  The visitor
    /// is given a reference to a string stored on stack.  Returns whatever the
    /// visitor returns.
    fn to_base58_impl<Out>(self, visitor: impl FnOnce(&str) -> Out) -> Out {
        // base58-encoded string is at most 1.4 times longer than the binary
        // sequence.  We’re serialising 32 bytes so ⌈32 * 1.4⌉ = 45 should be
        // enough.
        let mut buffer = [0u8; 45];
        let len = bs58::encode(self).into(&mut buffer[..]).unwrap();
        let value = std::str::from_utf8(&buffer[..len]).unwrap();

    /// Decodes base58-encoded string into a 32-byte hash.
    /// Returns one of three results: success with the decoded CryptoHash,
    /// invalid length error indicating that the encoded value was too short or
    /// too long or other decoding error (e.g. invalid character).
    fn from_base58_impl(encoded: &str) -> Decode58Result {
        let mut result = Self::new();
        match bs58::decode(encoded).into(&mut result.0) {
            Ok(len) if len == result.0.len() => Decode58Result::Ok(result),
            Ok(_) | Err(bs58::decode::Error::BufferTooSmall) => Decode58Result::BadLength,
            Err(err) => Decode58Result::Err(err),

/// Result of decoding base58-encoded crypto hash.
enum Decode58Result {
    /// Decoding succeeded.
    /// The decoded data has incorrect length; either too short or too long.
    /// There have been other decoding errors; e.g. an invalid character in the
    /// input buffer.

impl Default for CryptoHash {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl serde::Serialize for CryptoHash {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
        S: Serializer,
        self.to_base58_impl(|encoded| serializer.serialize_str(encoded))

/// Serde visitor for [`CryptoHash`].
/// The visitor expects a string which is then base58-decoded into a crypto
/// hash.
struct Visitor;

impl<'de> serde::de::Visitor<'de> for Visitor {
    type Value = CryptoHash;

    fn expecting(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        fmt.write_str("base58-encoded 256-bit hash")

    fn visit_str<E: serde::de::Error>(self, s: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
        match CryptoHash::from_base58_impl(s) {
            Decode58Result::Ok(result) => Ok(result),
            Decode58Result::BadLength => Err(E::invalid_length(s.len(), &self)),
            Decode58Result::Err(err) => Err(E::custom(err)),

impl<'de> serde::Deserialize<'de> for CryptoHash {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, <D as Deserializer<'de>>::Error>
        D: Deserializer<'de>,

impl std::str::FromStr for CryptoHash {
    type Err = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;

    /// Decodes base58-encoded string into a 32-byte crypto hash.
    fn from_str(encoded: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        match Self::from_base58_impl(encoded) {
            Decode58Result::Ok(result) => Ok(result),
            Decode58Result::BadLength => Err("incorrect length for hash".into()),
            Decode58Result::Err(err) => Err(err.into()),

impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for CryptoHash {
    type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;

    fn try_from(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {

impl From<CryptoHash> for Vec<u8> {
    fn from(hash: CryptoHash) -> Vec<u8> {

impl From<&CryptoHash> for Vec<u8> {
    fn from(hash: &CryptoHash) -> Vec<u8> {

impl From<CryptoHash> for [u8; CryptoHash::LENGTH] {
    fn from(hash: CryptoHash) -> [u8; CryptoHash::LENGTH] {

impl fmt::Debug for CryptoHash {
    fn fmt(&self, fmtr: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        fmt::Display::fmt(self, fmtr)

impl fmt::Display for CryptoHash {
    fn fmt(&self, fmtr: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        self.to_base58_impl(|encoded| fmtr.write_str(encoded))

// This implementation is compatible with derived PartialEq.
// Custom PartialEq implementation was explicitly removed in #4220.
impl Hash for CryptoHash {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {

/// Calculates a hash of a bytes slice.
/// # Examples
/// The example below calculates the hash of the indicated data.
/// ```
/// let data = [1, 2, 3];
/// let hash = near_primitives_core::hash::hash(&data);
/// ```
pub fn hash(data: &[u8]) -> CryptoHash {

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::str::FromStr;

    #[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
    struct Struct {
        hash: CryptoHash,

    fn test_hash_borsh() {
        fn value<T: BorshSerialize>(want: &str, value: T) {
            assert_eq!(want, CryptoHash::hash_borsh(&value).to_string());

        fn slice<T: BorshSerialize>(want: &str, slice: &[T]) {
            assert_eq!(want, CryptoHash::hash_borsh(slice).to_string());
            iter(want, slice.iter());
            iter(want, slice);

        fn iter<I>(want: &str, iter: I)
            I: IntoIterator,
            I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator,
            I::Item: BorshSerialize,
            assert_eq!(want, CryptoHash::hash_borsh_iter(iter).to_string());

        value("CuoNgQBWsXnTqup6FY3UXNz6RRufnYyQVxx8HKZLUaRt", "foo");
        value("CuoNgQBWsXnTqup6FY3UXNz6RRufnYyQVxx8HKZLUaRt", "foo".as_bytes());
        value("CuoNgQBWsXnTqup6FY3UXNz6RRufnYyQVxx8HKZLUaRt", &b"foo"[..]);
        value("CuoNgQBWsXnTqup6FY3UXNz6RRufnYyQVxx8HKZLUaRt", [3, 0, 0, 0, b'f', b'o', b'o']);
        slice("CuoNgQBWsXnTqup6FY3UXNz6RRufnYyQVxx8HKZLUaRt", "foo".as_bytes());
            "FOO".bytes().map(|ch| ch.to_ascii_lowercase()),

        value("3yMApqCuCjXDWPrbjfR5mjCPTHqFG8Pux1TxQrEM35jj", b"foo");
        value("3yMApqCuCjXDWPrbjfR5mjCPTHqFG8Pux1TxQrEM35jj", [b'f', b'o', b'o']);
        value("3yMApqCuCjXDWPrbjfR5mjCPTHqFG8Pux1TxQrEM35jj", [b'f', b'o', b'o']);
        slice("CuoNgQBWsXnTqup6FY3UXNz6RRufnYyQVxx8HKZLUaRt", &[b'f', b'o', b'o']);

    fn test_base58_successes() {
        for (encoded, hash) in [
            ("11111111111111111111111111111111", CryptoHash::new()),
            ("CjNSmWXTWhC3EhRVtqLhRmWMTkRbU96wUACqxMtV1uGf", hash(&[0, 1, 2])),
        ] {
            assert_eq!(encoded, hash.to_string());
            assert_eq!(hash, CryptoHash::from_str(encoded).unwrap());

            let json = format!("\"{}\"", encoded);
            assert_eq!(json, serde_json::to_string(&hash).unwrap());
            assert_eq!(hash, serde_json::from_str::<CryptoHash>(&json).unwrap());

    fn test_from_str_failures() {
        fn test(input: &str, want_err: &str) {
            match CryptoHash::from_str(input) {
                Ok(got) => panic!("‘{input}’ should have failed; got ‘{got}’"),
                Err(err) => {
                    assert!(err.to_string().starts_with(want_err), "input: ‘{input}’; err: {err}")

        // Invalid characters
        test("foo-bar-baz", "provided string contained invalid character '-' at byte 3");

        // Wrong length
        for encoded in &[
        ] {
            test(encoded, "incorrect length for hash");

    fn test_serde_deserialise_failures() {
        fn test(input: &str, want_err: &str) {
            match serde_json::from_str::<CryptoHash>(input) {
                Ok(got) => panic!("‘{input}’ should have failed; got ‘{got}’"),
                Err(err) => {
                    assert!(err.to_string().starts_with(want_err), "input: ‘{input}’; err: {err}")

        test("\"foo-bar-baz\"", "provided string contained invalid character");
        // Wrong length
        for encoded in &[
            format!("\"{}\"", "1".repeat(31)),
            format!("\"{}\"", "1".repeat(33)),
            format!("\"{}\"", "1".repeat(1000)),
        ] {
            test(encoded, "invalid length");