near-contract-standards-sbt 4.1.6

NEAR smart contracts standard library.
use near_sdk::{env, require, AccountId, Balance, Promise};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::mem::size_of;

// TODO: need a way for end users to determine how much an approval will cost.
pub fn bytes_for_approved_account_id(account_id: &AccountId) -> u64 {
    // The extra 4 bytes are coming from Borsh serialization to store the length of the string.
    account_id.as_str().len() as u64 + 4 + size_of::<u64>() as u64

pub fn refund_approved_account_ids_iter<'a, I>(
    account_id: AccountId,
    approved_account_ids: I,
) -> Promise
    I: Iterator<Item = &'a AccountId>,
    let storage_released: u64 =;
    Promise::new(account_id).transfer(Balance::from(storage_released) * env::storage_byte_cost())

pub fn refund_approved_account_ids(
    account_id: AccountId,
    approved_account_ids: &HashMap<AccountId, u64>,
) -> Promise {
    refund_approved_account_ids_iter(account_id, approved_account_ids.keys())

pub fn refund_deposit_to_account(storage_used: u64, account_id: AccountId) {
    let required_cost = env::storage_byte_cost() * Balance::from(storage_used);
    let attached_deposit = env::attached_deposit();

        required_cost <= attached_deposit,
        format!("Must attach {} yoctoNEAR to cover storage", required_cost)

    let refund = attached_deposit - required_cost;
    if refund > 1 {

/// Assumes that the precedecessor will be refunded
pub fn refund_deposit(storage_used: u64) {
    refund_deposit_to_account(storage_used, env::predecessor_account_id())

/// Assert that at least 1 yoctoNEAR was attached.
pub(crate) fn assert_at_least_one_yocto() {
    require!(env::attached_deposit() >= 1, "Requires attached deposit of at least 1 yoctoNEAR")