near-contract-standards-sbt 4.1.6

NEAR smart contracts standard library.
use near_sdk::ext_contract;
use near_sdk::json_types::U128;
use near_sdk::AccountId;
use near_sdk::PromiseOrValue;

pub trait FungibleTokenCore {
    /// Transfers positive `amount` of tokens from the `env::predecessor_account_id` to `receiver_id`.
    /// Both accounts must be registered with the contract for transfer to succeed. (See [NEP-145](
    /// This method must to be able to accept attached deposits, and must not panic on attached deposit.
    /// Exactly 1 yoctoNEAR must be attached.
    /// See [the Security section]( of the standard.
    /// Arguments:
    /// - `receiver_id` - the account ID of the receiver.
    /// - `amount` - the amount of tokens to transfer. Must be a positive number in decimal string representation.
    /// - `memo` - an optional string field in a free form to associate a memo with this transfer.
    fn ft_transfer(&mut self, receiver_id: AccountId, amount: U128, memo: Option<String>);

    /// Transfers positive `amount` of tokens from the `env::predecessor_account_id` to `receiver_id` account. Then
    /// calls `ft_on_transfer` method on `receiver_id` contract and attaches a callback to resolve this transfer.
    /// `ft_on_transfer` method must return the amount of tokens unused by the receiver contract, the remaining tokens
    /// must be refunded to the `predecessor_account_id` at the resolve transfer callback.
    /// Token contract must pass all the remaining unused gas to the `ft_on_transfer` call.
    /// Malicious or invalid behavior by the receiver's contract:
    /// - If the receiver contract promise fails or returns invalid value, the full transfer amount must be refunded.
    /// - If the receiver contract overspent the tokens, and the `receiver_id` balance is lower than the required refund
    /// amount, the remaining balance must be refunded. See [the Security section]( of the standard.
    /// Both accounts must be registered with the contract for transfer to succeed. (See #145)
    /// This method must to be able to accept attached deposits, and must not panic on attached deposit. Exactly 1 yoctoNEAR must be attached. See [the Security
    /// section]( of the standard.
    /// Arguments:
    /// - `receiver_id` - the account ID of the receiver contract. This contract will be called.
    /// - `amount` - the amount of tokens to transfer. Must be a positive number in a decimal string representation.
    /// - `memo` - an optional string field in a free form to associate a memo with this transfer.
    /// - `msg` - a string message that will be passed to `ft_on_transfer` contract call.
    /// Returns a promise which will result in the amount of tokens withdrawn from sender's account.
    fn ft_transfer_call(
        &mut self,
        receiver_id: AccountId,
        amount: U128,
        memo: Option<String>,
        msg: String,
    ) -> PromiseOrValue<U128>;

    /// Returns the total supply of the token in a decimal string representation.
    fn ft_total_supply(&self) -> U128;

    /// Returns the balance of the account. If the account doesn't exist must returns `"0"`.
    fn ft_balance_of(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> U128;