near-cli-rs 0.2.1

near-cli-rs is your human-friendly companion that helps to interact with NEAR Protocol from command line.
near-cli-rs-0.2.1 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: near-cli-rs-0.10.2


near-cli is your human-friendly companion that helps to interact with NEAR Protocol from command line.

Just run near-cli and let it guide you through!


Download pre-compiled version of near-cli for your OS from the Releases page or install it with cargo if you have Rust installed on your computer:

$ cargo install near-cli-rs

Here is the expected output when you run it:

$ near-cli

?  What are you up to? (select one of the options with the up-down arrows on your keyboard and press Enter)
> account     - Manage accounts
  tokens      - Manage token assets such as NEAR, FT, NFT
  contract    - Manage smart-contracts: deploy code, call functions
  transaction - Operate transactions
  config      - Manage connections in a configuration file (config.toml)
[↑↓ to move, enter to select, type to filter]

or, install the most recent version from git repository:

$ cargo install --git

README in English

README на Русском (in Russian)