ndhistogram 0.8.0

multi-dimensional histogramming for Rust
use ndhistogram::{
    axis::{Axis, Category, Uniform},
use rand::{prelude::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng};

fn test_axes_2d() {
    let xaxis = Uniform::new(3, 0.0, 3.0);
    let yaxis = Category::new(vec!["A", "B"]);
    let axes3d: AxesTuple<_> = (xaxis.clone(), yaxis.clone()).into();
    let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(12);
    let ntests = 10000;
        .map(|_| {
                if rng.gen() { "A" } else { "B" },
        .map(|coord| {
        .enumerate().for_each(|(nthtest, (coord, actual, expected))| assert_eq!(actual, expected,
            "\nFailed on test:{}/{}.\n3D histogram failed to give expected result for:\n(x,y,z)={:?}", 
            nthtest, ntests, coord));

macro_rules! make_nd_axes {
    () => {(,)};
    ($($d:ident)+) => { {
        let t = (
                let $d = Uniform::new(2, 0.0, 2.0);
    let t: AxesTuple<_> = t.into();

macro_rules! make_test_nd_axes {
    ($fnname:ident($($d:ident:$dimnum:tt),+)) => {
        fn $fnname() {
            let axes = make_nd_axes!($($d)+);
            $(let $d = Uniform::new(2, 0.0, 2.0);)+

            let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(12);
            let ntests = 10000;
                .map(|_| {
                                let $d = rng.gen_range(-0.1..2.1);
                .map(|coord| {
                                    let $d = $d.bin($d.index(&coord.$dimnum).unwrap()).unwrap();
                .enumerate().for_each(|(nthtest, (coord, actual, expected))| assert_eq!(actual, expected,
                    "\nFailed on test:{}/{}.\nND histogram failed to give expected result for:\n(x,y,z)={:?}",
                    nthtest, ntests, coord));

make_test_nd_axes!(macro_test_axes_2d(x: 0, y: 1));
make_test_nd_axes!(macro_test_axes_3d(x: 0, y: 1, z: 2));
make_test_nd_axes!(macro_test_axes_4d(x: 0, y: 1, z: 2, t: 3));
make_test_nd_axes!(macro_test_axes_5d(x0: 0, x1: 1, x2: 2, x3: 3, x4: 4));
make_test_nd_axes!(macro_test_axes_6d(x0: 0, x1: 1, x2: 2, x3: 3, x4: 4, x5: 5));
make_test_nd_axes!(macro_test_axes_7d(x0: 0, x1: 1, x2: 2, x3: 3, x4: 4, x5: 5, x6: 6));
make_test_nd_axes!(macro_test_axes_8d(x0: 0, x1: 1, x2: 2, x3: 3, x4: 4, x5: 5, x6: 6, x7: 7));
make_test_nd_axes!(macro_test_axes_9d(x0: 0, x1: 1, x2: 2, x3: 3, x4: 4, x5: 5, x6: 6, x7: 7, x8: 8));
make_test_nd_axes!(macro_test_axes_10d(x0: 0, x1: 1, x2: 2, x3: 3, x4: 4, x5: 5, x6: 6, x7: 7, x8: 8, x9: 9));
make_test_nd_axes!(macro_test_axes_11d(x0: 0, x1: 1, x2: 2, x3: 3, x4: 4, x5: 5, x6: 6, x7: 7, x8: 8, x9: 9, x10: 10));
make_test_nd_axes!(macro_test_axes_12d(x0: 0, x1: 1, x2: 2, x3: 3, x4: 4, x5: 5, x6: 6, x7: 7, x8: 8, x9: 9, x10: 10, x11: 11));