Type Definition ndarray::IxDyn [] [src]

type IxDyn = Dim<IxDynImpl>;


You can use the IxDyn function to create a dimension for an array with dynamic number of dimensions. (Vec<usize> and &[usize] also implement IntoDimension to produce IxDyn).

use ndarray::ArrayD;
use ndarray::IxDyn;

// Create a 5 × 6 × 3 × 4 array using the dynamic dimension type
let mut a = ArrayD::<f64>::zeros(IxDyn(&[5, 6, 3, 4]));
// Create a 1 × 3 × 4 array using the dynamic dimension type
let mut b = ArrayD::<f64>::zeros(IxDyn(&[1, 3, 4]));

// We can use broadcasting to add arrays of compatible shapes together:
a += &b;

// We can index into a, b using fixed size arrays:
a[[0, 0, 0, 0]] = 0.;
b[[0, 2, 3]] = a[[0, 0, 2, 3]];
// Note: indexing will panic at runtime if the number of indices given does
// not match the array.

// We can keep them in the same vector because both the arrays have
// the same type `Array<f64, IxDyn>` a.k.a `ArrayD<f64>`:
let arrays = vec![a, b];

Trait Implementations

impl Dimension for IxDyn

IxDyn is a "dynamic" index, pretty hard to use when indexing, and memory wasteful, but it allows an arbitrary and dynamic number of axes.

SliceArg is the type which is used to specify slicing for this dimension. Read more

Pattern matching friendly form of the dimension value. Read more

Next smaller dimension (if applicable)

Convert the dimension into a pattern matching friendly value.

Compute the size of the dimension (number of elements)

Compute the size while checking for overflow.

Borrow as a read-only array view.

Borrow as a read-write array view.

Convert the dimensional into a dynamic dimensional (IxDyn).

This trait is private to implement; this method exists to make it impossible to implement outside the crate. Read more

impl<'a> NdIndex<IxDyn> for &'a IxDyn