Macro ndarray_parallel::par_azip [] [src]

macro_rules! par_azip {
    (@parse [index => $a:expr, $($aa:expr,)*] [$($p:pat,)+] in { $($t:tt)* }) => { ... };
    (@parse [$a:expr, $($aa:expr,)*] [$($p:pat,)+] in { $($t:tt)* }) => { ... };
    (@parse [] [] index $i:pat, $($t:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@parse [$($exprs:tt)*] [$($pats:tt)*] mut $x:ident ($e:expr) $($t:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@parse [$($exprs:tt)*] [$($pats:tt)*] mut $x:ident $($t:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@parse [$($exprs:tt)*] [$($pats:tt)*] , $($t:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@parse [$($exprs:tt)*] [$($pats:tt)*] ref $x:ident ($e:expr) $($t:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@parse [$($exprs:tt)*] [$($pats:tt)*] ref $x:ident $($t:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@parse [$($exprs:tt)*] [$($pats:tt)*] $x:ident ($e:expr) $($t:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@parse [$($exprs:tt)*] [$($pats:tt)*] $x:ident $($t:tt)*) => { ... };
    (@parse [$($exprs:tt)*] [$($pats:tt)*] $($t:tt)*) => { ... };
    ($($t:tt)*) => { ... };

Parallel version of the azip! macro.

See the azip! documentation for more details.

This example:

par_azip!(mut a, b, c in { *a = b + c })

Is equivalent to:

Zip::from(&mut a).and(&b).and(&c).par_apply(|a, &b, &c| {
    *a = b + c;

Panics if any of the arrays are not of the same shape.


extern crate ndarray;
extern crate ndarray_parallel;

use ndarray::Array2;

type M = Array2<f32>;

fn main() {
    let mut a = M::zeros((16, 16));
    let b = M::from_elem(a.dim(), 1.);
    let c = M::from_elem(a.dim(), 2.);

    // Compute a simple ternary operation:
    // elementwise addition of b and c, stored in a

    par_azip!(mut a, b, c in { *a = b + c });

    assert_eq!(a, &b + &c);